
Young Blood Pt. 2

Your body was colder than ever before as your body began to ache. You felt sick. The pool of blood under you began to sink into the thinner parts of your uniform and some more began to pour from your mouth. Everything hurt. You didn't even process Jason dragging you behind cover before he sat you up.

He opened fired at the soldiers as you looked down at your wound. You slowly placed a hand on it before pulling away and looking at the blood on your hand. Your vision was fading in and out as you began to struggle to breathe.

Jason: Stay with me! Stay awake!

You turned your head to see that he was still shooting back. You couldn't even hear the gunshots correctly. They just echoed. Your head was clouded greatly, even as more figures appeared in the room.

Everyone was here. The whole team. Everyone was fighting as you sat there in pain. No. There wasn't any pain. Just, silence.

Tim: Y/N?!

Stephanie: Can you hear us?!

Helena: Y/N?! Please answer!

Mia: I can't get a read on his signature.


Jason: Beyond? Beyond?! Respond to communication!

Finally, everything got dark.---------Thomas: Tell me something, Y/N. Why do you stay here? Why do you keep doing this?

You looked up from the table and looked at the older man stared at you.

Y/N: Because, I can't give up. I need to protect those I love.

Thomas: Even at the cost of everything else?-----Y/N: I won't die. Trust me. I'm too damn stubborn to.

Melanie: I know. Just be more careful. I would like to be with you a while.

You smiled and planted a soft kiss on her cheek. You laid on the bed and she curled up next to you with her head on your chest.

Melanie: Hey, Y/N.

Y/N: Yeah?

Melanie: I love you.

You smiled.

Y/N: I love you to.-------???: Time will now end because of you. You were the start and now you will be the end!

The time beam grew in power as the man laughed.

???: GOODBYE Y/N L/N!-------Your eyes shot open wide. You had no idea what was going on or where you were. You tried to sit up but found your body too sore to move. You flexed your hand and lifted it up towards your chest. Your suit was absent and your fingers traced the bandages wrapped around your body.

Y/N: What the hell?

You turned your head and realized you were in your room back in the manor. Your eyes scanned around the room before you noticed someone else in there with you. Holding your hand with her head on the bed, was a sleeping Cassandra.

Y/N: That's right.

The tower was attacked. You were shot. The team must have brought you here. That means...Bruce wasn't going to let you live this one down. You squeezed the Cassandra's hand gently before you tried to sit up again.

Cassandra stirred and watched you for a moment before she placed a hand on your chest and forced you to lay back down.

Cassandra: No.

Y/N: I need to...

Cassandra: No.

Y/N: But I...

Cassandra: Just, don't.

You stayed silent as Cassandra looked at you.

Cassandra: You were hit near the heart.

Y/N: Lucky me.

Cassandra gave you a look before she kissed your cheek.

Cassandra: Everyone returned home. Trouble is brewing.

You raised a brow.

Y/N: What kind of trouble?

Cassandra looked out the window and sighed.

Y/N: Of course. When does anything go our way? What happened this time?

Cassandra: The League went missing.

Your eyes grew wide.

Y/N: What?!

Cassandra just looked down at her hands as you tried to sit up again. Cassandra firmly pushed you back down.

Y/N: Let me up, Cassandra!

Cassandra: You need to rest.

Y/N: I need to take on the mantle if Batman is missing!

Cassandra: You can not do that if you can't move.

You struggled a bit before you gave up. She was right. You couldn't fight like this. Not now, at least. Cassandra finally let go and looked at you.

Cassandra: All of the Bat Family is here. Waiting. Take your time.

You just laid there. This, this couldn't be happening. Batman was missing? The entire League was gone? The hell were you supposed to do if something happens?

Cassandra: When you are ready, we will find Bane. Until then, you need to rest.

She stood up and headed for the door. She stopped long enough to look at you with a sad face. She didn't need to say anything. You knew what she was thinking. She closed the door behind her and you were left in silence.

You lifted a hand to your head as you gave your situation some thought. Right. Now wasn't the time to gloat. Now was the time to step up. Now was the time to fulfill your training and become what Gotham needs.

You needed to become Batman.

Screw the law. Screw the military. Screw that old bastard that signed that bill.

You had a city you needed to protect.
