
Chapter 100 - The 100th

Lena, Alura and Alex have now arrived at the DEO, after leaving Lena's penthouse. Throughout the whole car ride over Lena has just been very anxious about everything. Lena has been wondering how she will react to seeing Kara, and how Kara will react to seeing her. Then at the same time, Lena has been worrying about how Kara's reaction, negative or positive, will affect both her and Alura. Lena knows that she has already told Alura to not take it personally if Kara doesn't remember her, but she also knows that Alura will still be heartbroken over it, none the less. Frankly, Lena knows that if Kara doesn't remember her when she sees her, then she will be equally heartbroken too. So how can she possibly expect a 5-year-old to do something that she won't be able to do either?

"Alura, I think you should wait out here for a few minutes, before you go in and see mommy. I want to speak to her alone first." Lena says to her daughter.

"But I want to see mommy now." Alura moans.

"I know you do, darling, and you will." Lena replies, "Just let me speak with mommy for a few minutes alone first, before I call you in."

Alura looks at Lena cautiously, clearly deciding whether she will accept having to wait to see her mommy. Honestly Lena only wants to make Alura wait because she wants to talk to Kara first, and if she doesn't remember them, she wants to at least tell Kara not to act too much like she doesn't know who Alura is.

"I'll wait out here with you, Alura." Alex says, speaking up.

Alura looks up at her aunt Alex, who is smiling down at the young girl.

"O...kay." Alura replies.

"Good." Alex smiles back.

"Okay then." Lena smiles, and then crouches down to Alura's hight, "I'll call you to come in, in a few minutes."

"Okay momma." Alura nods.

Lena then takes Alura in for a brief hug, before then placing a kiss on the five-year-old's cheek. After Lena does that, she stands up again and makes her way into the medical bay.

Once Lena enters the medical bay, she sees that J'onn and Winn are still standing over Kara's bedside, on either side of her. Kara is laying on the bed, still unconscious. Lena had thought that maybe Kara would be awake by now, from the drugs that Alex gave her to sedate her, but clearly not. J'onn and Winn both look in Lena's direction as they hear the Luthor enter the room.

"Lena." J'onn says, standing up and approaching the brunette, with a warm smile on his face.

"Hi... J'onn." Lena nods, "How is she?"

"She has been out ever since Alex sedated her almost an hour ago." J'onn explains.

"Right." Lena nods, cautiously taking a step to move closer to Kara.

"Did you bring Alura here with you?" Winn asks.

"Hmm." Lena replies, nodding her head, continuing to move closer to her girlfriend, "I just told her to wait outside with Alex for a few minutes. I thought that Kara might be awake, and I just wanted to tell her to not act too much like she doesn't know who Alura is, because I know that would very much hurt Alura."

"Oh.... yeah....." Winn nods, realising how much that could affect Alura too.

Lena is now right next to Kara's bedside; she scans her eyes over Kara's entire still body. Lena honestly never thought she would see Kara again, at least not like this. At times over the last few weeks, Lena thought that the next time she would see Kara would be when she sees her dead body. So, Lena is overjoyed to actually see Kara alive, in person. But Lena can't feel that joy, simply because she is terrified about what Kara's memory issues may mean. Lena knows that if Lex did have Kara, then the Kryptonian's memory issues are something that Lex did to Kara on purpose. As Lena knows there is no way that Lex randomly let Kara go, after two weeks, and she just so happened to come back with memory issues. So, Lena is scared as to what plan Lex has put in motion here.

"She looks.... so small..." Lena comments, as she looks at Kara's still body.

Winn and J'onn just nod their heads, not sure what else they can say themselves.

There is then a silence in the room, as Lena, J'onn and Winn all look at Kara. Lena is looking at Kara as if she isn't sure if this is really real, and is really happening.

"We'll give you a few moments alone with Kara." J'onn eventually says.

Lena nods her head in response, not being able to say anything verbally.

"Oh... yeah... okay." Winn says, awkwardly.

Winn and J'onn then exit the med bay, leaving Lena alone with Kara, who is still lying unconscious on the bed.

"I've missed you so much." Lena says, after a few moments silence, grabbing one of Kara's hands, tears in her eyes, "I've tried to be so strong... without you..... But.... I can't be strong Kara.... You give me my strength.... You have given me so much.... You have put life into my life. Before I met you.... I was living... but not really living.... You have shown me there is so much more to life out there for me. I love you, so, so much Kara. Please come back to us."

Once Lena finishes speaking, she rests her head on Kara's chest, as she continues to cry for the next few moments. However, Lena is eventually disturbed when she feels Kara's body make a small movement.

"Kara?" Lena says, surprised, moving her head back off of Kara's body.

Lena watches as Kara moves again, and then makes a mumbling noise, clearly signalling that the blonde is waking up.

"Kara.... it's me..." Lena says, softly, her heart beating a mile a minute in anticipation. Lena really hopes that Kara recognises her when she wakes up, but she is trying to prepare herself for if she doesn't.

Kara continues to make a few movements for the next few seconds, before she eventually opens her eyes, and then looks at Lena.

"Kara." Lena smiles, giving Kara's hand she is still holding a squeeze.

Kara looks at Lena for a few seconds, and then cautiously moves her hand away from Lena. Lena's heart shatters into a million pieces in this moment, as she realises that this means that Kara doesn't remember her, or recognise her. Lena did try and prepare herself, and her heart, for this very situation, but obviously she didn't prepare herself well enough.

"Kara?" Lena says again, this time with some tears in her eyes.

Kara now looks at Lena confused.

"Who are you?" Kara asks, breaking Lena's heart even more.

"I.... I'm Lena...... your girlfriend..." Lena says, hating that she has to even tell Kara this information.

"Lena?" Kara says, testing out the name, to see if it feels familiar to her tongue.

"Yeah." Lena nods, tears now running down her cheeks.

Kara is silent for a few moments, as she looks at Lena.

"I'm..... sorry....... I don't remember you." Kara says.

Lena's heart breaks even more. Originally Lena's heart broke into a million pieces, but now it feels like it has been broken into a billion pieces.

"That's..... that's okay...." Lena says, as she takes a deep breath to try and gather her emotions. "It's not your fault that you don't remember."

Kara nods her head in understanding.
