
Past and Present

"WHAT!" Sean yelled. "You cant be ready now you're not due for another 2 months." Sean said.

"Well trust me this says differently!" Diana yelled in pain holding her stomach.

"Fuck man!" Sean said before pulling her up.


"How is she?" Sean asked. The doctor Sean was talking to had Red hair blue eyes and white skin and was very beautiful her name was Ann Possible.

"She's stable for now but we're going to have to wait a few more hours before she's fully ready to deliver." Ann said before she left.

Sean sighed before looking back into her room.

"She'll be fine." A male voice said making him look behind him and saw an elderly old man with a staff in hand.

"Do I know you?" Sean asked.

"Not exactly. I need your help." The old man said.

"Can it wait I'm in the middle of..." Sean tried to say.

"It concerns her and your unborn child as well. There is a problem from another time you need to stop." The old man said.

"From another time? Time Travel?" Sean asked.

"Yes. You see your needed to stop a great evil in the past." The Old man said. Sean looked at Diana who was with her sister Donna.

"Give me a second here." Sean said entering the room.

"Whats wrong?" Diana asked while grunting in slight pain.

"I uh need to go somewhere real quick. To the Past actually." Sean said making her raise an eyebrow.

"And?" Diana said.

"And?" Sean said in surprise making her smile.

"Sean at this point nothing would surprise me." Diana said making him chuckle.

"Fair enough. I just don't want to leave you like this right now." Sean said making her smile more before kissing him

"I doubt you'll miss the birth of our first child. Your needed elsewhere right now. Go. I'll be here when you get back." Diana said making him nod and kissed her. He walked back out where the old man waited patiently.

"Alright old man where are you sending me?" Sean asked making him grin.

"To Egypt. You will find Horus. You will journey with him to defeat Set. However your true reason for going back in time will reveal itself to you when the time is right." The Old man said about to send him back in time.

"By the way who are you?" Sean asked making him chuckle.

"I am Ra the God of the Sun." Ra said shocking him.

"Wait! What!" Sean yelled before he disappeared

In Ancient Egypt

"Try to Keep up." Horus said to the mortal Bek before a portal opened in front of him.

"What in the?" Bek said before Sean crashed down hard on his back.

"OW!" Sean yelled in pain before standing up and saw a man much taller then him. "Whoa your fucking tall." Sean said.

"Well I am a god." Horus said not offended by this mysterious stranger. "Who are you? And why are you here?" Horus asked.

"Uh first let me ask. Are you Horus?" Sean asked.

"Yes." Horus answered.

"Ok good that parts done then. As for why I'm here. Ra sent me from the future to this timeline." Sean said shocking Horus and Bek.

"Ra God of the Sun sent you?" Bek asked.

"Who are you?" Sean asked.

"Bek, Bek Kruger." Bek answered shocking Sean by the fact they had the same last name.

"You said my grandfather sent you from the future? Why?" Horus said since he didn't see the reason for sending a mortal to do a gods job.

"Hell if I know man. Look can we just go see him since I'm sure thats where we're supposed to go." Sean said.

"Very well." Horus said.


"So if your from the future does Set still live?" Bek asked Sean as they climbed a mountain.

"Who's Set?" Sean asked.

"That answers that." Horus said.

"No seriously who's Set?" Sean asked.

"You know the God of the desert? The God of life's brother." Bek said.

"Oh you mean that asshole." Sean said making Horus chuckle slightly from the insult to his uncle.

"Yes him. If you don't know much about him then that must mean we triumph in our quest." Horus said.

"That also means Zaya comes back." Bek said.

"Who's Zaya?" Sean asked.

"His woman who died helping him get my eye back. If we defeat Set before she reaches the end of her journey we can bring her back from the dead." Horus said.

"Oh." Sean said.

"So whats the future like?" Bek asked.

"Yes I'm rather curious about that as well." Horus said.

"It's best I don't tell you since I don't want to interfere with the timeline." Sean said.

"Very well." Horus said as they reached the top.

"Why are we here?" Sean asked.

"To go to Ra." Horus said.

"Uh isn't he you know up there?" Sean asked pointing up to the sky.

"Yes." Horus said.

"He's joking right?" Bek asked.

"Nope." Sean said as Horus prayed till he changed form and grew wings. "Whoa!" Sean said amazed.

"Impressive." Bek said before Horus carried them both up to the sky. As they flew a boat of ancient design came into view before they landed and Horus changed back to his normal form.

"Stay in my shadow both of you." Horus said but Sean stepped out and nothing happened to him.

"Why?" Bek said doing the same only to get burned.

"Thats why. Your not like us your not enhanced." Sean said.

"Hail, Thou Great God Ra." Horus said as he bowed along with Bek while Sean stood.

"Normally, when a bird lands on my boat, I kill it before it can shit." Ra said making Sean snicker slightly making Ra look at him and narrowed his eyes in curiosity. "You bring two mortals to the source of creation?" Ra asked his grandson.

"Bek is important to me and he on the other hand." Horus tried to say.

"You actually sent me sir from the future." Sean said making Ra look at him.

"I sent you to the past from your time?" Ra asked.

"Yes." Sean said.

"Hmmm." Ra said standing up and looked at him as he approached him. "You have the appearance of an ordinary mortal and yet you are not ordinary are you?" Ra said.

"No." Sean said before he was engulfed in white flames catching his interest along with Bek's and Horus's as well. "In my time I'm whats known as a Ghost Rider and I'm the leader of them. We appear when the world is engulfed in to much evil and destroy it till there is no more then when the world is engulfed again in evil a new generation takes our place." Sean said.

"I see. Now why have you come?" Ra asked his grandson.

"I would only ask something of you." Horus said making Ra scoff.

"Ah in that case I should stop everything I'm doing and do your bidding." Ra said.

"Grandfather I mean no disrespect." Horus said.

"You don't know the difference." Ra said before a roaring sound was heard.

"What was that?" Sean asked.

"Stay here. Be quiet." Ra said putting a crown on. "I have work to do." Ra said before he was engulfed in flames and became much much taller.

"Holy shit. Way taller then when I saw him in my time." Sean said.

"Put the regular mortal below deck if you want him to live." Ra said.

"Don't have to tell me twice." Sean said picking him up and did just that.

"HEY!" Bek yelled.

Sean and Horus saw a giant black worm like monster with sharp teeth approaching the world before Ra started blasting him with his staff forcing it back.

"Crawl back to Shadow, You stinking worm! You shall never feast on my creation!" Ra yelled as the monster turned back.

"What the hell was that?" Sean asked.

"That my young friend was Apophis the demon of Chaos. Night after night I must battle him in order to protect my creation and the world. Things would be different if I could dwell with my children in the garden of the Nile. It is my burden to battle him night after night." Ra said.

"So why not destroy him?" Sean asked.

"I wish I could but I'm not powerful enough to destroy him." Ra said. "There are things far worse then Set." Ra said.

"You're wrong." Horus said. "That demon isn't the one who murdered my father murdered your son." Horus said.

"They are both my sons. They were both equal in my eyes. As is all of my creation. And the uncertainty of its destiny is my will." Ra said before turning to normal size. "So what is it that actually brings you here?" Ra asked.

"Allow me to fill my flask with these waters." Horus said making him look at him.

"The waters are not mine." Ra said.

Horus filled his flash with the waters while Sean pulled Bek up.

"What did I miss?" Bek asked.

"You don't want to know." Sean said.

"Tell me this other mortal did he say why I sent him here?" Ra asked his Grandson.

"No but he did not know about Set in his time so perhaps he's the key to stopping him." Horus asked.

"No I doubt that. No if I sent him here it was for another reason." Ra said eying Sean in curiosity.


"Whoa!" Sean yelled as they crashed when Horus turned back to normal.

"Maybe next time, keep flying until we're actually on the ground." Bek said.

"What Ra gave, he took back." Horus said before Sean helped him up. "Thank you." Horus said.

"No problem. So tell me how the hell is this." Sean said holding the flash with the water of creation in it. "Going to stop Set?" Sean asked.

"By quenching the Desert fire Set will lose all his power and then I can kill him." Horus said.

"Revenge does no good for anyone believe me I know." Sean said.

"You sought out Revenge? On who?" Horus asked.

"Doesn't matter it was a long time ago." Sean said.

"What would happen if I drank that?" Bek asked.

"It would refresh you then you would die." Horus said making Sean chuckle.

"Cause you would kill him for wasting it?" Sean asked making him chuckle.

"You catch on quick." Horus said before throwing a water container at Bek who sighed before walking off.

"Could you at least try to treat him with respect since he's risking a lot to help you." Sean said.

"Why do you care about him so much?" Horus asked.

"I believe he's actually my ancestor. So if he dies in the past." Sean said.

"You die in the present along with the rest of your linage." Horus said.

"Exactly." Sean said before they heard Bek talking to someone about the eye.

"Oh great." Horus said.

Battling a small squad of monsters was easy for the two power houses.

"What exactly are you?" Bek asked Sean.

"A Ghost Rider." Sean said.


Sean, Bek, Horus and Horus's former lover Hathor who helped them take down the giant Serpents Set sent after them traveled a swamp to Thoth the god of Wisdom.

"So tell me this other mortal what is he?" Hathor asked.

"He calls himself a Ghost Rider a powerful being who's sole purpose is to eradicate evil in the world should it be consumed by to much evil. My Grandfather sent him from the future to the present to aid us in our quest." Horus said.

"Are you sure?" Hathor asked.

"What other reason is there?" Horus asked confused by why she would think differently.

"Ra wouldn't send someone from the future just to aid you no he's here for another reason." Hathor said before the reached Thoth's lair.

"Hidden in plain sight. Impressive." Sean said as they entered the lair and found well. "What the hell?" Sean said in disbelief seeing dozens of people looking exactly the same making Horus chuckle while Hathor giggled at his reaction.

"Is that him...Them?" Bek asked.

"Nope. The only one Thoth trusts is himself." Horus said.

"Good God. Talk about annoying." Sean said making Horus laugh more.

"Thoth." Horus said getting his attention.

"Your here for the Riddle of the Sphinx you need the answer. Ask the riddle and come back." Thoth said.

"Uh wouldn't one of us have to die first?" Sean asked.

"Draw straws." Thoth said.

"I told you this would be a waste of time. He clearly doesn't know meaning he doesn't know everything." Sean said making Thoth look at him in shock.

"I beg your pardon?" Thoth said.

"Well do you know it?" Sean asked.

"Well I...Fine lets go." Thoth said as he walked with them.

"Nice work." Horus said.

"Actually it was Bek's idea." Sean said making Bek grin.


"What the hell kinda pyramid is this?" Sean asked seeing the massive pyramid move around like it was alive.

"Don't you have these in your time?" Horus asked.

"His time?" Thoth asked.

"Sean is from the Future sent by Ra." Bek said.

"Truly?" Thoth asked.

"Yup. Now hold that thought." Sean said rushing in and quickly turned off the security using a wheel. (Honestly I'm confused by how this works)

"Nice work." Horus said.

"Well I try." Sean said as they entered where the fire was and the Sphinx came out and demanded the answer to his riddle.

"Go on I'm waiting." Thoth said.

"I never was. Am always to be. No one ever saw me, nor ever will. And yet I am the confidence of all who live and breathe. What am I?" The Sphinx asked.

"You are order." Thoth said.

"Nope thats not it." Sean said.

"Incorrect." The Sphinx said.

"You are tomorrow." Sean said.

"Correct." The Sphinx said.

"May I ask how you knew that?" Thoth said not the least bit offended by being out done by a mortal.

"My mother had me answer these things when I was kid all the time till I got them all down into my brain." Sean said as they neared the fire only for him, Horus and Hathor to be trapped while Bek and Thoth to be outside and Set appeared and took Thoth's brain that was a blue glowing gem.

"I should thank you." Set said before looking at Sean. "Well the famous time traveler sent by my father. Tell me what makes you so special?" Set asked only for Sean to spit in his face.

"Go fuck yourself you piece of shit. Your nothing but a worthless coward." Sean said as he wiped the spit off his face and chuckled at him.

"You've got courage I'll give you that boy." Set said before seeing Bek about to pour in the water of creation onto the source of his power. "STOP!" Set said making him do just that as he held a necklace of his love in his hand. "Recognize this?" Set said.

"Bek, pour it in!" Sean said.

"Did he tell you he could bring your woman back from death? It's not possible. Not even for me." Set said.

"Whats he talking about?" Sean asked.

"You expect me to believe you?" Bek asked.

"I don't have to lie. How else could a blind worthless god get you to help him?" Set asked.

"Is that true?" Sean asked.

"Pour it in." Horus said.

"Horus incase you forgot if Zaya doesn't come back I don't exist." Sean said.

"What?" Bek said confused.

"Your my ancestor if you die or Zaya dies I don't exist or the rest of my linage or my unborn child." Sean said.

"Oh so he's your grandfather then." Set said.

"Is it true?" Bek asked Horus.

"Bek, Pour it in!" Horus said only for Set to grab his hand. "NO!" Horus yelled as Set poured it out on the ground.

"Shame you weren't on my side. But thats what Love gets you." Set said before looking at Sean. "As for you linage better enjoy your last moments of existing while you can." Set said making Sean Growl.

"How about you fight me you worthless coward?" Sean challenged making him laugh.

"Sorry I've got work to do." Set said leaving as the Pyramid collapsed and Sean created a barrier of his flames to protect them. Once it was over the barrier vanished and Sean growled before punching Horus in the face.

"You FUCK!" Sean said before strangling him only for Bek and Hathor to pull him off. "You selfish bastard! You're no better then him!" Sean yelled.

"I am nothing like him. Yes I lied but I had to since I couldn't do this alone." Horus said.

"And what about us? Are you that selfish that you don't care who dies as long as you get what you want? I don't know why Ra sent me to this time but I'm sure it wasn't so I could watch my entire life fade away just so you could be king." Sean said before walking off.

"Where are you going?" Bek asked.

"To kill Set and find a way to bring Zaya back from Death so my linage doesn't vanish." Sean said.


Sean walked through the Desert before seeing the massive demon Apophis appearing and drinking the Nile.

"What the hell?" Sean asked before Bek and Horus appeared.

"Ra has Fallen. We need your help." Horus said.

"Wheres Hathor?" Sean asked making Horus sigh.

"I'll explain later. Listen you are right not to trust me but I cannot do this alone. WE cannot do this alone." Horus said making Sean narrow his eyes before nodding and jumped on with them.

"So how do we stop him?" Sean asked.

"We need the staff back. Ra isn't dead but only he can make this right." Horus said

'However your true reason for going back in time will reveal itself to you when the time is right.' Ra's words echoed in Sean's head.

"I don't think so." Sean said confusing him. "Ra said I would know when the real reason I was sent back in time would come. I think I can kill it with the staff." Sean said.

"Are you sure?" Horus asked.

"My powers kill all evil. Combined with that staff that wounds it might be enough to kill it." Sean said.

"Then we'll get you the staff." Horus said.

Once they got back to Egypt Sean and Horus climbed the large tower Set had ordered to be built while Bek used the modern version of an elevator.

"Come Apophis!" Set yelled before Sean punched him in the back of the head.

"Hey fucker!" Sean yelled.

"Now your just being a pest." Set said changing into his more frightening form.

"Oh so you can change like Horus. So can I!" Sean yelled before turning into the Ghost Rider roaring into the air shocking Set.

"What are you?" Set asked.

"I am the Leading Ghost Rider!" Sean yelled before charging at him.

Horus observed the fight and saw Sean was gaining the upper hand till Set cheap shotted him and pushed him over the edge and he held onto the edge then Bek came and took the eye.

"Horus!" Bek yelled throwing the eye at him while sliding down. Horus saw his other eye but instead of going for it he chose to save Bek.

"Like all vermin you..." Set tried to say till Sean attacked him again and took the staff while Horus and Bek fell and Horus changed into his other form.

"Well would you look at that." Sean said before glaring at Set.

"Give me the staff mortal." Set demanded.

"Not just yet." Sean said charging the staff up with his power and aimed it at Apophis before firing at it and the demon screeched in agonizing pain before it exploded in white flames ending the chaos bringer.

"NO!" Set yelled about to attack him only for Horus to take him down taking off his wings and watched as he fell while Sean destroyed the tower and threw the staff back to Horus as he fell only for Horus to catch him.

"Nice work." Horus said.

"What can I say I'm full of surprises." Sean said grinning making him chuckle before they saw Set crawling on the ground with his golden blood trailing behind him. Sean jumped down and pulled him up before punching him.

"What kind of monster are you?" Set asked in fear.

"Like I said I'm the leading Ghost Rider." Sean said before throwing him to Horus who blasted him with Ra's spear destroying his body.

Horus went back to Ra to give him back his spear and Ra was greatly surprised that Apophis was destroyed by a mortal.

Sean and Horus after getting his eye back from a little girl approached Bek.

"We all make a great team. Are you sure you're not a god?" Horus asked Bek.

"What would I be the god of? Stupidity?" Bek asked making Sean laugh.

"More like the impossible." Sean said making Bek smile before he for some reason stopped breathing.

"Bek?" Horus asked before seeing he was dead. "Sean we..." Horus tried to say only to see his friend was gone. "Oh no." Horus said seeing he was erased from time.

Horus carried back Bek to his lair where he laid his dead body next to Zaya. Suddenly Ra appeared.

"I have never been in debt. And yet I am in debt to you and your friend Grandson. Where is he?" Ra asked.

"With Bek and Zaya dead he and his linage have been erased from history. Grandfather I know what I ask is great but I ask the one thing that I cannot do." Horus said.

Ra nodded and suddenly Bek and Zaya started to glow before.

Bek jumped up with gasp.

"Ow." Sean said appearing from sitting on his back from the ground. "Where did I go just now?" Sean asked making Horus chuckle before helping him up.

"Are we?" Bek asked.

"You've both Returned." Horus said.

"Oh thank god." Sean said.

"Bek? You might want to help her." Horus said making him turn around and saw Zaya awake and alive.

"Zaya." Bek said helping her up.

"Did Ra do this?" Sean asked.

"I'm sorry but who are you?" Zaya asked making Sean, Horus and Bek smile.

"Uh well basically I'm your very great grandson." Sean said making her look at him in disbelief before looking at Bek who nods.

"Well I see you've got Bek's looks." Zaya said making Sean burst out laughing along with Bek and Horus.


After repairing the damage that Set caused Horus was now being crowned the next king of Egypt by Thoth while Hathor was back after Sean did some magic to bring her back.

"So do you believe I'm ready now?" Horus asked Thoth.

"Hmm true readiness is a notoriously difficult state to achieve. But your close enough." Thoth said as he crowned Horus. "Arise Horus king of all Egypt." Thoth said as the people cheered while Sean with his ancestors clapped for him.

"From this moment on, the afterlife must be earned, not with gold, but by good deeds, compassion, and generosity. What we do, how we act in this life matters." Horus said as everyone cheered.

Sean stood before the palace looking at the statue being built for Horus with much kinder builders then Set had.

"Are you sure I cant persuade you to stay?" Horus asked.

"No. I'm needed in my time. Besides Diana is in labor with my first kid so I cant stay here." Sean said as Ra Appeared.

"Are you ready my friend?" Ra said as Bek and Zaya walked up to them.

"Yes." Sean said before pulling something out of his pocket a picture. "Here." Sean said handing it to Bek and Zaya. "A little something to remember me by and to know what your future linage is like." Sean said before he vanished.

Zaya and Bek looked at the picture and smiled seeing Sean with his sisters and his brother with their parents all of whom were in their current age after the war.

Ra looked at his staff and saw some left over flames of Sean's power inside and smiled.

"His true purpose was to help create the Ghost Riders." Ra said already making plans.

In the Present

"Whoa!" Sean yelled as he appeared in Diana's room.

"That was quick." Diana said smiling.

"How long was I gone?" Sean asked.

"About an hour." Diana said before screaming as it was time.

Hours later

"Alright now give it one more push." Ann said

"AHHHHHHHH!" Diana yelled before hearing crying.

"Shhh its ok now." Ann said cutting the umbilical cord before having the baby cleaned up.

"So is it a boy or a girl?" Sean asked.

"It's a boy." Ann said handing their son to Diana who held him close.

"He's beautiful." Diana said as tears welled up in her eyes and cried while her son snored softly.

"He looks more like you." Sean said seeing he had his mothers black hair before he opened his eyes showing he had his mothers blue eyes.

Soon Sean family walked in.

"Aw he's so small." Dawn said making Sean chuckle.

"Your one to talk." Sean said making her stick her tongue out at him.

"So what are you going to call him?" Sarah asked.

"Hmm I don't know." Sean said.

"You know when I had all of you there was a man who gave me the names you all have." Mara said.

"Just making sure history stayed the course." A man said behind them making them look and Sean widened his eyes.

"Horus?" Sean asked seeing the air god of Egypt in front of them not aging a day even for a god smiling at them.

"Hello old friend." Horus said.

"Sean do you know this man?" Mara asked.

"Yeah his name is Horus the air god of Egypt. Believe it or not I just traveled back in time to help him defeat Set the god of the Desert. How are you still so young?" Sean asked.

"I actually have you to thank for all that. Believe it or not you started the legacy of the Ghost Riders. When you used Ra's spear to destroy Apophis some of you power stayed behind giving Ra enough to copy that power to make the Ghost Riders. He convinced the other gods of the other lands to help create the legend of the Ghost Riders." Horus said.

"Cause and effect. I honestly am not surprised." Tom said chuckling.

"And in using that power gave us all permanent immortality. We've watched over your family since then protecting them till you were all born." Horus said.

"Wow so we're like celebrities." David said only for Sean to smack him over the head making his son giggle.

"Huh I guess he likes seeing you make an idiot out of yourself." Sean said making David glare at him.

"So what are you going to name him?" Tom asked.

"I've got just the perfect name." Diana said looking at her son. "Sean Ashburn Junior." Diana said making her son smile and coo at her.

"Fitting." Horus said.

"I'm assuming your also here to help." Sean said making him smirk.

"Wouldn't be much of a god if I stood by and let innocent people suffer." Horus said making Sean chuckle.
