
Just Say The Name Pt. 2

You were sitting in the boy's room with all the children around you. They were just trying to make you feel welcomed by honestly you felt a little suffocated with 6 kids all huddled around you. They really did seem like good people but you were so used to them being adults.

Freddy: Oh! And if you like snacks we got a bunch stashed away in Darla's room.

Darla: Hey! Those are mine! I bought them fair and square!

She looked at you and blushed a bit.

Darla: B-but you can have some if you want.

You were just smiling awkwardly the entire time trying to keep yourself contained. Finally you stood up off the bed.

Y/N: I appreciate the hospitality but I have some questions for you all if you don't mind.

They all agreed and you walked over to the door. You closed it and spun back around with a wide grin on your face.

Y/N: So, Billy?

Billy looked at you confused.

Y/N: Let me start off by saying, I'm a huge fan. Well, a big fan of Shazam.

Everyone's eyes widen before they all laughed out and threw out claims and denying everything.

Billy: I don't even know who that is! Sha-uh what kind of stupid name is that anyway?

You rolled your eyes and walked over to your bag. You activated your watch as you pulled the helmet out of the old duffle bag. Everyone watched in amazement as the suit appeared and you threw on the helmet.

Y/N: I'm Batman. I know everything there is to know about you. All of you. I may actually know more than you do.

Billy: Holy Moly Batman!

Eugene: That suit is so cool! What is it made out of?!

Y/N: Materials that won't be found for another 5 years.

Everyone looked at you confused.

Y/N: I'm from 30 years in the future. I'm stuck here so until I can get back I'm helping out.

Mary: Helping out? What do you mean helping out?

Y/N: Billy here hasn't been attending the Leauge's meetings lately. Batman, this time's batman, thought something was up.

Everyone looked at Billy who pit his hands up in defense.

Billy: It's tough going back and forth so often! Plus I'm busy with superhero stuff.

Darla: You're always with Courtney.

Billy: She's a superhero so she still counts as superhero business.

Y/N: Courtney? Courtney Whitmore? You already dating Stargirl?!

Billy: Already?

You sighed. That would count as a spoiler.

Y/N: Forget it. I just thought you were still 12 or something. Though you did share your power when you were 14 so I guess that makes sense. How old are you guys anyway? Time jumping is kind of awkward when you have no idea who's doing what at this time.

Billy: 15.

Freddy: 15.

Mary: 17.

Eugene: 14.

Pedro: 15.

Darla: 14!

Y/N: Wow! You guys are so young. So you guys haven't gone to the realms yet.

Freddy: No we did. We just decided to not do that ever again. Seriously, talking animals seem cool but trust me. They're not.

You deactivated your watch and your suit dissapeared with your helmet. You sat back on the bed as everyone found their own spots around the room.

Y/N: Anyway, like I was saying, Batman thought something was going on so he sent me to help out. Apparently there's been some surges around the city.

Eugene: Yeah. I've been checking them out but I can't get a direct fix. It's definitely magic though.

Y/N: Oh yeah. Magic is still a common thing around this time.

You nodded and typed Eugene's info into your watch.

Y/N: Ok. We'll investigate first thing tomorrow. Until then....

You turned to Billy with stars in your eyes.

Y/N: I want to ask you tons of questions! Oh man I can't believe I'm talking to Shazam before he....spoilers. Right. Anyway I'm like your biggest fan!

Everyone seemed surprised that the future Batman was acting like a star struck fan boy.

Y/N: So are you going by Shazam or Captain Marvel? You're 15 so I'm guessing it's still Marvel.

Billy: Yeah. We finally decided on Marvel.

Y/N: And have you fought Captain Nazi yet?

Billy: Beat him to a pulp.



The rest of the family watched the entire exchange before there was a tap on the window. Everyone turned to see a head of blonde hair through the glass. Mary walked over and opened it to allow the blonde girl into the room. She had a shy smile as she waved to the family.

???: Hey guys. Sorry for the intrusion.

She stopped when she saw you and reached her hand out.

???: You must be new. I'm Cortney. It's nice to meet you.

Y/N: I'm not part of this family. The Waynes sent me here Ms. Whitmore.

Cortney: Oh god. He adopted another one.

Y/N: Not yet. I'm Batman from the year 2050. It's nice to meet you formally Stargirl.

Her eyes widen and she blushed a bit at her superhero name. You simply smirked and turned to Billy who eyeing you with jealousy.

Y/N: No need to worry Captain. I'm just a big fan of both of you.

Cortney cleared her throat getting your attention as well as Billy's. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a phone.

Cortney: You forgot this in my dorm. Figured I could return it before my roommate gets suspicious.

Everyone raised an eyebrow at the exchange and Billy took the device with a odd laugh.

Billy: Yeah. That wouldn't be good. Thank you.

Cortney: No problem.

The two stood there awkwardly while everyone else watched. You looked to Mary who shrugged. Finally Cortney nodded and walked back towards the window.

Cortney: I should be on my way before headmaster asshat realizes I'm gone.

Billy snapped out of his trance and rushed to the window with her.

Billy: Yeah. I'll see you on Friday.

Cortney: Superhero stuff?

Billy: Yeah.

Cortney: Perfect! I have a mission I need to run for the team. I'll be away for a while but I should be back by Friday.

Billy: Cool! I'll see you then.

Cortney planted a kiss on his cheek and climbed back down the house and ran off over the fence before disappearing. Billy turned back to his family, now with a large lipstick mark on his cheek and a dorky grin on his face.

Billy: She's awesome.

You smiled. You knew those two loved each other in the future. Hell they were married with two kids and ruling over the magical realms but, he didn't need to know that.

Darla: Well if you're done playing kissy face with her, can we go to the ice cream shop?! Y/N will love it!

You stood up and began to search through your bag before finding you wallet. You lifted it up with a large smirk on your face.

Y/N: We can put it on Mr. Wayne's tab.-----------The next day you found yourself walking around the city. The plan was to survey the area on foot before taking to the skys. The kids were in various parts of downtown looking for anything out of the blue. You were being vigilant but also enjoying the sights and sounds of Pennsylvania. You always wanted to visit this city but never found the time to. Batman kept you busy.

Billy: I don't think we're going to find anything walking around.

Freddy: Woah. Totally forgot we were wearing these things. I thought you were right behind me.

You looked to a nearby alley way.

Y/N: Alright. Let's take to the skies.

You walked towards the alley and bumped into someone by accident.

Y/N: Sorry.

???: It's alright. You seem to be in a rush. Is everything ok?

Y/N: Yeah. Just looking for something.

???: Well I hope you find what you're looking for. Godspeed.

The girl walked away and you watched her for a bit before continuing on your way.

Y/N: She was cute.
