

"Is that so? Well, Sir Collin," Kane patted the man on the shoulder," once we return to Northbrook, you will have to tell Deacon about this. I'm sure my son would love to know about his extraordinary father. Even though that boy is now my son, I want him to continue to learn about and remember his birth parents. I believe he will appreciate you sharing the story with him."

Their conversation was interrupted by the staff bringing the men their food. 

Servants from the mansion filtered into the guardhouse carrying large bowls of savory hot vegetable beef stew, freshly baked bread with hand-churned butter, cheddar cheese slices, and hot tea with balloon flower honey. Digging into the meal, both men enjoyed the warmth of the room from the fiery heat coming off of the hearth.

Later, two maids helped Collin treat his fingers and hands when their dinner was finished. Their color soon returned to normal, and the stinging, blistering pain from earlier had vanished. 
