

When Rose awoke in the bed, she was surrounded by the warmth of the morning light. With all the blankets that Christopher had piled on her, she was sweating.

The last thing Rose remembered before waking up in the bed was the feel of The Lord's soothing embrace, and the sound of her sobs reverberating in the tea garden. Now she wondered how she got to the bed.

She groggily sat up from the mattress and rubbed her eyes, feeling the grit of sleep in them. Rose let out a soft sigh as she yawned and reached her arms up toward the ceiling to stretch her stiff muscles.

She surveyed the room, but there was no sign of Chris.

As Rose was about to stand from the bed, her stomach let out an audible gurgle. She placed her hand over it, muffling the loud sounds coming from within. She thought about meandering to the kitchen to search for something to eat.
