
The Mafia's New Toy

"SWEETIE? WHAT is it?" he said instantly worried.

"Are you still mad at me?" Shiloh sniffed, his voice cracking on the last words.

"No, no of course not, why? What's going on?"

"You haven't been home all day," Shiloh continued. "I just... Miss you and I need you."

"Okay, I'm on my way right now, but can you please just tell me what's wrong?"

"I—I can't," Shiloh burst into tears on the other line and Lucian found himself moving faster than he's ever had, shrugging on his coat and grabbing his keys.

"Stay with me beautifully, I'm on my way."

"Okay, hurry please," Shiloh said before he hung up.

"Lucian—" Kyle chastised, about to give our work important speech but Lucian cut him off.

"Shiloh's in trouble," he said hastily putting the cocaine in his top drawer before locking it. "I trust you guys can handle whatever problems there are."

"You're high as fuck there is no way you'll be able to drive now," Chris remarked coolly.

"Shit you're right—maledetto—fuck it." He shrugged waltzing out of the room.

Jumping into his Rolls Royce he drove carefully down the street. In his jacket he felt stifled and hot, sweat was trickling down his face and neck as he tried to remain calm and ignore the stimulant drug pulsating through his veins. Gripping the steering wheel tightly his hands shook, and the darkness allowed the lights to appear more luminous, brighter, and vivid than he's ever seen before, in his abrupt fascination he nearly ran a red light and almost laughed at his stupidity.

Pulling into his familiar parking lot he parked the car, got out, and tried to walk as calmly as possible to the front door. Taking in a few deep breaths he tried to fix his appearance by patting down his hair and trying to wrinkle out his suit. His eyes were a little bloodshot red but there was little he could do about that now. Once he got inside the apartment, he noticed that all the lights were off and he stumbled around for a bit until he reached the bedroom.

"Shiloh?" he called, taking off his silk jacket.

When he got inside the bedroom, he saw that his lover was curled up in bed, his eyes swollen, and his face marred with a frown. Lucian brushed Shiloh's unruly brown curly hair away from his face, puffing bits of laughter when it flopped right back. It was like a wild forest, framing his gentle doe-like eyes, as soft as a fawn. His features were young and fresh, with a smooth complexion like cream. Lucian's eyes trailed over his build, which was lean and lanky, and his movements were as graceful as a young buck. Despite his youth and wrecked appearance, his expression was thoughtful and curious, hinting at a pearl of wisdom beyond his years.

"Hey, don't cry you know how much I hate it when you cry," he said climbing onto the bed fully clothed gathering Shiloh into his arms. "What's wrong?"

"I just missed you," Shiloh whispered burying his face in the crook of Lucian's neck.

"You are a shitty liar you know that right?" He said kissing Shiloh's forehead. "I'm about to go crazy please tell me," he begged.

There was a long painful silence before Shiloh finally spoke.

"I saw him again."

Grinding his teeth together Lucian couldn't stop his fist from balling tightly until his knuckles were white. Fury unlocked the heat in his veins until all he could see was red and even the thought—the very inkling that the bastard had been in a three-mile radius of his Shiloh drove him mad. Into a blind rage, he fell, the fear and hate merging with passion, pending coursing like wildfire through his veins.

"I'll fucking kill the bastard," Lucian promised with a vengeance.


"NO!" SHILOH CRIED, clutching at his shirt. "Please don't. He doesn't mean it he's just struggling with his sexuality—"

"I can't believe you're defending him," Lucian barked, turning his murderous glare onto his fiancé who shrunk away.

"I'm not baby," Shiloh replied cautiously. "I just don't think he's worth the fuss. I'll just get Mr. and Mrs. Harris to not let him in."

"Bullshit," Lucian spat. "What the fuck are two old decrypted people going to do against that burly man? No, first thing tomorrow morning you are going to quit," he announced sliding off the bed and tugging off his silk purple button-up.

"What?" Shiloh asked, looking after him completely astounded. "I can't quit—I love my job."

"It's not safe Shiloh," he reasoned walking over to the closest he took off his pants and then underwear. "I don't want you there where that homophobic asshole can come in anytime and harass you."

"There's homophobes everywhere. So what? I should stop going to the grocery store. Or walking down the street?" Shiloh asked incredulously.

"If it keeps you safe," he said shortly.

"No, I don't want to leave I love working there and he doesn't come in all the time," Shiloh said and then sighed. "Please don't overact and come to bed."

"Do you know how terrifying it is to get a call at work from you crying? I was scared to death Shiloh." He said crawling back into bed and under the covers. "We need to make sure this doesn't happen again, maybe Kyle and Chris should accompany you to work?"

"No," Shiloh said adamantly. "I refused to be treated like some goddamn prisoner Lucian."

Looking into the steady blue-glazed eyes of his lover, he rubbed his chin pensively before clicking his tongue. "Fine, we can do things your way and I'll let you handle the situation."

He was doing no such thing.

"Thank you," Shiloh said, placing a small kiss on his cheek. "I'm sorry I made you miss work."

"Don't be ridiculous," he said waving it off. "Let's just go to bed, okay?"

Nodding Shiloh snuggled against his chest and he was out in a few moments but Lucian couldn't sleep. With the drugs impairing his thinking and making his body feel completely wired he devised a horrid plan to make Shiloh's tormentor's death look like an accident. He'd skin the guy alive if he could, string his balls up, and then cut off his dick while he screamed in agony. Then he'd have the pleasure of drinking his blood while laughing manically. Yes—there was no doubt in Lucian's mind that the man would die a horrible painful death, worth only for the vilest of men. What he was certain of was that Jason fucking Darrell was not going to be alive by the end of this week.

Not if he had anything to say about it.


THAT MORNING LUCIAN awoke to the smell of pancakes and music filling the house. Stumbling out of bed naked he waltzed into the kitchen to find his boyfriend hopping around in nothing but a long dress shirt, just barely covering his white creamy legs singing along to whatever song was on the radio. Stroking himself a few times he slowly walked up behind Shiloh, causing him to yelp in surprise before whispering into his ear.

"I guess now we have all day to make up for what I missed yesterday." Shiloh moaned softly and he forcefully gripped the flimsy dress shirt, hiking it up before slowly trailing his hands up and cupping his now erected dick between his legs.

Breathing harshly Shiloh pushed back into his cock, laughing mischievously while turning around and placing a tiny wet kiss on his lips. "I don't need to prepare much. I spent all afternoon fucking myself with a dildo on our bed…"

And that finally did it, giving an inhuman growl Lucian roughly grabbed his arms, turning him around so that he was pinned against the marble countertop. Easily Shiloh grabbed onto the kitchen counter to steady himself. Yanking hips in place, he held Shiloh there, pushing the tip of his cock between his ass. Reaching into one of the drawers he snatched out a condom and some lube, applying a generous amount to his engorged dick.

"You asked for it beautiful— Ora ho intenzione di scoparti—would you like that?" He whispered heatedly, licking the shell of his ear.

"Yes, please yes," Shiloh whimpered.

Grunting he eased his hips forward moaning as his boy began to stretch around the head of his cock before his puckered entrance swallowed it whole and he filled Shiloh torturously till the hilt. With his forehead against the counter, Lucian could hear his baby panting, whining in pleasure as he waited for him to get accustomed to his girth. Becoming impatient Shiloh started to rock his hips and he smirked at his eagerness.

"I can take it, Lucian…I want it, baby…Give it to me…" he choked.

Tangling his hand in Shiloh's hair Lucian jerked his head back, grabbed a bruising hold onto his hips, and slammed forward making him cry out desperately. "That what you want— il mio piccolo slut?"

Screaming out, his toes curled and head flung back, "Yes! God, yes! Fuck me!"

Pounding into him Lucian could see that his knuckles were white from gripping the counter; toes were digging into the floor. Frantic to keep him upright, his legs stung deliciously as he began to thrust with vigor into Shiloh. There were no words spoken; only the sound of two savage boys, growling and grunting, and the sound of flesh smacking and the squeak from Shiloh's sweaty toes sliding across the linoleum as Lucian held him tightly and fucked him harder.

Lucian's knees were weak and his arms ached from holding on so tight when so much force was pushing his lover forward. Sliding over Shiloh's back with one arm around his waist and one hand on top of Shiloh's on the counter, he laced his fingers through Shiloh's. His sweaty chest slid against his boyfriend's back, damp hair and scruffy beard were scraping against his boyfriend's cheek as he panted out, "I'm not going to let you fall, baby…So just let go."

Shiloh screamed. His entire body flushed pink as his orgasm tore through him, spattering all down the tile floor beneath them. Grunting in approval Lucian increased his plunge panting wildly as he felt incredible. Loud sparks of white lights flashed before his eyes and his whole body trembled as he rode the high tides of his orgasm. Pulling out he caught his beautiful boy—a trembling mess—before he fell onto the floor. Sodden with sweat and other bodily fluids he crushed Shiloh to his chest turning him around slowly to fuse their lips as he drove his tongue down his throat.

Finally breaking free from his swollen lips, he panted softly as he ran his fingers through his sweaty hair. Picking up the shredded remains of the shirt Shiloh was wearing earlier, he gripped his fiancé tightly before nibbling on his neck and rolling his hips unhurriedly, relishing those last few strokes.

"Can you walk?" Lucian whispered smugly, knowing full well that if he wasn't here to hold Shiloh up he'd be in a pile of goo on the floor.

Shaking his damp hair, chest still heaving Shiloh chuckled, "You know I can't..." He started playing with the hairs on Lucian's chest. "But maybe after a shower, we'll see after round two."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

jmjackiecreators' thoughts