
Love Hurts Pt. 1

You sat on the couch as you watched Garfield and Bart play some fighting game while you tried to block out the noise behind you.

Lilith: You have got to be kidding me! Do you know how much that pallet costs?!

John: I'm sorry! I didn't know it would melt that bad!

Arrowette: Who keeps eating my yogurt?!

Zachary looked down at the yogurt cup he was eating and noticed the name Arrowette on the back side of it. He slowly moved his hands so that it would vanish before whistling like he was innocent.

Artemis: How long are you two going to hog the TV?

Garfield: Until I beat Bart.

Bart: So forever?

Raven: Can you guys keep it down? I'm trying to read.

Vigil: Can you move your feet so other people can sit down?

You felt your eye twitch.

Tim: I told you to stay out of my room.

Damien: I needed to barrow your staff.

Tim: Then where is it?

John: Uh, I may have melted that to.

Tim: What?!

Stephanie: Who used all the hot water?!

Helena: Take a cold bath like the rest of us.

Kara: I told Jason that the pipes needed to be fixed.

Zatanna: Who took my hat?!

Garfield froze up while Bart pointed to the ruined hat on the floor.

Bart: Gar wanted to do that rabbit thing.

Zatanna: That's not how it works!

Terry: I swear to God, if someone is using my batarangs to cut pizza again...

Cassandra looked up from the pizza and the cheese covered batarang.

Terry: Are you kidding me?!


Everyone watched as you shot up from the couch and active your watch which changed your clothes to your Batsuit. You stormed out of the room without another word. You jumped off the balcony and shot out a grapple line. You swung to another building before you activated your rocket boots to fly through the city.

It's been like this for the past week. You knew having everyone in one tower would lead to problems eventually but, this was just ridiculous. To avoid further conflict, you would often try to send some out on patrol. Of course you weren't an idiot so you would send some of the inexperienced heroes with more experienced ones just to keep them safe from the constant military patrols.

You landed on a building and perched on the ledge as you kept an eye out for anything. You heard a sudden scream and you turned toward it. You shot out a grapple line and swung over an alley where you found three men assaulting a woman. Teo held her down while the other held a knife to her neck.

Thug: Come on pretty lady. Just a taste.

Y/N: This is a bit cliché.

The men noticed you standing there and you saw the flash of fear in their eyes before the one with the knife smirkes.

Thug: Well, if it isn't Batman Jr.

You pinched the bridge of your nose annoyed.

Y/N: Look, Batboy, I can do. Beyond? People get us confused all the time. Batman Jr? You are really adding to my already bad day.

Thug: What you gonna do? Cry to daddy?

Y/N: Ok. I'm going to break your arm now.

The thug just laughed before he suddenly heard a snap and realized that you had his arm trapped. You had broken it by slamming your elbow into his forearm which snapped it in two. You then used his broken arm to slam him against the wall before you turned to ghd other two.

Y/N: Let, her, go.

The two men let go of the woman who immediately rushed to get behind you.

Woman: T-Thank you. I don't support the law they passed by the way.

Y/N: Spread the word then. Go home. I got this.

You cracked your knucles and the woman ran to safety. The two men rushed toward you but you dodged their hits before you delivered a kick to one of their jaws. You used the momentum to leap off of him and slam into the second man. You then grabbed the second man and slammed his head into the wall. You looked at the groaning men as they crawled around defeated.

Y/N: Ok. Needed to let out some steam.

You heard the sirens approaching and shot out a line to get out of the alley. You landed on the roof and sighed before you looked at your wrist to see that there were two heroes nearby. You decided to check in on them and activated your boots. You flew around for a moment before you spotted a familiar flash of black and yellow. You landed nearby and smiled as Cassandra and Debra kept looking forward, seemingly unaware you were there.

You slowly approached them, using Bruce's training to go unnoticed, as you got closer.

Debra: I mean, I'm happy for them. It's just hard to look at him after seeing them act so lovey dovey.

You froze. Who were they talking about?

Debra: I know you feel the same. You've known him longer so you know that seeing them together hurts.

Cassandra nodded silently.

Debra: I mean, you must see it to. He's kind and brave a-and he cares. He treats us as equals and he showed me that there was truly something more to my life than just committing crimes with my sister.

Cassandra: He does care. He treats me like a human. Not a weapon.

You, think they might be talking about you.

Debra: So it's true. You love him to.

Cassandra nodded. Ok. Time to make your presence known. You jumped up and landed which caused them to turn around.

Y/N: Hey ladies. How goes the patrol?

They both looked at each other before they turned back to you.

Debra: Nothing to report. Just some small robberies here and there.

Y/N: That's good. Uh, maybe you guys should call it in for tonight. Though, I should warn you that everyone is getting on each other's nerves.

The two nodded and started to walk away. You stood there for a moment and Cassandra stopped.

Cassandra: Are you ok?

You snapped out of your thoughts and turned back to them.

Y/N: Yeah. I'll be back at the building in a bit. I'm gonna go check in on the others.

You activated your boots and blasted off. You definitely had some stuff on your mind now. Debra and Cassandra you? That could cause problems. You were dating Stephanie and yet you had two other girls who you. You just shook the thoughts from your mind. You can handle this. You had to. You were the leader.

Y/N: Jesus christ.
