
A Hitch?

General Grjötgard was leading them; they had taken the water route but unfortunately for them, they had been spotted but no one engaged them.

They allowed them to maintain the perception that they had the upper hand, an ingenious move if you think about it.

But Grjötgard was a seasoned warrior and realized that something was wrong, so he asked everyone to halt in their tracks.

"What is wrong, Grjötgard?" Salgard asked.

"That is the problem, there is nothing wrong," Grjötgard responded to his younger brother.

Bjorn did not understand what he meant by this; was this not the purpose of a surprise attack?

But fortunately for the son of Ragnar, he wouldn't be in the dark much longer.

"Don't you think it is strange for a Kingdom to be on such a high alert and only have one line of defence?" Grjötgard asked this rhetorical question.
