
6. Curls and Dinosaurs (Mileven & Hopper)

A/N: It has been a minute since I wrote Mileven. This is for 'elisiumqueen' who requested El's curly hair. I added some first time being in Hopper's cabin, because why not. Enjoy!

Prompt: Mike sees Eleven's curly hair for the first time.

It had been two weeks since El came back. Mike had been calling her nonstop after getting the phone number of the cabin from an exasperated Hopper.

The Chief relented, only because he wasn't letting him see the girl yet, and because he had a new found respect for the kid after he beat him up. It took some balls to stand up to Hopper, and anyone who cared so deeply and fiercely for El was on his good side (even if Mike didn't know that yet).

That morning, Mike had received his usual good morning call from the brunette beauty, only that day he received an unusual treat.

"Hopper says it's okay for you to come." El told him slowly, still new to forming long sentences.

"What? Really?!" Mike asked her excitedly.

"Yes. He is picking you up from your house, and he will bring you here."

"Okay, what time?"

He heard her ask someone in the background and he guessed Hopper was somewhere around her. "He said 10."

"Oh! In an hour! I have to go then, I have to prepare my things! What do you want me to take for you? I got some board games, a few cards, uhmm... my toys— Oh! You remember Rory?" Mike cut his rambling.

"Rory?" El asked tentatively.

"My dinosaur, the one I showed you." Mike explained.

"What is dinosaur?" She asked hesitantly.

"Oh, ummm, well, they were these huge animals that existed way before us. They were many kinds, like the T-Rex; he was the coolest, but he had these little arms that didn't match the rest of his body—" Mike laughed on the phone and El smiled as she listened to him. "Anyway, I'll bring my dinosaur book. Oh, I've got some books for you. You want me to bring those, too?"

"Yes." El smiled, happy to have Mike teach her about the funny T-Rex.

"Well, I'm going to pack my things, okay? I'll see you in an hour, El." He told her softly.

"See you in an hour." She repeated, hanging up.

A few minutes later, Mike ran up the stairs, grabbing his backpack and shoving a bunch of colorful books he thought El would like inside of it. He took Rory and put him inside, too. He then grabbed monopoly, but decided better against it, knowing El might get frustrated and that's not something he wanted for her. He wanted his first play date with her to be perfect.

10 minutes before Hopper was supposed to get him, he finished tying his shoelaces and was almost out of the door when his mother stopped him.

"Where are you going?" Karen asked him as she watched him from her place in the kitchen.

"Uhh, out."

"With who?"

"My friends."

"Are you waiting for someone?" Karen asked as he stood expectantly behind the door.

"Uhh, yes."


He sighed. How do I explain my mother I'm about to go see the love of my life who happens to be a runaway from the government because she can do things with her mind, and who now is being hidden by the Chief of police? He thought.

Thankfully, Hopper's honking saved him from answering.

"Oh! That's my ride! Bye, mom!" He told her very quickly as he ran out the door.

"Michael! Will you be back for dinner?" She screamed/asked to his back but her only response was the slam of the door.

"Hurry up, kid." Hopper grunted as Mike opened the door of the Blazer.

"Yes, hi, sorry, sir." Mike greeted/apologized to him and Hopper hid a smirk while he backed from the Wheeler's driveway.

The whole ride was a bit uncomfortable, as the radio guy talked about the 4 bodies found in a dumpster in New Jersey, grossly describing the decomposed state of the bodies, and Hopper only changed the station after Mike winced for the sixth time when he heard about the worms coming out of a guy's nostril.

Mike sighed in relief as the truck stopped, and got out cautiously as he realized the Chief had stopped in the proverbial middle of nowhere. Was he going to kill him and bury him here?

"Straight forward. Watch your step." Hopper instructed him as he began walking into the trees.

A good five minutes later, he realized that, one: he was out of shape; two: he hated sports and he hated walking, hence why he was out of shape; three: they had arrived at a cabin.

"This is yours?" Mike asked Hopper curiously.

"Was my grandfather's. But yes, it's mine now." Hopper answered him, panting slightly.

Mike's eyes watched curiously as Hopper knocked what was obviously a secret password for them, and then the locks clanged as the door opened for them.

Hopper entered first, and then Mike walked in, taking in the homely cabin. He heard footsteps and he swung his eyes to the hallway just in time to catch the girl coming from it.

"Mike." El breathed against his chest.

"Hey." He smiled against her head. "Hey, El." He hugged her close and breathed her in for a second.

"Hey, Romeo? Close the door." Hopper told him as he took off his hat and disappeared into the hallway.

Mike reached back with one arm and pushed the door closed, smiling down to El as she mentally clicked the locks back into place.

She broke their hug but remained close to him, and he took in her big brown eyes, her smile and her—

Her curls?

His eyes widened and he involuntary reached out to brush his hand against her hair. He gave her a lopsided smile as he took a curl and wrapped his finger around it.

"You have curly hair." He grinned in wonder.

She smiled back and nodded, wincing when the curl tightened around his finger in the process.

"You like it?" She asked timidly, gazing up at him with her huge doe eyes.

"Yes," he breathed, nodding crazily. "I like it. I like it very much."

"Very much." El repeated with a grin.

"Yeah." He told her breathily, smiling again. He couldn't seem to stop smiling around her.

They stayed there, looking at each other for a long time, before Hopper came back and barked at them about the hole they were making on his doorstep.

"Dinosaur?" El asked tentatively.

"Oh! Yeah!" Mike quickly opened his backpack and took out his Larousse book, handing it to her. "We'll be reading that in a minute, okay? Now, do you remember..." he placed Rory in her hand. "This guy?"

El gasped in recognition, turning the little dinosaur in her fingers and grinning up at a lovesick Mike with twinkling eyes.
