
Chapter 6

" Mira,where have you been all day?"

"Mom, I went to the mall to get some ornaments for Christmas decoration,do you mind helping me out?"

"Oh honey I would love to, but there's this deal I need to close,so I'm really busy"

You are not the only lawyer in Ontario. Besides I thought you are on holiday.

"I'm on holiday but I decided to use the break to do something work related, I think I'm allowed that much".

Wow, that's awesome. You're definitely gonna snag "the employee of the year" title. Holidays are meant for rest,it's a time to bond with your family and this is Christmas. "Can't you give us a little of your time?"

" Okay, I've had enough of your tantrums. TBH, you're selfish! All you've been going on about is Christmas!... can't you let this one be normal like every other holiday? I still don't understand why you're so obsessed with Christmas,why don't you channel that obsession to your career. And this is my house,so I'll do whatever I want"

"Okay. I'll definitely chanel that obsession to my career but I definitely won't be like you,who doesn't care about family"

"That was intense". Daniel said, walking out of the house.

The Fishers were definitely in a jolly mood since Mr Fisher is finally home. Taylor is so happy to see her dad,she thought he wouldn't come for Christmas. She's excited to tell him about her love interest and what she wants for Christmas.

"D-dadd?.. dad, you're really here"

"In flesh sweetheart"

"I missed you so much" " Me too"

"Hi honey, how was your flight?" "It was normal,how are you all? "We are fine" And where's my boy?" He's upstairs,he should be down soon. " Okay,I'll go freshen up so we can all eat"

"Welcome home old man" Christian said, sitting beside his father.

"Good to see you son"

" So how was work over there?"

"Just the usual, checking the sites, making sure the workers are fine and that work is going as it should"

The Fishers own a construction company in Texas,so Mr Fisher is always away. They decided to stay back in Toronto when they moved their company to Texas since they were already used to the place.
