
Chapter 73: Caught

Preparations were set as Miss Yui and her team were getting ready to commence the plan. Tahara was in the academy because he didn't want to create an interference where Virion Grove would always focus his attention on him. The location was set as they at Hengtou, a famous town for its oil refinery and wealth.

"Why this location," Juba asked.

Mr Tomomi addressed them as Virion Grove's last seen was this town so they assume he'll show up here.

It was 11:00 pm, an hour left to midnight. Which meant, everyone had at least one hour before Virion Grove would show up. Miss Yui was with Scias Chalice who was dressed in his black shirt and was in jeans.

"Are you guys sure this plan would work out," Scias Chalice asked? Miss Yui looked at him and nodded her head. Miyaguchi and Juba were conversing whiles Kunimichi and Maris were on a tall tower not far away from where Miss Yui was.
