

"I don't believe this is any of your concern, Giselle. You are married now and should be at home taking care of your family and staying clear of my business. You are no longer living here or are part of my world." he admonished.

"I heard you are a mother. Eventually, you will understand about wanting the best for your child now that you are a parent. Congratulations, dear sister." The Count was curt when he spoke to Giselle.

"Let's go, Giselle; we must leave before this turns into a brawl." Kane tugged at her hand to get her attention.

"Sweetheart, our son is waiting on you to tuck him in." He said to her softly.

Hearing Kane speak as he did about Deacon made her heart swell with joy. Giselle realized she needed to prioritize what was essential and stop arguing with her brother about things she knew she had no control over. This would have to be Rose's fight, but Giselle would still voice her opinion and back her up if Rose asked.
