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December 27, 1894, - Thorn Estate

The carriage drove around Mill Pond road, and the lights of Thorn manor could be seen in the distance. "Milord, we're here." Jackson woke Christopher as he saw the estate come into view through the carriage window,

Christopher opened his heavy eyelids and stretched out his legs, forgetting about his injury. "Ouch!" he cringed in pain, "That fucking hurts like hell." The Lord examined his thigh; the large wound was bleeding again. He would need stitches.

"You want me to send for the doctor?" Jackson asked his friend.

Shaking his head, Christopher reassured Jackson he had things under control. "No, I can get Lucy to stitch it up. It's too late to rouse the fine doctor out of his warm bed,"

"It's been an exhausting night, and I think we both need to retire for the evening. Good night, Milord. This week has been rather insane. Tomorrow we can make a plan to find the girl and figure out why the Count has returned. Get some rest, Christopher." Jackson stepped out of the carriage and headed toward the stables.

"Thank you, Jackson," Christopher uttered, getting down from the coach as he watched his friend wander away.

"It was my Pleasure, Milord. Now get some sleep. You look terrible," chided Jackson looking back over his shoulder at Lord Thorn.

Christopher limped into the mansion and up the second floor to his room. He could already hear water running in the bathroom. Lucy stepped out just in time to see Lord Thorn removing his clothes. She turned bright red and looked at the floor.

"Milord, Du-Duncan has a-asked me to stay and tend to y-you. Are you going to need a-assistance in b-b-bathing?" Lucy stammered and began to tremble at the sight of Lord Thorn disrobing. She silently prayed he would send her away.

"Please stay close by. I might need you. Also, I will require you to sew this wound closed once I'm done washing up." Christopher's back was turned to Lucy, and he had an enormous smile on his face. He knew the young woman as probably blushing bright crimson by now, and The Lord loved taunting her. Lucy Wills was an adorable girl with brown hair and hazel eyes. She was Duncan's niece and came to the estate after her father died. Whenever she got flustered, Lucy would stutter. Christopher needed a good laugh with all the recent turmoil in his life.

"Uhm... Uh! Milord, I need to clean the s-sewing needles and thread for t-this. Ma-May I be excused? I promise to return right away." Christopher had taken off his shirt and belt. He was about to shed his trousers. Lucy turned to the door. She thought at any moment. She might burst into flames from embarrassment. Especially if she saw The Lord nude. Her hands gripped her skirts in nervousness. She was ready to dash from the room before he could remove his slacks.

"Yes, Lucy, but return promptly. I want to take care of this wound right away," Christopher expressed to the blushing maid, who was about to pass out from mortification.

Lucy fled from the room before he could finish what he was saying, and Christopher heard her shaky voice from the hall as the door closed. "Ye-Yes, M-Milord"

Lord Thorn snorted and doubled over in laughter as he finished taking off his clothes. He couldn't wait for her to return to the bath. His teasing of her knew no end.

Scurrying off to her room, Lucy found the sewing kit. She burned the tip of the needle in a candle flame to be sure it was cleaned and disinfected. She rushed back to The Lord's chamber with her supplies and hoped Christopher was able to bathe himself.

Lucy felt her heart hammering in her chest when she arrived at Lord Thorn's bathroom. She lightly tapped on the door. Lucy could hear Christopher humming a tune and splashing about in the tub. She noted he had a beautiful voice.

"Come in, Lucy," she heard The Lord call out to her.

His back was turned, and she could see his broad, muscular shoulders with water drops clinging to his bronzed skin as she entered. The room was warm and full of steam.

"What are you doing standing there? Come here," said Christopher as he turned, flashing Lucy a sexy smile and passing her the soap and washcloth to bathe him with.

Lucy gulped. She cast her eyes down at the marble floor. So as not to look at Christopher's naked body. She gradually moved forward to take the cloth. Beads of sweat formed on her reddened face.

"You may start with scrubbing my back, please." Christopher smiled as he saw Lucy's awkward discomfort over the circumstances she currently found herself in. Her breathing became shallow, and she held her breath.

Lucy put soap on the cloth and created a rich lather to bathe Christopher's neck and back. He could tell she was scared. Her hands shook, and her breathing had ceased. "Lucy? Did you suddenly forget how to breathe? You know, you should relax and take a breath. I don't think you want to be in the tub with me. That's what will happen if you get dizzy and pass out. Of course, if you did. I wouldn't complain." Christopher's lips curled into a grin. He snickered and then began to laugh hysterically at the look of horror on Lucy's face. She was so red with embarrassment she glowed like a beacon.

Lord Thorn heard Lucy swear and mumble something incoherent about his taunting of her and being sick of his bawdy behavior.

"Talk dirty like that again, and I will make sure you join me for my next bath." Christopher turned to the young maid, winked, and gave a devious grin. Lucy's mouth fell open, and her face burned from blushing so hard. She looked like she was about to sprint from the bathroom and hide in the broom closet.

"You may go and wait in the room. I will be done shortly." Christopher laughed as he spoke to the ruffled maid. He could see she had enough of his teasing.

Lucy inhaled deeply and blew out a sigh of relief. "Yes, Milord"

She knew that Lord Thorn was poking fun at her. Dropping the washcloth in his outstretched hand, Lucy raced from the bath before The Lord could change his mind.

After finishing his bath, Christopher emerged with a new shirt and a long towel wrapped around his waist. His hair was still damp and messy. The fringes lay across his forehead, and water dripped from the ends. He saw Lucy waiting next to the bed with Duncan, who had brought him a tumbler of scotch. Christopher sat on the edge of the bed, downed the scotch in one swallow, and then lay on his left side so the maid could start stitching the wound. She was very skilled, and it took no time to close the laceration.

"That will be all this evening. Thank you, Lucy. You did a fine job." He expressed his gratitude to the young woman.

"You're welcome, Milord, be sure to take it easy and not move fast for the next week, or you might rip the stitches," Lucy cautioned The Lord.

"I will take care not tear them, young lady. Good night." Christopher watched as the servants left and closed the door. Lord Thorn shut his eyes. He was so exhausted from the events of the day that he quickly fell asleep.

After waking up later than usual, Christopher filled his day with catching up on work commitments that were a week behind. Lord Thorn had Cedrick send two guards from the estate to watch what was going on at Dragonwood. He was concerned about the reappearance of Dante after so many years of his absence. He knew the man well and sensed he was up to no good.

With Christopher's heavy workload, he should have been completely exhausted, but he was unable to sleep. The death of his wife still weighed heavy on his soul. He spent hours thinking about how he could have been a better husband to Lilith. He realized he was mourning her loss. To get his mind off his late wife, Lord Thorn decided to walk around the outskirts of London's east end to see if he could gather any sign of Rose, but he had no luck finding her, and there were no further news reports of killings. Christopher returned to the mansion and was finally rested. He would try looking for Rose in a couple of days. First, he wanted to visit Count Le Chevalier De Sang and find out why he had returned.


December 27, 1894, Covent Gardens

"Thank you, but I must decline your invitation to dinner. I need to prepare for tomorrow. Remember? I'm starting my new job. Perhaps another time." Rose bowed her head to Larson, who graciously let go of her hand.

Allison pulled Rose's hair up into a Gibson Girl hairstyle. She was now a victorian beauty.

"Miss. Rose, I'm sorry about my behavior earlier. Please forgive me," Allison asked as she bowed her head in shame.

"Don't apologize. I was guessing by my appearance you thought I was a vagabond." Rose snickered, and it made Allison laugh too.

Larson and his sister saw Rose out of the shop. "Please do come back soon, Miss. Rose, It was a pleasure to meet you."

"I appreciate what you did for me today. I will return again soon, Mr. Milner. Don't forget you still owe me dinner." Rose smiled and walked out toward the flower market.

The greenhouse that several vendors recommended was not far from Milner's dress shop. Rose walked over to meet with the owner on Floral road. The man was very impressed with her mastery of flowers and botany. He hired her on the spot. Rose was happy with her accomplishments for the day. The only thing left was getting suitable lodgings and a meal for the night.

The sky darkened as she walked back towards Bedford road. Rose had the sensation someone was watching her. She wasn't worried about defending herself. It's just she didn't want to ruin her new dress fighting off a creeper. Rose passed the plaza and Mr. Milner's dress shop. A man rushed her from behind and spun her around to face him. Another man approached from the other side of the street. "Is she the one?" He asked, ambling slowly towards them.

"Yup, she has the eyes Sadie described. This one will make us big money with those peepers," said the sleazy man holding Rose by the shoulders.
