
Update 1.3 - Hunter Guild and Alliances Military Ranks

Hunter Guild is the platform of all Warriors in the part of the Alliance. If a student in senior high was didn't accepted into any Warrior Universities school, they still have a chance to apply to have a Hunter License which is one of the sources of resources for Hunters. The disadvantage was, they didn't have access to some rare techniques and resources. They also don't have a discount when using their credit points.

But a hunter also has a chance to become a (semi) alliance member once they reach certain requirements for example high-level ranks like Senior.

(semi) alliance members - There is actually no "Semi Alliance Members", they are actually real Alliance Member (in front), and they also had an access to some discount resources (only a few rare resources or second hand) and rare techniques (modified rare techniques ).

Alliances Military was the main foundation of alliances in the country. The alliance people also have many resources compared to others. There are requirements to become an alliance member. One is the big contribution of the ancestor. Two, you are an offspring of an Alliance Member means you are a (semi) Alliance Member. Three, earned enough credits or pass the qualification of requirements to become a (semi) Alliance Member. Four, became college students in Warrior Universities to became (real) Alliance Members.

(Tristan was actually a (semi) Alliance Member with a Hunter Profile)

Hunter Ranking Rank 1 - Starter or Proficient

Rank 2- Proficient (rare) or Senior (Mostly)

Rank 3 - Senior (rare) or Expert (Mostly)

Rank 4 - Expert (rare) or Crown (Mostly) or Elite (Who knows?)

Rank 5 - Elite or Champions or ?

Alliance Military Ranking

Private, Corporal - Starter, Proficient (Squadron)

Sergeant - Senior (E), (M), (L) (Squad Leader)

Master Sergeant - Expert (Commander of Barracks)

Lieutenant - Expert (Commander of 1 station, under 2nd Lieutenant)

2nd Lieutenant - Expert (Commander of 2 Station under Captain) Captain -

Expert (2 Commander of 4 stations from Station 1-5 and Station 5-9, and the main location always had the number '5'. They are under Major)

Major - Crown (Responsible for all Stations in 1 city. Their main location always had the number "0")

Colonel - Crown (Responsible for the remote Region and have the last number of stations or responsible in all stations (Station 300-812) of 1 Main City.

1 Star - Elite (Responsible to the Region Dangerous Station, Kings, and other crisis.

2 Star - Elite (Same with an additional responsibility)

3 Star - Elite or Champion (Responsible on the most dangerous station, Kings, Disaster Beast, and others)

4 Star - Champion (Responsible to the whole country, Kings, Disaster Beast, and Global Situation

5 Star - Champion or ? (You Guess it.)

I also added another benefit for Alliance and (semi) Alliance members, they can also become a hunter or Alliance soldiers if they want.
