
Chapter 67 - Mission In Bahrain

Making their way through Manama, Bahrain, in their black SUVs, or at least what Lily assumed to be black SUVs, they quickly arrived at a back alley street surrounded by multi-stored stone buildings and very few people around.

Coming to a stop, the Agent that was in charge of the mission introduced Phil, May, and by extension, Lily to someone that was waiting for them to arrive there.

"Faisal Ahmed, may I introduce Agent Coulson and May."

He didn't introduce Lily as information about her was primarily classified, meaning no one outside of S.H.I.E.L.D. should even know her name and those inside of it knew very little.

"Faisal is with Bahrain national security."

He said as he finished the introduction, Phil speaking up in response.

"Pleasure Sir. Your people have been tracking her?"

"Yes, we followed Miss Belyakov to a cafe in this market. This is a very dangerous place filled with black-market importers and thieves. Not a place for tourists."

Explained the man to Agent Phil as they walked towards the beginning of the marketplace, pointing out the layout of the street.

"So she didn't come for Falafel."

Phil said as a joke, as he turned towards Agent May to his side and said.

"She could be meeting with anyone."

May nodded in response but didn't say anything as Faisal spoke again.

"Whatever she wants is not good. Unless she leaves with you, our military will take her."

Hearing that, the Agent in charge of the operation spoke to Phil.

"This is our window. Fury will have our assess if an index candidate ends up in government hands."

"Ok, we'll make this work."

Phil responded with his decision as he spoke to Faisal and the Agents.

With that said, everyone began to move; four Agents spread out and made their way to crucial points of the street, standing guard in case something tried to interfere with the mission.

May stood to the girl's side just out of view, watching Phil as he approached her. Lily stood beside her as she waited for her time to act.

Phil approached the blond-haired woman that sat alone at a table drinking something from a small glass and spoke, drawing her attention to him.

"Hello, may I?"

He asked the woman, who obliged and allowed the man to take the seat opposite of her.

Stopping what she was doing, she paid attention to the man with no obvious sign of hostility or wariness on her face.

"My name is Phil Coulson, and I'm here to help."

Phil said as he took the seat, looking over at the woman. He was now preparing to give the classic speech about how they want to help you, so you should help them, and all that.

Lily heard it before and knew it was just a load of shit.

At least from S.H.I.E.L.D.

Phil probably meant it; S.H.I.E.L.D. didn't care.

"My group specializes in helping people like you who have gifts."

Phil explained to her, trying to gain some trust from the woman.

"And why should I trust you?"

The woman spoke, her Russian accent thick even as she spoke in perfect English.

"Because I could take you somewhere safe. I know you've been on the run, but S.H.I.E.L.D. can protect you."

As Phil spoke, I temporarily shifted my gaze from him to May as she looked around the street.

A young girl with hazel brown hair, no older than ten years old, ran along the streets of the place, playing around with the locals and having fun.

Lily could see the smile on May's face as she looked at the little girl, and she understood why as she knew about May's hopes for the future and her desire to have a child of her own.

On the other hand, Lily knew who that girl was right away from the clips she had seen of the series, being a significant character in the history of the Calvary, Aka May.

Katya Belyakov, her mother, was the woman that Phil was currently trying to convince to join them, and she was an Inhuman with a very dangerous ability.

An ability that Lily wanted.

As Lily watched the girl walk along the street, three men suddenly approached from the other end of the road, the same direction that the girl was walking in.

"Local's incoming. Gun. Blue shirt."

May said as she made the report to all the Agents on standby, putting them on alert in case the men interfered with the mission.

Phil tried to get the woman to move from the location to somewhere safer, but she rejected the offer as she turned to the side and saw the men there being stopped by another Agent.

"These men can't help you. Let's talk somewhere calmer. What is it you're looking for?"


She said as she stood up suddenly and flicked the table, yet with her superhuman strength, the little flick was enough to send the table flying across the street.

Thanks to Phil's training, he was able to quickly move to the side and avoid the table from hitting him, as it was never intended to hit him in the first place.

But the crashing of the table into the wall on the other side of the street caused the men that were being stopped by the other Agent to get agitated and draw their weapons.

The Agents had to come out of hiding and take out their guns as well, aiming them at the men as a standoff began.

"Easy, take it easy now. Drop your weapons!"

Commanded the Agents as they kept their guns trained on the men.

Missed posting a chapter yesterday because I was out watching Barbie.

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