
Lagertha's Big News

Ragnar welcomed back Gudleif and everyone was excited by the goods as expected.

Lagertha was glad that things went smoothly, Askild was slowly regaining his credibility.

Gudleif requested a private audience with Ragnar to give him an in-depth report of what happened.

Lagertha excused men, she knew her role as a Queen and she was in no way equal to Ragnar in terms of title.

King Ragnar permitted Gudleif to speak, and Gudleif went into full details about what happened, this included a Viking-turned-Christian being the one in charge of things there.

What did this mean? It meant that the Vikings had made contact with this land but for how long? 

Ragnar also heard about his sons' spar and found himself giddy, he did not look worried despite the tone in which the message was delivered.

Ragnar smirked, he was curious as to who won and the moment Gudleif said it was a tie, Ragnar looked a bit disappointed.
