
Vampyre Experiment

Otto sat on an armrest, looking out of the tower window. The desk was cluttered with parchments and various books. Ink spread all over the wood and the quill was unfettered.

"They have not answered yet..." He murmured. The House of Black and White had yet to respond and in the recent hour, he found out that Viserys had allowed Prince Baelon to head toward Dragonstone to claim a dragon.

His chain of spies had newly informed him about the prince and his recent endeavor of successfully claiming one.

The Cannibal.

Nothing was going well.

He glanced at the parchments of papers, letters for various noble houses, and replies from various noble houses. It was almost as if the entire Green faction had disappeared in a day, much less the Black faction if it existed.

Prince Baelon's joust with Aemond, a skilled and respected warrior, and the burning of Crisp Roll had scared everyone. From maids to servants, Prince Baelon was cruel however the smart knew that it was a display of strength... greater than his father.

It was a message, and it had been conveyed.

The mirth of desperation traced upon the snake's visage as he crumpled some of the letters he wrote to noble houses before throwing them into the pyre. A sigh escaped his mouth and his expression returned to its normal, stoic... expression.

He stood up from his seat and readied himself, it was time to leave for the court.

Meanwhile in a room not so far away from Otto's Allicent had a distasteful expression on her visage as she told Talya to leave her alone with Larys. She lowered her feet and laid them bare naked for the limpy man to view.


"So you are leaving?" Aliandre asked me. The person in question, I... used the woman's lap as a pillow as she fed me some of the dornish grapes.

It was delicious, I would not lie. The luscious taste of these berries that are used to create one of the best wines in the world... simply immaculate.

I nodded at the girl, "I shall be leaving. Although Dorne has come to the fold, my duties lie in the capital... Kingslanding. However, the House of Martell will rule over it in my stead. After all, you are now my servitor... and even a servant of mine deserves high respect."

The girl nodded silently. My lips twitched into a small smile. Well... the real reason is mostly because I do not wish to antagonize the citizens of Dorne despite them being small in numbers.

The Dornish are still dangerous. The Martells as their rulers, albeit subject to the crown... they will at least still be sufficiently satisfied.

With trade and reduction in taxes due to the inflow and outflow of finance, Dorne's richness will rise and the entire realm will be able to enjoy their exquisiteness.

It is a win-win.

"A question." The girl spoke, rather firmly. My eyebrow rose subconsciously.

"You may ask."

She pondered silently before speaking.

"Could you turn my brother into what you term... Vampyre."

Oh? Now this was unexpected. I glanced at the boy sitting aside from me, glaring into my eyes with hatred, and then his sister with a look of betrayal.

As if I had stolen his lover or similar. Does stealing a sister fall into that category? Hmm. I shook my head. Possibly. After all, we Targaryens do practice incest.

"NO! I refuse to turn into a wretched existence like that! It is what killed Father!!" The boy screamed.

I glanced at him, a little amused. Will there be more family drama?

Aliandre glared at her brother. Through our blood bond, I was fully aware of the facade she putting on.

Hatred, Anger... these emotions were stronger toward me. She wishes to kill me... with my own vampyre abilities. She wishes I had never made her into a monster... for I would regret it.

Wishful thinking that can not be achieved.

I know her every thought, every emotion, every feeling... all her senses... my blood that flows in her veins, her heart that is pumping that blood... I can see through her eyes... she is but an insignificant part of me.

Her past, present, and future... everything is me.

"I shall allow... but I want you to be the one turning your brother into a vampyre."

She glanced at me unsure and hesitant. "Do I have that ability?"

I do not know. That is why I am curious. Do those that turn into a Vampyre through me have the ability to turn others into a Vampyre?

"Maybe. Maybe not. Obey your instinct."

She nodded as she walked toward her brother who was creeping backward. Maybe she realizes the power my ability has, even if monstrous... that she wants to bless her brother with it, or maybe... my thoughts are corrupting hers subtly, making her believe that they are hers.

Which one is it? Hehe.

A drop of blood formed on Aliandre's fingers as she force-fed it to her brother.

I felt a little nervous. Will he turn? Or will he not? How much power will he have compared to me? Or will he still remain an ant?

After all Aliandre, an individual I turned personally is strong but nothing that could threaten me... so will an individual with even lower vampyre blood of mine be as strong as Aliandre? Or will he only be as strong to the point he can not threaten Aliandre?

I smiled wide. Curious... It was very interesting.


I smiled as if expecting the scream. Most of them scream, I did. Even Neltharion had when I turned him.

Soon, in our view was a grotesque creature similar to a bat and demon altogether. Aliandre on the other hand was panicking.

I shook my head as I removed a punch from my robe and threw it at the sister sibling.

It pains me to give away the previous blood I collected formerly from the city to create something like wine but brewed from blood.

I did consult many individuals under hypnosis to concoct it.

"Have him drink this." As if smelling it, the monster pounced on his sister to snatch it, ending up scratching her face which was starting to regenerate.

I glanced at her from the side of my eyes before paying attention to the grotesque creature. From my observations... each individual when turned thirsts for blood vehemently when turned.

It is like a subconscious desire and when it is not fulfilled the subconscious mind which I believe is the serpent that whispers, takes over the body.


It forces us to comply with our nature, the nature to drink blood.

Soon before my eyes, brother sibling's flesh and blood melted off his body revealing a humanoid pale dark skin.

It was flawless and had been heightened. He had an expression of despair as if disgusted yet euphoric about what he drank.

I shook my head with an amused expression. He will get over it... No, he will love blood, the Martells have always succumbed to their desires... very easily... slaves to them.

Another thing, he was considerably weaker than me and like I expected, not a threat to Aliandre... much less to me.

This means that those I turn personally are substantially stronger compared those that they turn.

Also... I can feel his thoughts, feelings and senses and through my blood bond with Aliandre, I know that she can not. A restriction... very interesting.

My condition does not allow anyone I turn to be a threat to the source.

In physical features, the sole difference between the siblings was of their eye and sclera color. Aliandre possessed blood red eyes like mine and a black sclera while her brother possessed a white sclera and pink eyes, the only thing he inherited from me was my white sclera.

[Images here]

Shaking my head, I walked toward the two siblings. As the rays of dawn entered through the windows, they pierced into her brother's skin.

I jumped aback as I noticed it burning upon being touched into ash. I opened my mouth in realization.

He is far weaker than his sister and me. The rays of the sun can hurt him. Wow, this is amazing. A smile crept onto my face as I ignored the horrified expression of Aliandre.

Walking toward the window, I spoke without looking back.

"Aliandre. I proclaim you as Warden of Sands."

She probably heard from her vampyre senses despite multitasking to handle her brother and bandage him.

I free-fell onto the ground as I took in every wisp of air as it ruffled my hair and cooled ny body. In a blink of an eye, a black figure dashed in... picking me up as we glided across the skies with Craghas Drahar screaming in the background as he hung from my dragon's tail.

"Sovegon Neltharion... to Driftmark."

I have a bride to wed and a corpse to behead.


I'm back.
