
The Black Panther

It's been a week since Luthor's plan succeeded. Since that time Sean and what remained of his group stayed in Wakanda in order to stay out of Luthor's reach. The only ones that managed to avoid capture were Batman, Deathstroke and the Transformers who stayed away from the Raft in the first place and those who fled the battle to fight another day.

Since Wakanda was isolated and considered a third world country Luthor did not even bother to try and invade the nation. And even if he did try he would fail since Wakanda in truth was an extremely advanced country in Technology.

Right now however Sean was with T'challa and Okoye flying in an incredibly advanced air craft.

"Hey T'Challa we're coming up on them now." Sean said gaining his attention seeing a small convoy of trucks with slaves. "Figures. The first thing Luthor does is allow this bullshit." Sean said.

"We'll fix that at a later date right now I need to get Nakia out as quickly as possible." T'Challa said before Sean handed him some beads that were used as weapons.

"Piece of Advice from someone who's met his Ex after years apart. Do not freeze." Sean said.

"What are you talking about? I never freeze." T'Challa said making him scoff in amusement.

"Sure and I don't have a massive harem full of women that are both human and mixed species." Sean said making him chuckle before he put on his helmet and dropped down to the slavers before throwing his beads at their vehicles and they flattened before sticking on the engines making them stop.

Seeing they could not move they searched around the area. Suddenly however T'Challa appeared and started to take them out one by one with ease due to his suit being bullet proof. One remained but before he could attack Nakia got in the way.

"No! This one is just a boy." Nakia said removing his binding from his face showing he was at least 17 years old looking rather frightened. "He got kidnapped as well." Nakia said.

"Nakia." T'Challa said frozen gaining her attention. "I...I wanted..." T'Challa tried to say before the last slaver came out with one of the prisoners out aiming his gun at her.

"Hey I have her! Do not move! I will Shoot!" the man said before a fist came out of his chest making him let out gargled sounds before being engulfed in white flames revealing Sean. (Oh before I forget his new appearance is that of Kratos during the Greek God of War games)

"You fucking froze like an idiot." Sean said amused.

"Ah." T'Challa said before turning to face Nakia taking his helmet off.

"Why are you here? You've ruined my mission." Nakia said.

"My father is in a coma after the bombing in Vienna. I will be crowned King tomorrow to take his place. And I wish for you to be there." T'Challa said making her nod before walking away while Sean talking to the former slaves in native tongue to keep this incident silent for now which they agreed.

Soon the four of them left to head back to Wakanda.


Okoye was flying the ship back to Wakana while T'challa sat with Nakia and Sean looked out the window admiring the view.

"Sister Nakia, My prince. Welcome home." Okoye said as they flew by some of the people before heading to a large section of tall trees.

"This part never gets old." Sean said as they passed through the trees revealing it to be a hologram before the highly advanced City of Wakanda appeared in all its glory.

Soon they landed at the palace where Queen Ramonda and T'Challa's sister Shuri were at.

"Queen Mother, Princess. I comfort for what has happened." Nikai said.

"Thank you, Nakia. It is so good to have you back with us." Ramonda said.

"Take her to the river Provence to prepare her for the ceremony." Okoye said to one of her soldiers.

"Yes General." The solider said before the two left and T'Challa continued to look at Nakia.

"Did he freeze?" Shuri asked Sean making T'Challa look at her in slight annoyance.

"Like a fucking idiot with his pants down." Sean said making her burst into a fit of giggles.

"Are you finished?" T'challa asked in disbelief his friend was turning on him making him laugh.

"Sorry dude." Sean said between chuckles before Okoye and her troops left.

"So surprised my little sister came to see me off before our big day." T'Challa said.

"You wish. I'm here for the EMP beads. I've developed an update." Shuri said.

"Update? No. It worked perfectly." T'Challa said.

"You know just because something works doesn't mean it can't be improved for the better." Sean said.

"Exactly." Shuri said.

"You are teaching me? What do you know that he doesn't?" T'Challa asked making her grin.

"More than you." Shuri said taking the beads and left.

"I can't wait to see what kind of update you make to your ceremonial outfit." T'Challa said before she gave him the middle finger.

"Oooh!" Sean said laughing his ass off.

"Shuri." Ramonda said in warning making her put her hand away.

"Sorry, mother." Shuri said running off making Sean chuckle.

"How are you feeling today, Mama?" T'Challa asked.

"Proud. Your father and I would talk about this day all the time. He will be very proud of you when he wakes up." Ramonda said.

"How are the others?" Sean asked making her smile.

"The girls are adapting to Wakanda rather well. Turok is helping the farmers with their animals. Although Hellboy seems a little..." Ramonda tried to say.

"On edge?" Sean asked.

"Thats one way of putting it." Ramonda said making him chuckle.

Next day

The people of Wakanda were on boats heading to the ritual site while singing and chanting in the air. Hellboy was leaning against the wall of the boat he, Turok and the girls were on and just grinned.

"Nice and peaceful." Hellboy said.

"Onward!" Okoye shouted in Xhosa getting others to do the same before slamming their spears on the boats creating a wave that activated devices underwater that sucked up most of the water preventing most of it from flooding the site.

The same Ship from before flew to the site where the people gathered beofre landing. Emerging from the craft was T'Challa and Sean as the people began to Chant and sing.

"Ready for this my friend?" T'Challa asked making him chuckle.

"Sure why not?" Sean said before they stood in the center before a man in purple robes walked over to them.

"I, Zuri Son of Badu Give to you Prince T'Challa The Black Panther and Sean Ashburn Kruger the savior of our previous king." Zuri said getting the people to Cheer. "Our welcomed Outsider will now be given the Mark of Honor. A mark only given to those who honor our traditions and people. A permanent mark to be seen by all of Wakanda." Zuri said as two women walked over to him and started painting red lines on his body and face. (Picture the Mark of Kratos)

"It suits you my friend." T'Challa said making Sean chuckle.

"Truthfully I always wanted a tattoo." Sean said getting various laughs from the people.

"The Prince will now have the strength of the Black Panther stripped away." Zuri said giving T'Challa a special Herb that takes away the powers of the Black Panther. As this was happening an upbeat in drums was heard with the people chanting just as the powers of the Black Panther were taken away.

"That looked like it hurt." Sean said making him chuckle.

"Victory in ritual Combat comes by Yield or death. If any tribe wishes to put forth a warrior I now offer a path to the Throne." Zuri said getting various shouts.

"The Marchant tribe will not Challenge today." The Merchant Tribe elder said.

"The Border Tribe will not Challenge today." The Border tribe elder said.

"The River Tribe will not challenge today." The River Tribe elder said.

"The mining Tribe will not challenge today." The mining Tribe elder said.

"Is there any members of a royal blood who wishes to Challenge for the throne?" Zuri asked and surprisingly Shuri raised her hand which put people on edge.

"The hell?" Sean said.

"This corset is really uncomfortable so can we all just wrap this up and go home?" Shuri asked before she got splashed from a large wave of water making her gasp while Sean just whistled in innocence making T'Challa chuckle while the people laughed.

"Sorry you say something?" Sean asked making her grumble. However suddenly everyone heard Chanting and Grunting sounds coming from one of the entrances. A group of black men with white markings on their bodies came out with the last having an Ape mask on.

"What the?" Turok said in surprise.

"Are these Guys Jabari?" Sean asked T'Challa who nods before the one with the Ape Mask approached them before taking off his mask.

"M'Baku, what are you doing here?" Zuri questioned.

"It's Challenge day." M'Baku said before approaching the crowd. "We have watched and listened from the mountains. We have watched with disgust as your technological advancements have been overseen by a child!" M'Baku yelled approaching her before a wall of water got in the way making him turn and saw Sean with a hand out making him scoff. "Who scoffs at Tradition." M'Baku said.

"Asshole." Sean said.

"And whats worse is you allow outsiders to live among us. One of which is responsible for the death of nine of our people!" M'Baku yelled glaring at Sarah before Hellboy got in the way glaring back.

"You better step back pal." Hellboy said making him snort.

"And now you want to hand the nation over to this prince who could not keep his own father safe." M'Baku said before Sean punched him in the face which sent him back a few feet.

"Ok I've had enough of this. Especially after that remark about my sister." Sean said about to fight before T'Challa held him back.

"I accept your Challenge M'Baku." T'Challa said making him smirk.

"Glory to Hanuman." M'Baku said as the people started to cheer and an upbeat in Drum music started.

It didn't take long for T'Challa to defeat M'Baku before getting him to the edge of the arena.

"You have fought with Honor. Now Yield! Your people need you! Yield Man!" T'Challa said before M'Baku tapped out making T'Challa sigh in relief as he let him go. Sean chuckled at this before pulling him up.

"Almost had me worried there." Sean said making him chuckle.


"Got to admit this is a nice place to settle down." Hellboy said as the walked through the city.

"True. Still we won't be staying forever." Sean said.

"Got any ideas on how to find Liz and the others?" Hellboy asked.

"We need to find the Raft is the problem. It constantly moves and is more than likely heavily fortified." Sean said before they found T'Challa and Nakia. "Well, look who it is. It's the separated love birds." Sean said making Hellboy chuckle.

"Will you please talk some sense into him?" Nakia asked.

"What did you do now?" Sean asked making him roll his eyes.

"I'm simply suggesting we can help the world. Foreign Aid. Refuge programs." Nakia said.

"Well, not now." Sean said.

"What do you mean not now?" Nakia asked.

"You haven't told her have you?" Sean asked making him shake his head.

"Nakia...Luthor controls the world right now. He's captured all the heroes of the universe. If we open our borders now Luthor will come and try and take everything from us." T'Challa said surprising her.

"How did this happen?" Nakia asked.

"We got played like chumps. He hid his true objective using the Sokovia accords. Him, Hager and Travis captured almost all of us. Only a small few of us are left." Hellboy said.

"If we're gonna mount a rescue mission we need an army. And Wakanda no matter how advanced it is will not be enough." Sean said.

"He's right." T'Challa said. "And if you were not so stubborn you would make a great queen." T'Challa said making her grin.

"I would make a great queen because I am so stubborn." Nakia said making Sean and Hellboy chuckle.

"Ah you admit it." T'Challa said making her giggle.


"Damn these animals are freaking huge. Are they still growing?" Turok asked as he, W'Kabi and T'Challa looked at a rather large Rhino.

"Don't you have an oversized Wolf as a pet my friend?" W'Kabi asked in amusement making him chuckle. "I see Nakia is back. You two going to work things out?" W'Kabi asked T'Challa making him sigh.

"Whats wrong?" Turok asked.

"Nakia thinks we should be doing more." Nakia said.

"More, Like what?" W'Kabi asked.

"Foreign aid, Refugee programs." T'Challa said.

"Bad idea. You let outsiders in here and this place turns into hope." Turok said.

"Hope was your home town correct?" W'Kabi asked.

"Yup and we were a lot like Wakanda in traditions. Then we decided to let people into the town and the next month everyone but me and Ralph got killed in a black ops raid." Turok said.

"Why?" W'Kabi asked in surprise.

"Unfortunately a high level terrorist had infiltrated the town and ended up on their radar." T'Challa said having been told the story from Sean.

"Hmm. If you wanted me and my men to go out there and clean up the world and take down Luthor I'd be all for it." W'Kabi said.

"Waging war on other countries has never been our way." T'Challa said before their Kimoyo beads beeped.

"Uh oh." Turok said before all three activated them and the image of Sean appeared.

"Hey guys. You will never believe who just popped up on our radar." Sean said.


"A misidentified Wakandan Artifact was stolen from a British museum." Okoye said before the image of Ulysses Klaue appeared. "We have learned Klaue plans to sell the Vibranium to an American Buyer in South Korea tomorrow night." Okoye said.

"Oh not that Jackass again." Turok said.

"Klaue has escaped Wakanda's pursuit for 30 years. And we still have no idea how he got past the defenses so easily. I suggest we go and bring him back for interrogation." Sean said.

"I agree." T'Challa said.

"As do I." W'Kabi said.

"Wakanda does not need a warrior right now. We need a king." The Merchant Tribe elder said.

"That is not for you to decide that is for the king. Besides Klaue might have been supplying Luthor with Weapons. We capture him we're one step closer to taking down Lex." Sean said.

"It's to great an opportunity to pass." Okoye said.

"We shall proceed with the mission." T'Challa said.

T'Challa and Sean went to the labs where Shuri was waiting for them.

"My King." Shuri said taking a bow.

"Knock it off." Sean said making her giggle.

"So who's going on this mission in Korea?" Shuri asked.

"Sean of course since he's actually been to Korea and has ways to conceal his identity. Okoye and Nakia as well." T'Challa said making her raise an eyebrow.

"Are you sure it's such a good idea to bring your Ex with you on a mission?" Shuri asked.

"I have back then and things between me and Sue worked out fine. Besides We'll let you know when we need help." Sean said making her grin.

"Now I have great things to show you." Sherry said showing some small devices that looked like Eye Contacts. "These are your communication devices for Korea. I based the design on some Global Tech inventions that Sean was developing. Unlimited range and audio surveillance system." Shuri said.

"Nice." Sean said before showing off her next invention.

"Remote Access Komoyo beads. Updates to interface directly with my sand table." Shuri said.

"And what are these?" T'Challa said looking at what looked like the bottom of sandals.

"The real question is WHAT ARE THOSE!" Shuri yelled pointing at his sandals making them chuckle. "Why do you have your toes out in my lab?" Shuri asked.

"I wanted to go old school on my first day." T'Challa said.

"I bet the elders loved that." Shuri said making him chuckle. "Try them on." Shuri said laying them on the ground and he stepped in them and shoes appeared.

"Nice." Sean said impressed.

"Fully automated. Like the old American movie Baba used to watch." Shuri said. (Anyone have any idea what she's talking about? I really want to know)

"Now the best of them all." Sean said going to the Suits.

"Exhibit A." Shuri said.

"My design." T'Challa said looking at his suit.

"Old tech." Shuri said.

"Old?" T'Challa asked.

"Functional, but old. Hey people are shooting at me. Let me put on my helmet." Shuri said making Sean chuckle.

"Enough." T'Challa said.

"Now Sean both designed one of each." Shuri said. "My design." Shuri said as the Suit appeared both Black and Gold.

"The Title is Black Panther not Black and Gold Panther. Plus is looks horrible." T'Challa said making her groan out before Sean activated his looking close to the Original. "Now this I can work with." T'Challa said making Sean smirk.

"Told you." Sean said.

"You know just because you're only half Human doesn't mean I can't kick your ass." Shuri said making him smirk.

"Go ahead and try. I think I've proven I'm rathe difficult to beat." Sean said. "Now this one can absorb kinetic energy and you can use it against your enemies." Sean said.

"Very nice." T'Challa said.

Later in South Korea

"This ridicules thing on my head is irritating me." Okoye said with a wig on.

"Just deal with it for now." Sean said as they entered the Casino that Nakia's friend let them into. "Heh. Never gone gambling before." Sean said.

"Oh?" T'Challa asked.

"Never really had the time." Sean said as they split up.

"The woman outside. What trouble was she referring to?" T'Challa asked making her sigh.

"Ah I got into a disagreement with some Ivory traders. Made a bit of a mess." Nakia said.

"Hey focus guys." Sean said looking around the place.

"I count three Americans." Nakia said.

"Five." Okoye said.

"Make that six." Sean said spotting Talbot at one of the crap tables who spotted him as well as Sean approached him.

"Jesus Christ where the hell have you been?" Talbot asked.

"Safest place that there is right now. What are you doing here? Are you the one buying from Klaue?" Sean asked.

"Not like I have a choice. Luthor is really screwing things up." Talbot said making him frown.

"What's happened in the last week?" Sean asked making him sigh.

"Better question is what hasn't happened? He's disbanded the FBI and CIA. As well as shut down major systems for the country and others. The Accords are screwing us over. Where the hell are the others?" Talbot asked.

"Captured. On a prison called the Raft thats out in the sea. Tony and Steve gave us chance to escape. So far as I can tell the only ones who managed to escape are Batman and Deathstroke. Along with all our Transformer allies who are in hiding." Sean said.

"Well, we need to do something. Luthor is pushing to disband the military and governments themselves. And when he does that we're all screwed." Talbot said before Klaue and his men walked in. "We'll talk later." Talbot said going to talk with Klaue.

"Seems Luthor has no intention of stopping." T'Challa said.

"He never does. Disbanding the Governments of the world. He's out of his mind." Sean said.

"We'll deal with it later." Okoye said before one of Klaue's men tried to attack her recognizing her as a Wakandan before out off her hand a spear appeared.

"Now!" Sean said pulling out the Blades of Chaos from a pocket Dimension before slicing up Klaue's men. Klaue of course tried to bolt before T'Challa jumped up to him.

"Murderer!" T'Challa yelled making him face him with a grin before his new left arm turned into a cannon.

"You look just like your old man!" Klaue said firing at him but T'Challa grabbed a cart and used it as a shield. "I made it rain!" Klaue said laughing like a mad man before he and his men bolted.

"Let's go!" Sean yelled as Okoye and Nakia already left.

"Right." T'Challa said as they ran outside seeing they already threw one of the Remote access beads on a car.

"Shuri." Sean said.

"Got it. Wait which side of the road is it?" Shuri asked.

"For Bast's sakes just drive!" T'Challa said.

"Ok calm down." Shuri said as she drove the car from her lab before T'Challa activated his suit and both he and Sean jumped on the car.

"They're splitting up." Nakia said as two cars went in two separate directions.

"We got the ones on the left." Sean said as both cars went after them.

Sean and T'Challa jumped on the car in the back before Sean used his blades to slice it in half going down making it crash in two placed killing the occupants.

"Where'd you get those blades? I'd love to make some replicas." Shuri said.

"Sorry these are made from Magic." Sean said making her groan.

"Focus." T'Challa said as they came to the last car but they started firing at them.

"Use the Kinetic Energy." Sean said making T'Challa jump and landed on them before he blew them up.

"None of them had Klaue." T'Challa said.

"We got him." Nakia said as the two followed Klaue before he blasted them destroying the car. "Never mind." Nakia said before Talbot parked next to them.

"Need a lift?" Talbot asked.

Sean and T'Challa continued their chase till Sean used his blades to destroy the back half of the car making Klaue crash.

Klaue soon got out looked a little banged up.

"Klaue!" T'Challa yelled getting his attention. "Did you think we would forget?" T'Challa asked before Klaue blasts him but did nothing other than make him angry as he ripped his new arm off. "Where did you get this weapon?" T'Challa asked.

"You savages didn't deserve it." Klaue said before T'Challa pushed him up agains the remains of the car with his claws out. "Oh mercy! King! Mercy!" Klaue yelled.

"Enough." Sean said gaining his attention. "Not while others watch." Sean said as Talbot parked next to them.

Hours later

"What the hell is this?" Talbot asked looking at the arm Cannon.

"Mining tool. Looks like Klaue made some adjustments to it." Sean said.

"General Talbot." T'Challa said gaining his attention. "What exactly has Luthor done since his rise to power?" T'Challa asked making him sigh.

"As I told Sean. He's disbanded the FBI and CIA as well as disband needed factions that keep the government stable. He's already disbanded the Government agency of England and Russia. The US is..." Talbot tried to say before he got a text and sighed. "Correction its gone. He's trying control the whole world by disbanding the governments of the world and he's already disbanded three of the strongest." Talbot said.

"How can he disband them so quickly?" Sean asked.

"He's draining all our funds and resources. Hell he's even letting people starve by shutting down food markets and farms. If this keeps up there won't be a world to save. And our allies can't do anything because of the governments of the world agreed to the Accords." Talbot said.

"There has to be a loophole." Sean asked.

"We checked a hundred times. There is no loophole." Talbot said before an explosion in interrogation room occurred before armed men walked and started shooting. "GET DOWN!" Talbot yelled pulling Nakai down.

Suddenly a grenade was thrown into the room and T'Challa in his Black Panther suit used his body to absorb the blast before going outside to stop them but got hit by another Grenade and went down. Looking at those who helped Klaue escaped he noticed around the neck of one of them was a necklace that had a ring identical to the one his grandfather wore as king before they left.

"T'Challa." Sean said rushing up to him. "Nakia." Sean said making his eyes widen before they rushed inside and saw her unharmed next to Talbot who had a bullet wound in his back.

"He just jumped right in front of me." Nakia said before Sean put one of the Beads in the wound to stabilize him.

"We need to take him to Wakanda. I can't risk using my powers right now." Sean said making T'Challa nod.

Hours later

"Whats this?" Shuri asked seeing Talbot being carried in.

"Just need you to heal him." Sean said.

"Another white boy to fix. This should be fun." Shuri said.

"Whats going on in here?" W'Kabi said walking in.

"Klaue got away. We need to talk to the Elders now. We have a bigger problem." Sean said.

"What do you mean?" W'Kabi asked.

"Luthor is disbanding the governments of the world leaving them in chaos. Draining their funds and resources." Sean said.

"Wait that doesn't make any sense. He needs the governments of the world to keep the accords. Without them the Accords would be useless." W'Kabi said.

"Not unless he's planning something. Like building his own Government." Sean said.

"We need to act soon otherwise there won't be a world to save." W'Kabi said.

"It's not that simple. We need everyone in the alliance our big guns in order to take back the world. I'm not gonna have Wakanda throw away its people like that." Sean said.

"What do you suggest then?" W'Kabi asked.

"Build up our numbers and find the others on the Raft. Once we find them taking back the world will be easy." Sean said making him nod in agreement. "Sorry we couldn't get Klaue but saving Talbot took Priority." Sean said.

"I don't blame you." W'Kabi said before T'Challa left. "Does he seem troubled to you?" W'Kabi asked.

"Yeah he's been like that since we left Korea. Wonder whats bothering him." Sean said.


Talbot soon woke up with a groan before he noticed his surroundings.

"The hell?" Talbot asked before sitting up noticing he was in some kind of gown. Walking around he saw Shuri working on a new invention. "Uh Ma'm?" Talbot asked getting her attention.

"General Talbot. I was wondering when you would wake up." Shuri said.

"How do you know my name?" Talbot asked.

"I know a lot about you. You're a former one star general in the united states army before it was disbanded and Sean's right hand man." Shuri said making him raise an eyebrow.

"Where are we?" Talbot asked.

"In Wakanda of course." Hellboy said walking in.

"Oh, How many of you managed to escape Luthor?" Talbot asked.

"Not many mostly just me, Sean his siblings minus David, Batman, Deathstroke and the Transformers. Other than that everyone else was captured on the Raft." Hellboy said.

"The Raft?" Talbot said confused.

"A mobile prison in the ocean. Hager has everyone there." Shuri said.

"Hager? What are you talking about? Luthor had him imprisoned." Talbot said surprising them.

"Wait what?" Hellboy asked.

"Guess Hager served his role in Luthor's plans." Talbot said before looking out of the lab seeing people mining Vibranium. "Is that...All Vibranium?" Talbot asked making Shuri nod making him scoff. "I don't believe this. I knew Wakanda was full of it but I didn't think it was this much." Talbot said in disbelief. Suddenly the Communicator on Shuri went off making her answer and the image of Okoye appeared.

"Where is T'Challa? His communicator is off." Okoye said.

"We're not joined at the hip, Okoye." Shuri said.

"A man at the border showed up claiming to have killed Klaue." Okoye said.

"What?" Shuri said in surprise.

"Turok and W'Kabi are transporting him, as we speak, to the palace. We need to find Sean and your brother." Okoye said as Shuri pulled up the image of the man who she was walking about.

"An Outsider?" Shuri asked.

"No, A Wakandan." Okoye said.

"He's not from Wakanda." Talbot said recognizing him. "He's from the US." Talbot said.


Sean and T'Challa were up on a cliff. T'Challa after talking with Zuri learned his father killed his uncle after selling information about Wakanda to Klaue.

"He killed his own brother and left a child behind with Nothing. What kind of King...What kind of man does that?" T'Challa asked.

"Hmm. Do you truly believe T'Chaka wanted to kill his own brother?" Sean asked.

"No." T'Challa said.

"I believe your father was acting on instinct when it happened to save Zuri. And that action haunted him for a long time. People can make horrible decisions when they are set into beliefs. Your father cared more about his people then the rest of the world back in the day. And he was afraid of looking into the eyes of his nephew because of what he did. It's only natural." Sean said.

"Do you truly believe that?" T'Challa asked.

"Of course I do. T'Chaka is a man of honor like you. I only hope that I don't hesitate when I have to kill mine for the fate of the universe. Speaking of which I'm rather surprised he's not even trying to attack earth with it being so vulnerable right now." Sean said before their communicators went off and the image of Shuri appeared.

"Both of you need to get here now." Shuri said.

Minutes later

"Erik Stevens. Graduated Annapolis age 19 MIT for Grad School. Joined the SEALs and went straight to Afghanistan where he rapped up confirmed kills, like it was a video game. Started calling him Killmonger. He Joined JSOC Ghost Unit. Now these guys are serious. They will drop off the grid so they can commit assassinations and take down governments." Talbot said.

"How do you know all this?" Sean asked.

"I used to assign him some of our more difficult assignments before Global Tech became so wide spread." Talbot said.

"Did he reveal anything about his identity?" T'Challa asked.

"He has a war dog tattoo but we have no record of him." Shuri said.

"Theres something else." Talbot said gaining their attention. "It's under our belief he stole classified information form Luthor 2 days before the Accords took place. Information that could prove vital and taking Down Luthor's rule." Talbot said.

"Information might help in the long run but what we need the most is everyone he's captured. Even if we take him down I doubt he'll tell us where they are just to piss us off. We use this info once we free them." Sean said.


"Is this man Wakandan or not?" The River Tribe elder asked.

"Look just calm down he should be here any minute." Sean said before the doors opened revealing Killmonger in chains with Turok and W'Kabi as they walked in.

"Speek." T'Challa said.

"I'm standing in your house serving Justice to a man who stole your Vibranium and murdered your people. Justice your king couldn't deliver." Killmonger said shocking the Elders at how blunt he was before T'Challa and the Dora's approached him.

"I don't care that you brought Klaue. Only reason I don't kill you where you stand is because I know who you are. Now, What do you want?" T'Challa asked making him smirk.

"I want the throne." Killmonger said making the Elders laugh while T'Challa, Sean, Turok, W'Kabi and Okoye remained serious.

"Y'all sittin' up here comfortable. Must feel good. Theres about six billion people suffering out there right now." Killmonger said.

"You think we don't know that? Luthor has captured all of Earth's heroes in one fell swoop. He planned this perfectly despite how much I hate to admit it." Sean said.

"T'Challa we have entertained this charlatan for to long." Ramonda said. "Reject his request." Ramonda said.

"Oh I ain't requesting nothing. Ask who I am." Killmonger said.

"Your Erik Stevens. An American Black Operative. A mercenary nicknamed Killmonger." Shuri said.

"Former American Princess. There is no America anymore since Luthor disbanded the whole government." Killmonger said shocking the elders. "And thats not my name. Go on ask me." Killmonger said.

"Forget it. We have more pressing concerns. Take him away." Sean said getting the guards to do just that till.

"Who are you?" The River Tribe elder asked.

"I am N'Jadaka! Son of Prince N'Jobu!" Killmonger yelled shocking the elders.

"Son of N'Jobu?" The Mining Tribe elder said surprised.

"I found my daddy with Panther claws in his chest! You ain't the son of a king you the son of a murderer!" Killmonger yelled.

"Your lying! Lies!" Ramonda yelled.

"Regretfully not." Turok said holding up the necklace with the ring of N'Jobu shocking the elders.

"Hi, Auntie." Killmonger said as Sean took the ring. "I'm exercising my blood right for the mantle of king and Black Panther." Killmonger said.

"Do not do this T'Challa." Ramonda said.

"As the son of Prince N'Jobu he is within his rights." The border tribe elder said.

"But T'Challa has only been king for only a day." Sean said. "You seriously are going to do this now? We have a crisis out there!" Sean said in disbelief.

"A challenge would take weeks." The River Tribe elder said.

"Weeks? I don't need weeks. The whole country ain't gotta be there. I just need him. And someone to get me out of these chains." Killmonger said.

"T'Challa this is a bad idea." Sean said making him sigh.

"I accept the challenge." T'Challa said.


T'Challa had lost the challenge and Killmonger had thrown him over the edge into the river to his death. This had horrified Queen Ramonda and Shuri and worse of all Nakia.

Sean Knew there was only one place to get help. The Jabari tribe in the mountains. During the ritual for Killmonger Sean had managed to get one of the Heart shaped herbs to give to M'Baku.

"Where are we going again?" Talbot asked as they walked up the mountains

"To the Jabari. We need an army to take down Killmonger. Give the heart shaped Herb to M'Baku." Sean said.

"Herb?" Talbot said confused.

"It's what gives the power of the Black Panther." Shuri said.

"Sean." Ramonda said making him stop and they both walked away from the others. "I don't like this. The Herb belongs to us. We may be creating a bigger monster with M'Baku." Ramond said looking at the stone carving of the Jabari. "Sean, you should take it yourself. T'Challa would want you to save Wakanda." Ramonda said making him scoff.

"I am no king or leader other than that of leading the Riders. And I have no army anymore because of Luthor." Sean said making her shake her head.

"You have no idea what you are capable of." Ramonda said.

"What does that mean?" Sean asked.

"T'Challa saw it. Nakai and Shuri see it and so do I and Talbot. You have the makings of a perfect leader but you won't take that position because you are unsure of yourself." Ramonda said before the Jabari surrounded them.

"Oh shit." Sean said.

Soon enough the Jabari took that to M'Baku.

"Why are you here?" M'Baku asked.

"T'Challa was murdered in ritual combat." Sean said.

"Were the odds fair?" M'Baku asked.

"No. His mind was full of doubt. He lost because he lost focus." Sean said.

"Forgive me but that is hardly an excuse. Who defeated him?" M'Baku asked.

"His cousin Erik Stevens." Sean said making him raise an eyebrow.

"I was not aware he had any other relatives other than his sister. He is the son of Prince N'Jobu then?" M'Baku said.

"Yes." Sean said.

"Why are you here?" M'Baku asked before Sean pulled out the Heart shaped Herb.

"We need your help to take back Wakanda. Killmonger will lead the country to war against Luthor and many will day. I can't let that happen." Sean said making him frown before standing up.

"Come with me." M'Baku said leading them somewhere.

Soon enough the arrived at a healing chamber and Ramonda and Shuri gasped seeing who was inside.

"Oh thank Christ." Sean said seeing T'Challa was still alive though Barley. "I assume this snow is the only thing keeping him alive?" Sean asked.

"Yes. One of our fisherman brought him from the river and my people brought him here. I was rather surprised he was in this condition till you told me his story." M'Baku said before Sean crushed the herb in a bowl before Nakai gave it to him.

Few minutes Later T'Challa woke up healing from the Herb.

Hours later

"Killmonger has the full support of the military. And he burned the garden of the heart shaped Herb." Sean said.

"Of course he did. Thats what he was trained to do. His unit used to work with the CIA to destabilize foreign countries. They would always strike at transitions of power like an election year, or the death of a monarch. To get control of the government the military." Talbot said.

"Our resources." T'chaka said.

"Bingo." Sean said.

"The Great mound." T'Challa said.

"Our Vibranium, all of my designs." Shuri said.

"He will send our weapons all over the world." T'Challa said.

"We need to stop him." Hellboy said before M'Baku yawned rather rudely.

"Are you done?" M'Baku said making Sean chuckle.

"Give us a minute." Sean said getting everyone to leave. "Thanks for saving my friend." Sean said making him sigh.

"I owed him a debt. A life for a life. I consider it paid." M'Baku said.

"I need a favor. I need Ramonda and my sister Sarah to stay here." Sean said confusing him.

"What about the other two?" M'Baku said making him sigh.

"Sarah still blames herself for what happened in Lagos. She isn't ready to go back in the field. She's been forgiven by all of Wakanda." Sean said making him chuckle.

"That she has. But this isn't about getting people to forgive her. She needs to forgive herself. Thats her problem. I've seen it happen to many of my warriors before. Wounds like that take time to heal." M'Baku said.

"True. We could also use an army." Sean said making him chuckle.

"I bet you do but no. I will give no Jabari lives towards this cause." M'Baku said.

"Are you really that against helping Wakanda? If Warmonger gets Vibranium out of the country and it falls into Luthor's hands you and I both know what will happen." Sean said.

"I am sorry. But we will not help you." M'Baku said making him sigh.

"Consider this though. If we fail and you knew you could help. What kind of legacy will you leave behind?" Sean asked as he left making him sigh .


Killmonger was having the people load up everything onto the cargo ships to deploy to places where Luthor was screwing up.

"The London, New York and Hong Kong are ready to fight against Luthor." W'Kabi said.

"The world is gonna thank us for getting rid of Luthor." Killmonger said before one of the aircraft went down and crashed. Everyone rushed to see what happened before they saw T'Challa and Sean coming out of the wreckage.

"He lives." Okoye said in relief that T'Challa was alive.

"N'Jadaka! I never Yielded and as you can see I am not Dead!" T'Challa said.

"All that Challenge shit is over with! I'm the king now." Killmonger said getting the Border tribe members to get in attack position.

"They won't side with you once the learn the truth about your old man." Sean said making him frown.

"What Truth?" W'Kabi asked.

"Its nothing." Killmonger said.

"W'Kabi! You constantly asked how the hell Klaue got past all the security into Wakanda. We know the Truth from Zuri." Sean said. (He's not dead in my story)

"How?" W'Kabi asked while Killmonger looked nervous.

"The reason Klaue got past all the security is because his old man told Klaue about it." Sean said making everyone widen their eyes before aiming their weapons at Killmonger making him sigh.

"Seriously. You had to drag in my pops?" Killmonger asked.

"Nothing personal. But I'm not gonna let you drag Wakanda into a war." Sean said making him sigh.

"Man I was so hoping to avoid this." Killmonger said before firing up a flare into the air.

"What did you just do!" Okoye yelled making him grin.

"I called in for some backup." Killmonger said before out of the sky came a group of Terrorcons.

"Terrcons!" Sean yelled in surprise.

"I cut them a deal! They help me take down Luthor and I'll give them some Vibranium." Killmonger said.

"Border Tribe!" W'Kabi yelled getting yells from his people. "CHARGE!" W'Kabi yelled as they charged at the Terrorcons.

"I'll handle Killmonger. You take care of these guys!" Sean said.

"Goodluck!" T'Challa said as Sean charged at Killmonger who activated the Black Panther suit Shuri made.

"I'm only doing this because someone needs to take down Luthor!" Killmonger said.

"I can see that but you'll bring Wakanda to ruins!" Sean yelled before he charged at him and both fell down into the mountain before landing on a train Track.

Sean used his chain to grab Killmonger by the foot and started swinging him around before he cut the chain and freed himself before kicking him back.

Up Top the Terrorcons had the advantage in size.

"Surrender now! You all have three seconds to lay down your weapons." The Leading Terrorcon said before suddenly the sounds of grunts were heard along with the ground shaking.

"Now what?" Turok asked before one of the Terrocons yelled as it was grabbed in the mouth of none other than Grimlock The Dinobot. And on his back was M'Baku and Sarah.

"Witness the might of the Jabari with Transformers First hand!" M'Baku yelled as Grimlock swallowed the Terrorcon before roaring into the air as Megatron and the other Transformers arrived.

"Now this is more like it!" Hellboy yelled before shooting one in the head.

Sean and Kilmonger were still facing each other before Sean pulled out the blades of Chaos and Stabbed him in the stomach with ease making him groan out. (Magic is stronger than science)

"Hell of a move." Erik said as the mask of his suit vanished. Sean sighed at this since he did not want to fight him.

"Listen bud. I get why your anger. I've been there. But revenge is not the way. And understand you want to take down Luthor since you and I both know what he'll do. But theres another way." Sean said gaining his attention. "Help us fight him. Help us free the others he's captured. You have the information that could take down what he has built." Sean said making him nod before pulling out a flash drive around his neck. "I can still heal you and you can help us in the fight. Make sure what happened to you doesn't happen to anyone else." Sean said making him look at him.

"Why are you willing to help me? After what I tried to do?" Erik asked.

"I've always lived with the belief almost anyone who's not to far gone deserves a second chance. And I'm willing to bet everyone will forgive you if you help us." Sean said making him nod before slowly taking out the blade and used his magic to heal him.

"You know my pops used to tell me Wakanda was the most beautiful thing you ever saw. Even told me he was going to show it to me one day." Erik said before Sean swung his arm over his shoulder and walked over to a lift where they exited the mountain seeing the city of Wakanda. "It's beautiful." Erik said.

"Ay that it is." Sean said.


After T'Challa was placed back on the Throne Sean and Erik walked through the city.

"By the way whats with the mark?" Erik asked making him chuckle.

"Oh this? Zuri calls it the mark of Honor. Given to the most trusted outsider who respects the people and traditions." Sean said before his communicator went off. "What?" Sean asked.

"You need to get to the throne right away." Talbot said.

Both of them rushed to the throne and inside Sean saw T'Chaka fully awake and healed.

"Hello my friend." T'Chaka said before his eyes landed on Erik. "Erik." T'Chaka said.

"Uncle." Erik said.

"He just woke up an hour ago." Turok said.

"I need to ask." Erik said gaining his attention. "Why did you really kill my pops?" Erik asked.

"Dude." Sean said annoyed.

"I just need to know." Erik said making T'Chaka sigh.

"I acted on pure instincts. I meant to disarm him not kill him. He moved and my claws went right through him." T'Chaka said sadly.

"So it was an accident then?" Erik said.

"Yes and one that will continue to haunt me for all my days." T'Chaka said.

"Told you." Sean said before outside a bright light was seen before something crashed outside the city.

"Whoa what the hell?" Erik said.

"Lets move!" Sean said as they rushed to the crash site.

Soon they arrived at the site and Sean widened his eyes.

"It can't be." Sean said in disbelief.

"What is that?" W'Kabi asked seeing some giant metal Cube.

"The all spark. Optimus used this to bring life back to Cybertron. The hell is it doing here?" Sean asked.

"Uh guys?" Hellboy said showing video feed of the news showing large horns coming out of the ground around the world.

"Luthor?" T'Challa asked.

"No he couldn't be responsible for something like this." Sean said.

Meanwhile in space

Optimus Prime floated endlessly in space having shut down to preserve power. Unknown to him or anyone a large object was moving towards him and Earth.

Deep in the Earth a pair of purple eyes glowed.

"The time is near." A voice said.
