
Court of Owls Pt. 6

You were on your knees, hunched over as you held pressure on your open wound. Blood poured into the dark floor as you struggled to breath.


You tried to stand up as you used the wall for support. Blood smerged the wall as you held onto it. You could see the Talon anymore. He was hidden in the dark.


Y/N: Heh.

You reached around and felt a small hole in the ground.

Y/N: You...You moved the camera.

You suddenly found it when it was slammed against your head. Blood sprayed onto the wall as you collapsed back to the floor. The Talon was standing above you with the camera in his hand. He tossed it aside as he looked down at you.


He looked up into the darkness above.


Lights shined from above. White faces looked down at you as the Talon grabbed you and lifted up over his head as if he was presenting you. Like a sacrifice.


All around you, Owl like creatures screeched and watched you. The room wasn't attached to the maze anymore. It was now a four wall room with no roof. The Owls were all perched in top of the walls. Their claws were sharp. Their limbs were lengthy and thin. Their beaks were razor sharp.





You blinked and for a split moment, you saw their true forms. Men and women dressed in fancy clothing and wore the white masks.

Owl: Let the littlest decide!

Owl: Yes! Yes! Let her choose! What do you want to see, dear?

Your eyes fell upon the smallest Owl. She hugged a deformed doll as she looked down at you with hollowed eyes.

Owl: Hurt him....more.


The Talon threw you away where you slammed against the wall. The Talon was immediately on you where he delivered punch after punch. Blood sprayed everywhere.



The wall cracked behind you as the Talon grew more violent.


His fist drove right through your gut before his foot slammed against your chin. Your head slammed against the wall which shattered even more. Finally, he delivered one last punch which drove your head through the wall.

You fell through the hole along with some of the framed photos where you laid.


You watched as the Owls entered the darkness through the hole. Hundreds, no, millions of them. A horde came for you. For your bones. No strength left. Blood filling the wrong places. Your whole body, every bone, saying let go. Let go, and let them take you.

The youngest gently touched your face as she leaned in. A tounge as dark as the night itself licked the blood off of you cheek as you remained there.

Let it end. The pain. The fight. Become a ghost, a face behind the glass. A face...his face...that was Alan Wayne. His face...so scared. Begging. Calling out for someone. Someone to help him. To help him stop...them. Enough.

Their claws dug into your skin. Your anger began to boil. The pain was unbearable. The Talon watched as the Owls tore you apart. Ric, Dick was under there.

Cassandra was waiting for you.




The Owls that were once on you were now thrown across the room as you stood there with a new determination. You had to get home. You had to bring Dick home.



You balled your fists as you bared your teeth. One eye was exposed and the Talon could see it darting around the dark. Blood still poured from your wound but it was like you couldn't even feel it.


Y/N: I know....

You lunged forward and punched him.

Y/N:...that I'm sick....

He swung but you caught his fist.

Y/N:....to death....

You countered his attack and delivered a powerful, angry punch across his face which broke the glass in his goggles.


You stood over the Talon as he pulled out a knife.


Y/N: Oh, I do.

The Talon swiped at you but you stepped backwards. You grabbed the back of his uniform and slammed him through the wall behind you and into the room with the mini diagram of Gotham.

Y/N: For days, you've been leading me around. Showing me things down here. What you wanted me to see. Now it's my turn. SO TAKE A LOOK!

The Talon stood up as you began to smile.

Y/N: You see this? The city at your feet? Is not the real Gotham!

You punched the Talon who went falling back onto the stone buildings.

Y/N: It's an arts and crafts project!

The Talon stood back up and ounched you. He grabbed your head and slammed it into one of yhe buildings. Blood and dust filled your mouth. You went full street rat and kicked up at the man's groin which freed you from his gasp.

You grabbed him and dragged him acorss the room in a tired slump. You then picked him up and slammed him through the final wall.

Y/N: You're just a hired thug. You can't hide from me. That goes for all of you.

You entered the final room. The Owl fountain in the center.

Y/N: Do you hear me, Court of Owls?! Whoever you are. You can't hide from me. I know this city, down to it's foundation. For example, I know that this place...the taste of the water in the fountain, the minerals...we're near the river.

You reached into your boot and pulled out two pieces of glass.

Y/N: And I know the base of your big ugly fountain...it's white marble. Not construction marble like the rest of this place. That makes it softer. More vulnerable to, say explosions.

You started to strike the pieces of glass together.

Y/N: And you know what explosions? Potassium chlorine. When it ignites. Which is why I slipped oit the supply of filament plates from your camera.

You struck the glass again which caused a spark. There was an explosion that sent you flying back towards Dick's unconscious body. You slowly looked uo and saw that there was a hole in the ground now.

Y/N: I'll be back for you. All of you.

You grabbed Dick's body and dragged it with you as you approached the hole. You needed to get out. Go home. How to the others and never....never come back here.

Your body fell into the water below and the current dragged you both away. Your vision blackened and finally, you were out cold.-------???: I know you can hear me! Come on!

You vision slowly returned as you found yourself looking at a light above.

???: That's it, that's it...damn it! Come on, work, work, work!


You sat up which sent your mysterious savor to the ground. There was noise from outside as you grabbed your chest. You looked over at the person wearing a weilding helmet and you grabbed them.

???: Wait!

Y/N: Who are you?!

???: It's just...me!

The person pulled off their helmet and you immediately recognized her hair. This was Bluebird. Well, without her gun and mask.

Y/N: You!

The van's door opened and a second figure appeared. That must be Batwing. Speaking of wings, Dick was laying beside you with his Talon gear still on.

Bluebird: I'm sorry. The jumpers were all I had. You flat-lined and this is my boss's van and...

Batwing: You're alive. We saved Batman.

You glared at him before you tore off the jumper cables that were attached to your chest. You kicked Bluebird away and grabbed Dick. You threw him over your shoulder and stepped out of the van and into the snow. Wait, snow? How long were you gone for?

Y/N: Leave me alone! I mean it! And stop wearing my symbol!

The two watched you walk away before Bluebird sighed.

Bluebird: Nice one, Harper. Epic Bat-Fail.

Batwing: Wow. He knows who we are.

Bluebird: Yeah, Fox. Cause this is a great first impression.-------You once again found yourself in the sewers below as you dragged yourself and Dick toward a gated door. You finally reached it and allowed yourself to collapse to the ground. You heard a click, and a familiar voice.

Alfred: Identify yourself!

You slowly looked up with tears in your eyes as you looked at Alfred who had a shot gun pointed right at you.

Y/N: It's....me....

Alfred: Master Y/N! My god...

He tossed his gun aside and swung open the door before you fell completely on the ground. More voices were heard but you couldn't make them out. Everything was muffled and your vision was blurry. You felt yourslef being picked up but you didn't know who it was. Your vision blinked in and out as you approached the cave.

You were laid on the table where Alfred got to work with patching your wounds. You heard crying, screaming, chatter, and a heart beat. It was yours. It was slow. Dangerous slow.

You saw several figures around you. You couldn't make them out but they were all talking to you. No way to respond. No way to tell them that you were safe now.

Instead, you closed your eyes.
