
Welcome to The Family Pt. 1

You sat in the chair you were given as you ran through everything on your mind. Come to terms with it and move on. Your training wasn't for nothing. You looked around. You knew exactly where you were. This was your home yet, it was much different than what you were use to. This was the .

It seemed so empty but at the same time, you've never seen this many people in here. It was mostly you and Bruce. Every once in a blue moon Damien or Dick would show up but they never stayed too long. Now there was the entire bat family here. Also something that seemed odd to you. By the time Bruce found you, only three were left. You never did find out what happened to the others. Bruce never wanted to talk about it.

Oh, guess we should introduce them. First off there's the man himself, Batman.

It was messing with your brain seeing a younger Bruce typing away on the bat computer. He didn't look his age, somehow healthy for his age despite his exploits.

Next is Nightwing.

Dick was in his prime. Well, not quite. He's the protector of Bludhaven but not the one you know. He was still young and, actually had a great sense of humor. He had Booster laughing on the way here and every once and a while you would catch one of the jokes and laugh as well.

Then there was Robin.

Damien Wayne is, 13. 13. What in the ass?! This is the guy who taught you everything you knew about fighting. This is your, mentor. He's just a kid. He's younger than you! You're used to the 44 year old him not, this.

Now for the members you never met.

The second robin turned villain turned outlaw, Jason Todd aka Red Hood. You have seen his costume in the cave in your time and Bruce always talked about how proud he was of him for turning his life around. He founded the Outlaw Corporation which hired heroes for jobs not normally taken by the league. He went MIA around the time you were born. He seemed like a fun, cool dude. Reckless but cool.

Tim Drake or Red Robin. The third Robin and future leader of the second Teen Titans. This kid was, well he looked like he hadn't slept in a few days. He was the smartest robin and most likely to become the next Batman. You have no idea what happened. You didn't know he even existed until you worked alongside the Teen Titans of your time and they let his name slip up. You asked Bruce but he just changed the subject.

Barbara Gordon aka Batgirl. Well, Batgirl 1. Or, ok things are really complicated in this family. She was the first batgirl but got shot and became Oracle and there was a second Batgirl that we'll get to but she retook the mantle and the second Batgirl took a different identity. She was the police commissioner but was unfortunately killed in action. She was nice and honestly was probably the most normal one so far.
