

Year 846


After landing on Dragonstone they had not wasted time touring the castle nor the island, for they all know it intimately. Rather, they went straight to Dragonstone's training field where Aemon turned it into a Room of Accelerated Development. Spending a year within the room, Aemon gave them a 21st century education in social sciences, natural sciences, mathematics and warfare. He had expected the process to take longer, but the effects of the Body Purifying Pills, while not as powerful as the super-soldier serums, still improved their mental capacities by a significant margin.

When the year within the R.A.D came to an end Aemon found that he could converse with them on most 21st century topics. As such he felt comfortable enough to bring their education to an end there and focus on other matters, the training and education of Johan and his friends along with the Scout Regiment's training.

Year 846


After 1 year in the R.A.D

Dragonstone was built by Valyrians with arcane arts, fire, and sorcery, arcane arts and sorcery lost to the sands of time and the foolishness of men like Baelor the Blessed, below the Dragonmont, a volcano on the island of Dragonstone. The activity of the volcano gave rise to the island. Despite the massive scale of the castle, Dragonstone is merely a small fortress located on the face of the mountain.With dragonflame being capable of liquefying and reshaping stone, the dragonlords used their magic to shape Dragonstone to look like multiple dragons.

Dragon architecture can be found throughout the castle, such as small dragons framing gates and dragon claws holding torches. A pair of great wings cover the armory and smithy, and dragon tails form archways and staircases. The citadel of Dragonstone is wrought all of black stone. Doors can be set in the mouths of stone dragons. Instead of merlons, gargoyles and grotesques serve as brooding crenellations along the three curtain walls. Designs include basilisks, cockatrices, demons, griffins, hellhounds, manticores, minotaurs, wyverns, and other creatures. Statues in the shape of dragons can be found all over the castle.

Even in Westeros and Essos, two continents rife with splendid architectural designs, Dragonstone has always drawn awe to those who bear witness to it. It is no surprise to Aemon that a sennight later when he brings Johan and his friends to Dragonstone that they would unabashedly stare at the fortress with jaws wide open and eyes beaming even as the tour comes to an end.

"Woah." they whisper as Aemon leads them into the throne.

"How did you make this?" one of them asks.

"We didn't, our ancestors did." Aemon replies before looking at them "Did you understand what was written in the books?" he asks.

"Yes." they reply as one.

"Good, then you understand that what may be the norm in this world may be foreign to me, and the same may be true in reverse." Aemon says as they come to a stop near Jaehaerys and Rhaenys.

"At the age of six and ten, and older, you are all adults yet you lack the education to completely function as such, which is why for the next three years you will be receiving an education. Jaehaerys will be teaching you one the matters of warfare and Rhaenys shall teach you politics, numbers, the sciences, and etiquette." Aemon tells them.

"What about you?" asks Johan.

"I will occasionally stop by to help, but much of my time will be spent training the Scout Regiment." Aemon says before releasing them to the tender mercies of his siblings.

As he exits the throne room, Aemon comes face to face with Aegon and Daenerys.

"We're ready." Daenerys tells him.

"Are you sure that you wish to go alone? We can go as one after I have finished training the Scout Regiment." Aemon asks them.

While Jaehaerys and Rhaenys had volunteered themselves to educate Johan and his friends, Aegon and Daenerys had decided to be the first to travel through the Gate to Planetos in an attempt to see how they could best increase their personal funds through trade between worlds in order to grow their powerbase. And with their file full of blackmail material on Minister Klein, getting a supplier in the AOT would be the easiest step. Now they must find a supplier in Planetos while also deciding what to trade without causing chaos in the societal balance of both worlds.

"Time is not our ally, little brother. Sooner or later the Crown will notice the ruckus caused by our presence, and we cannot rely on the Scout Regiment to war against the Crown for us. We need our own power base, and funds are a must to properly run a powerbase." says Aegon. "Besides, while you may have the intelligence for it, you lack the patience to properly negotiate with merchants. You would sooner feed them Caraxes rather than properly negotiate a proper agreement with them." he adds with a smirk

"I lack patience, you say? I disagree. I have an abundance of patience." Aemon retorts.

"For warfare, perhaps." Daenerys says with a roll of her eyes.

"What can I say, it is what I know best." Aemon replies with a smirk that slightly dims when a flash of sorrow passes over Aegon and Daenerys' features.

"Regardless, be careful. The years leading up to the Dance may appear peaceful on the surface but are no doubt tumultuous when observed properly." Aemon says.

"Daenerys and I were once King and Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, we know how treacherous King's Landing can be." Aegon says before he and Daenerys envelop Aemon in a hug.

Startled, it takes Aemon a few seconds to properly react and hug them back.

"I will see you in a few moons." says Aemon as he waves them bye and makes his way towards Caraxes' lair.

Like the other dragons, Caraxes has found himself a home within the smoky caverns of the volcano. With the volcano still active, they no doubt find the extreme heat to be soothing.

Making use of one of the many rocky paths on the Dragonmont, Aemon enters a secret path, one of many secret paths and shaftes, and makes his way towards Caraxes' lair.

Were he anyone else the journey would be quite perilous, for Caraxes has made his lair within one of the innermost caverns of the Dragonmont, any deeper and he may as well be within the volcano himself.

Entering Caraxes' lair, Aemon is not surprised when he finds the dragon already up, awaiting his arrival. Ever since their first flight, his bond with Caraxes seems to have deepened further while the dragon seems to find a special sort of pleasure in flying with him. Like a child sharing their favorite experience with an older brother.

"Are you ready, boy." Aemon says as he caresses the Blood Wyrm's snout.

Through their bond Aemon can feel Caraxes' excitement at taking flight once more.

Not wanting to keep him waiting longer than necessary, Aemon mounts the dragon and takes the reins.

With a shriek that resounds through the Dragonmont, Caraxes bounds out of his lair and takes flight.

Like his first flight, and every subsequent flight after, Aemon cannot help the smile that grows on his face as Caraxes takes to the air. It is the single most freeing moment that he has ever experienced in all of his lives, including escaping from his slave master.

It is an addictive euphoric feeling, breaking free from the shackles of gravity, even more so than the euphoria brought about by the vampire venom from the vampires in the Shadowhunters Dimension.

Paired with the power that one possesses with a mere word, Aemon intimately understands why the Targaryens claim to bow to neither God nor man. Were he not knowledgeable of the danger that can come from the various universes such as the DC Universe, the Mass Effect universe, etc…, and he would share the same sentiment as his forebears.

As they arrive at their destination, the headquarters of the Scout Regiment, Caraxes decides to fly circles in the air while releasing a screech that Aemon senses is full of disappointments through their bond.

Patting him on the back, Aemon sends him feelings of reassurance as well as anticipation while commanding him to land.

Despite not wishing to, Caraxes lands in a clearing within the nearby forest and not too far from the headquarters.

While Caraxes has landed some distance from the headquarters, it does not take the Scout Regiment long to make use of the nearby trees to arrive at Aemon's location, leaving him somewhat impressed.

"That was faster than I anticipated." Aemon tells Balalaika as she and Levi land a few feet from Caraxes.

"Oh? You're easier to impress than I thought." Balalaika replies.

"Doubtful." Aemon says before turning to Levi. "Are you ready for this?" he asks.

"Just make sure your beast doesn't kill or maim any of the soldiers." Levi warns with narrowed eyes.

Sensing Caraxes' displeasure at being called a beast, Aemon regards Levi with a smirk as the dragon winds his long neck back before lunging at Levi with a shrill roar.

Despite Caraxes stopping mere inches from him, Levi does not flinch and stares into Aemon's eyes, making his lack of amusement clear.

"Now, I am suitably impressed." Aemon says as Levi turns to face the members of the Scout Regiment while Caraxes snorts in agreement.

"Do you think that they are ready?" Aemon asks Balalaika while Levi addresses the soldiers.

"They wouldn't be here if I didn't think so." she replies.

"We shall see." Aemon says as Levi returns. "Ready?" he asks.

Without a word, Levi engages his ODM, somehow piercing the hooks in the small space between Caraxes' scales and launches himself into the air.

With a shriek Caraxes' head follows Levi into the air, his jaws snapping in an attempt to bite him; yet despite his effort he constantly misses as Levi maneuvers himself behind the dragon's head.

With a movement only possible to Caraxes due to his long serpentine neck, the dragon's head turns to face Levi, jaws wide open to swallow the human. In a maneuver anyone else would fail, Levi barely dodges the dragon's mouth with his foot clipping its snout, sending him crashing to the floor.

Through their bond, Aemon can sense Caraxes' amusement and immense sense of satisfaction.

"He baited you." Aemon tells Levi as the soldier recovers. "You can't think of him as a mindless beast, nor can you approach this exercise as if he were a normal or abnormal titan. For this exercise, assume that you face a Titan Shifter. A being with all the powers of a Titan and the intelligence of the smartest veteran."

This is the exercise the Aemon has devised to prepare the Scout Regiment for the Titan Shifters, facing Caraxes in battle in a clearing where they are forbidden from using their ODM gear on the trees. They can only anchor themselves on Caraxes and nothing else.

While Caraxes possesses none of the special abilities of the Titans, his ferocity and agility will add an extra challenge to the battle that one against the Titan Shifters would not possess.

Besides, it is only the Beast, Cart, and Female Titans that they will battle. The Armor and Colossal Titans will be specifically his to apprehend. That only leaves the War Hammer within Marley's grasp.

Should the operation prove successful, Marley and the other nations will tear themselves apart in war as all attempt to free themselves from Marley's tyrannical rule. When the smoke settles, Aegon, Jaehaerys, and he will destroy any remaining military with the use of their dragons, leaving all nations vulnerable to Paradis' military might. And if all goes well within Paradis itself, Historia will be a queen who does not have to cede power for the sake of Paradis.

"Are you ready?" Levi asks Aemon, shaking him from his thoughts.

Without saying a word, Aemon urges Caraxes to attack.

The first training session was anything but successful, with most of the Scout Regiment being injured and almost facing worse consequences had Caraxes not been restrained and under Aemon's control. Had their bond not deepened, Aemon would never have volunteered Caraxes for such an exercise.

It did not help that Caraxes struck a deep fear within the soldiers' hearts, harshly hindering their performance. Levi and Balalaika were the only ones performing to their fullest potential, and even they did not escape the training exercise unscathed.

It is like this that Aemon and the Scout Regiment spent the next three moonturns, training and mock battles. Aemon would also converse within the chat, making idle conversations with the other members, nothing too deep nor emotional. At times the others would visit to experience the world of Attack on Titans.

By the end of the first moonturn none of the members of the Scout Regiment were crippled by fear and performed well enough that Aemon felt comfortable with moving the exercise to a clearing far from the forest in order to use fire.

Since Caraxes' flames would be too lethal for the soldiers, Aemon made use of his magic to simulate the Colossal Titan's burning smoke and vapor. Many a soldier received second degree burns and some even received third degree burns, yet none complained beyond the expected reactions.

By the end of the third moonturn the soldiers stopped receiving fire and heat related injuries beyond the occasional first degree burns.

That month is also when Simon visited, bringing along the resurrected downworld members who swore themselves to the Wild Hunt.

Since Johan's training under Jaehaerys had also completed, Aemon handed the Scout Regiment's training over to Jaehaerys while he and those sworn to him retreated to the R.A.D within Dragonstone for training.

He and the Wild Hunt would spend the next three moon turns within the room familiarizing himself with the magic of the Hunt as well as the magic that comes with being a fae while also training the members of the Wild Hunt, equating to around three years of training within the room.

As the final moon turn comes to an end, Percy Jackson sends a message to the DCG requesting aid, a perfect opportunity for Aemon to put his Wild Hunt to the test.




Author's Note: Here's the latest chapter, tell me what you guys think. I skipped the training since it would only slow the story further (we haven't even gotten to the beginning of any of the major plots yet). Plus I want the capabilities of Aemon and the Wild Hunt to be a surprise. Starting the next chapter things pick up as the plots of the various worlds pick up at around the same time.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it to let me know, and don't forget to review.

Servant_Ambrosiuscreators' thoughts