
Infiltrating Cadmus

Barry put Kara down in a remote location within the Arctic circle. He said "what is the bet that this base crawling with people and helicopters, isn't a secret evil organisation". Kara smiled a little and said "oh I think the odds are high". Barry chuckled and shook his head. Kara asked "so how are we going to do this, what if Jeremiah is here". Barry smiled and said "if Jeremiah is here, we'll do our best to get him out". Kara nodded and said "we have an advantage here, they won't know about meta humans, they won't know how to stop you". Barry nodded and said "I don't think we should use our powers for this, we should try to remain undetected, take our time, learn what we can and if we find Jeremiah, we get him out". Kara nodded and asked "how are we going to get in". Barry smiled and said "I can vibrate fast enough that a normal human won't be able to see us, I can get us inside but we have to hurry, they seem to be packing and leaving". Kara smiled and said "do your thing Flash".

Barry smiled and lifted Kara back up. He vibrated them both so fast that they appeared invisible. Barry then sped inside the base and put Kara down behind cover. Kara whispered "so what is the plan". Barry smiled when he spotted to Cadmus agents walking into a room. He sped in and knocked them out. He then sped away and came back in with Kara. Kara asked "what did you do". Barry said "I knocked out two guards, we can change, fit in". Kara smiled and said "you watch far too much TV". Barry smiled and said "we watch far too much TV". Kara giggled and said "it's nice, especially when I'm snuggled into my boyfriend and we have our little daughter with us". Barry smiled and pecked Kara on the lips. He said "as much as I love us talking about what we love doing, we should hurry". Kara nodded and said "that sounds like a plan".

The two changed into the Cadmus agent outfits and covered up their faces. Kara asked "how do I look". Barry smirked and said "that outfit does nothing for your ass babe". Kara asked "what, what do you mean". Barry smiled and said "it means you have a lovely ass Ms". Kara blushed and smiled at Barry. He chuckled and said "come on, let's see what we can't find out". Kara nodded and said "it's nice to know that my boyfriend says that I have a big ass". Barry chuckled and said "come on". Kara nodded and walked off with Barry. She asked "where will we even begin to look". Barry said "um there has to be prison cells somewhere surely, or maybe even a prisoner log, or a clue as to where their next base will be". Kara asked "should we split up, have a look around, see what we can find out". Barry said "no, no chance, we're sticking together Kara, it's safer that way". Kara nodded and said "ok, can we find like a computer and find something on that". Barry nodded and said "sure, let's go". Kara nodded and walked beside Barry. She said "so this outfit shows off my ass". Barry chuckled and said "yes babe, yes it does". Kara smiled and said "it's nice to know that you look at it". Barry chuckled and said "hey, I'm not with you for your ass, you know that right". Kara giggled and said "oh I don't know Bar, maybe you should tell me why you're with me". Barry smiled and said "I'm with you because, you are the one who understands me most, you make me smile, you make me happy and you make me feel loved, you are kind, caring, and very passionate". Kara smiled more and said "you do the same for me babe". They heard someone laughing through comms. Kara asked "who is laughing". Alex laughed more and said "I'm sorry sis, it's me, you do realise that we've been on comms the whole time". Kara's face turned bright red as did Barry's. Alex said "we're on our way over now, we'll be there in an hour, you two are so cute, you know that". J'onn said "while I do agree with agent Danvers, I suggest you both get a move on and focus". Kara said "um... Ye... Yeah ok, we... We will". Alex laughed even more and said "but if you do want to flirt with your boyfriend, turn your comms off". Kara nodded and said "um, we.... We will".

Barry and Kara found a laptop on a cart being wheeled away by a Cadmus agent. Barry smirked and sped it into his arms. He quickly typed on it and looked at some information stored on it before putting it back before anyone realised that it was gone. Kara asked "how are we going to get that laptop". Barry chuckled and said "I already looked on it Kara". Kara asked "what did you find". Barry said "they are starting to work on something called project doomsday, it's.... It's something to kill Kryptonians". Kara said "well, then we need to stop them from completing it". Barry nodded and said "we will, but that's the other thing, the project leader is Jeremiah Danvers". Kara shook her head and said "that isn't possible.... He... He wouldn't... He wouldn't work on something like that". Barry said "we need to get to the labs Kara, come on". Kara nodded and followed after Barry.

The two walked to a lab and saw two Cadmus agents standing outside keeping guard. One of them asked "what are you two doing back here, does the scientist need moved already". Barry said "something like that". He sped punched the two Cadmus agents. Barry and Kara walked into the lab to see a scientist putting something into a crate. Kara stumbled a little and said "Bar, I... There is kryptonite in here". Barry wrapped his arm around Kara to support her. The scientists looked at Barry and Kara. He said "I'm moving as fast as I can". Kara pulled down her mask and asked "Jeremiah". Jeremiah's eyes widened. He asked "Ka... Kara".
