
All On Borard, England!

Rogaland were preparing for the expedition into England, they informed Askild but Askild doubted that now was the time to go on such a faraway expedition with little to no information regarding it.

King Ruglalf was interested in going there, he wanted to expand his influence because if he could conquer lands, this would increase his influence around the world.

Askild took this map during his raid on Vestfold while everyone was busy hogging treasures.

He focused on something a lot more valuable than treasure.

That was the future of Norway, a path he was shaping himself but he did not know about Tyr's ambition.

Thorgard took being a warrior a lot more seriously, training viciously in hopes of honing his skills to the max. Thorgard knew who he wanted to follow and that was a leader capable of mercy.

Tyr did not slaughter the children even though he had every right to.
