

Civilian: He's dead. Did anyone see what happened? Did anyone see who killed him?

New York City. A man laid in the middle of the street, dead. No blood. No external injuries. Blonde hair, blue eyes, wore a suit. A crowd of onlookers stared at the body in the cold rain while police sirens could be heard from the distance.

From the crowd, came a figure. Dressed in all red with glowing blue eyes. She walked over to the body and placed her hand onto his chest.

???: You used to look away from everything.

The woman turned around at the mysterious man standing over her.

???: Now you seem to seek it out. Death, disease, torment. Don't tell me you've actually grown fond of what it released.

The woman stood up and pulled her hood over her head once again. She turned away and left.

???: Go away, Stranger.

Stranger: I'd rather not be here. But you won't listen.

He turned to follow the woman.

Stranger: So they sent me.

???: Did they?

Stranger: Be glad they couldn't persuade the Spectre.

The woman walked into a nearby alley way which the Stranger followed.

Woman: I've already been judge, Stranger. By a higher power than that. The Spectre doesn't scare me.

Stranger: He should, Pandora.

Pandora: He doesn't.

Stranger: The Circle of Enternity mad it clear: people like you and I are cursed to watch what we have sowed. And yet we are forbidden to get involved.

Pandora: You don't know what I'm doing.

Stranger: You rewrote reality. Erased an entire timeline from existence.

Pandora: I realigned it. I straightened it.

Stranger: You think you did. You had done something that cannot be undone. You are dangerous.

Pandora: You're a walking dead man who's given up.

Stranger: And you are a foolish girl whose curiosity cursed the world. A foolish girl who will curse it again.

Pandora finally stopped and turned back towards the Stranger.

Pandora: I am not that ashamed and frightened girl anymore. But I am curious, Stranger. I'm curious about a lot of things. I'm curious if the Circle of Enternity thinks you can truly stop me. I'm curious if those witches and warlocks still exist after rumors of the Circle's destruction.

Stranger: No. The third sinner is still out there. Still walking. But even he knows not to interfere with the human world. The box can't be in your possession anymore, Pandora. You can't be trusted with it. Give it to me.

The Stranger reached out to touch her but she backed away. From her hips, she pulled two pistols and aimmed them at the Stranger.

Pandora: DON'T TOUCH ME! You know what my touch does. I won't be a passive observer anymore, Stranger. It's time to fight back!

She fired off one of her guns but the Stranger easily dodged it. He lunged at her but Pandora leaped over him and fired off another shot. This time, it landed right into his skull. The Stranger fell to the ground as Pandora watched his body.

Stranger: You...can't kill someone like me.

He slowly stood up and grabbed the hat that had fallen off. The bullet wound slowly healed as the bullet fell to the ground. He placed his hat back on his head and turned back to Pandora who still had her guns pointed at him.

Pandora: No. But I can still cause you pain. And if you try to stop me, get in my way, I'll do worse. I know your true name. I'll tell the world the Phantom Stranger's true name. You'll have more enemies than I do.

The Stranger looked at her for a moment before Pandora turned away.

Pandora: I will be released from my curse. But only after I find and imprison the Strange. You won't help me do that. But the Justice Leauge will. Whether they like it or not.----------Bart: Nope! Nope nope nope nope! A million times nope!

Bart raced around to the table with the snacks before he raced back to his chair at the large table.

Bart: I vote no for vegan options at the cafeteria.

Cassie: Well thank you for your input, Bart, but that wasn't a voting call. It was a decision already made by us.

You sat at the "head" of the table while the rest of the temporary Justice Leauge sat in their respective chairs. Of course this was only the core Justice Leauge members for the time being. That meant you, Conner, Cassie, Bart, Artemis, and....well that was it.

Artemis: We have to be able to cater to everyone's tastes. Otherwise, we'll be outting a group of people when everyone in the JL are supposed to be equals.

Bart: But it's vegan food! Who on the team is vegan?

You all looked at each other but no one raised their hand.

Conner: This may sound crazy but, you don't have to eat the vegan food, Bart.

Bart looked at Conner and just sighed.

Bart: Whatever.

You looked around the table for a moment.

Y/N: Right. Since we got that, whatever that was, out of the way, we have more important matters to attend to.

You stood up as Cassie sat down. You then turned on the hologram to display the original JL founding members. Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Cyborg, Aquaman, and Green Arrow.
