
Chapter Fourteen

"Derek?" I peeked my head into his hospital room later that night to see him watching the little television again. At hearing my voice though his eyes left the tv and found me, a small smile filling his tried face.

"Bria, what brings you here? I had thought you'd go back to your hotel by now and get some sleep." He asked as I sat down in the chair next to his bed.

"I actually wanted to talk with you," I bite my lip.

"Your lip." Derek nodded at my bottom lip between my teeth, causing me to release it. "You always bite it when you're nervous about something or afraid. What is it?"

"You know me so well," I chuckled halfheartedly. "I never could get anything past you and Mark, at least not without Addie's help."

"For which we'd give the two of you hell." He reminded me.

"Don't remind me, I can still hear your rants now." I groaned playfully.

"Seriously Bria, what's wrong? What are you still doing here?" He reached over and squeezed my hand with him good one.

"Did anyone tell you what happened in my surgery today?" I asked. As soon as the question left my lips I could see the pity start to shine in his eyes, giving me my answer.

"Meredith stopped by earlier," he sighed.

"I went to talk with the family a little bit ago, to make sure they knew what happened and so I could apologize." I bit my lip again before continuing. "In one day I've managed to make myself look like an idiot to the other doctors, nearly kill a patient, be screamed out by that same patient's family, and to be removed from the case. Some doctor I am, right?"

"It could have happened to anyone-" he started to try and make me feel better.

"Please don't," I cut him off. "I already got that speech from Hunt, I really don't need to hear it again."

"Clearly you do if you're planning on quitting." He argued.

"How did you know that?" My gaze snapped back to his, brows furrowed.

"Alex and Meredith are friends Bria, did you really think that I wouldn't find out?" He scoffed.

"Oh no, I knew you would. I was just planning on it being after I was on a plane to New York." I said without thinking. As soon as the words left my mouth though I silently cursed myself for saying them. Fully knowing what they would lead to.

"Really?! You were just going to disappear again?" He questioned me.

"Last time I checked you were the one that did the disappearing Derek." I narrowed my eyes at him. "I wasn't the one that ran away to a new hospital across the country after I found out my wife and best friend were screwing each other. I didn't run away, you did."

"You never tried to keep in touch," he tried to push the blame onto me. "You were the one who stopped the calls and texting. You, not me."

"What did you expect?!" I snapped. "Did you want me to drop everything in my life and to follow you like a puppy? Was I supposed to pick sides in your damn divorce?"

"You did a pretty good job of doing that." He retorted.

"I never picked a side!" I held my head in my hands. Taking deep breaths I tried to calm myself, to not let my emotions get the best of me. "All I did was refuse to push away any of my friends."

"But you did." He countered. "You haven't tried to get in touch with me in about six years. My guess is that if I called Addison that she'd say that you do keep in touch with her, but it's on a monthly basis. You call or send her a text letting her know that you're alive and then are silent until the next month. Am I right?"

"Don't act like you know me Derek," my voice was a whisper this time. I looked everywhere, except for at him.

"I do though Bria. I've known you since you were a teenager." He pointed out.

"Exactly." I nodded as I got my feet. I couldn't sit in here anymore, I couldn't fight with him, I've never been able to. "You knew me when I was a teenager and you knew me as a young adult. I was a different person then. I've changed and the truth is that you don't know me anymore. don't pretend like you do."

"If I don't know you then talk to me!" There was power behind his words, like they were a command, but his voice was softer now too. Almost like he was pleading with me not to leave as I made my way towards the door. "I just want to help you Bria. That's all I've ever wanted to do."

"I need to go, Hunt wanted to speak with me before I left for the night." I lied, quickly slipping out of his hospital room before he could say another word.

My head was pounding as I walked down the hallway, towards Mark's room. I knew that I'd later regret yelling at Derek like I had, and hopefully he'd regret yelling at me too. For now though it was what it was, there was nothing I could do to change what had just happened.

I hated the fact that Derek was right about some of the things he'd said. He was right about Addison. Ever since she had left New York our relationship had become strained, only solidifying slightly more after what had happened to . Even then though we barely spoke to one another, a phone call every month in which she would do most of the talking. Mark was the only one that had really forced me into keeping a real relationship with him. Calling me every week, texting me too. Not accepting one worded answers from me. He was tough on me and that was what I had needed.

It wasn't long before I reached Mark's hospital room and when I did I could honestly say I was surprised at what I saw in there. In the seat at his bedside was a familiar face, one that I hadn't seen in years. Having heard my approach she turned around, her dark brown eyes easily connecting with mine and a small smile gracing her thin lips.

"Hello Bria," she greeted me, quickly glancing at Mark again before her gaze settled on me once more. My throat seemed to have gone dry at just the sight of her, I didn't know what to say. Hesitantly I opened my mouth, only her name escaping my lips.

