
A Mother's Love Pt. 1 (Black Label)

Hub City. It always was worse than Gotham in a lot of ways. The Justice League deemed it unsafe to operate in during your time. The only hero that can operate here is the Question but even he knows it's corrupted. You had been warned by Bruce that once you entered the city limits you'll be on your own. No communication to anyone in the leauge or the family. Not that it'd help.

Ever since Damien took over the Titans you only had the family. Even then it was tough. Jason shooting Penguin was pretty much a death sentence. Bruce kicked him out of Gotham. Last you heard he was investigating some criminal underworld. Why he did it, you don't know. Dick, sorry, Ric was now doing his own thing in Bludhaven and you had lost contact with him entirely.

Batman Inc was getting busier and busier so you had lost most contact with Cassandra and Stephanie. Tim was working close with Bruce on the Sanctuary attack. A lot of good heroes lost their lives after Wally West killed them. Roy included. It was a hard hit on the community. It was also hard with the public now breathing down the necks of the leauge.

You were alone rather or not you were in Hub City.

You were here for one reason and one reason only. You needed to find your mother. She lived here at this time. Something you never knew. This wasn't a time for Beyond. This was a time for Y/N.

Currently you were wearing a grey shirt underneath a brown trench coat and a pair of pants. Your hair now reached the middle of your neck. Your chin was now scruffy due to a week or so of no shaving. You were snapped out of your thoughts when you bumped into someone.

Man: Watch it faggot!

He spat at your feet and walked away. Lovely bunch of people. You shook your head and continued your way down the street. The streets were littered with trash and homeless. You heard a gun shot followed by sirens. You shuddered at the word. It was still a sore topic. You found the building you were looking for. Hub City's Luxury Apartments. It looked run down and ready to fall apart by the gentlest blow. Windows were boarded up and what was left were broken.

You looked back at the paper in your hand and read the address. Apartment 23B. You took a deep breath and started your way up the steps before the front door opened. A young blonde girl came running out. She didn't look older than 4. Blonde hair and green eyes. She spotted you and run to you.

???: Help me please!

You kneeled down and placed a hand on her shoulder.

Y/N: What's wrong?

Suddenly a burly man walked out. Shaggy hair and a very filthy beard. He spotted the two of you and walked on over.

???: There you are angel. I was worried you might have been taken.

He looked at you with a smile.

???: Hey there pal. Sorry about that. Is my daughter bothering you?

You eyed the man before shaking your head.

Y/N: Not at all. She was actually asking for my help. Any idea why?

The man's smile broke for a split second before returning.

???: Not a clue I'm afraid. Is everything ok dear?

The girl didn't say anything but just walked over to her father.

???: No daddy. I was just scared.

The man ran his fingers through her hair.

???: No need to be scared now. I'm here.

He looked to you.

???: Thank you for finding her. I appreciate it. Bow if you'd excuse me we need to go get ready for our afternoon event.

The man grabbed his daughter's hand and walked with her back into the building. You sat there and watched before you walked around the back.

Y/N: I can't let this go. My mom can wait. I have to find out what's going on.

You activated your watch and changed into your costume. Or, rather the Red X costume. You didn't want the world to think Batman was moving on to other cities. Red X was your best bet in the corrupted city. You didn't need the extra attention.

You leaped up and grabbed the ladder for the fire escape before starting your way up. You crawled pass a few windows filled with scenes of lust, addiction, and struggle. You finally ended up on the 4th floor before you spotted the man once again. He was no longer smiling. The girl was actually on the floor now. She was crying as the man held the belt in one hand and a cigarette in the other.

Man: Stupid bitch. You almost fucked me over!

You glitched at the sound of the belt as it connected with the girl. You decided you had enough reason and burst through the window. You slammed into the man which caused him to fall back against the wall leaving a hole. You stood up and looked down at the man.

Man: Who the fuck are you?!

You narrowed your eyes at him. He realized the X on your chest and his eyes widened.

Man: What are you doing here?! I'm with Black Mask! You can't touch me!

You grabbed the man's shirt and pulled him close to you.

Y/N: Black Mask is no longer in business. Regardless, you're done for.

You held him with one fist and delivered the other to his jaw knocking him out. You turned around and spotted the girl who was looking at you with fear. You walked over and kneeled down. You reached your hand out slowly to show her you meant no harm.

Y/N: Hello there. I'm here to help.

The girl took your hand and you lifted her up. You looked back at the man before walking out. The best bet right now was turning her to the police. They'll know what to do.

At least you hope.
