
Lessons (2) - Makai's Point of View

It was five games. We played five games.

My gaze was drawn to the dartboard above our two-seater sofa and the darts are expertly thrown in the center. Alpha Ben's eyes followed mine to look at the board too, and when his gaze returned to mine, he looked sympathetic.

"What about the other boys? Could you please tell me what they said?"

"It doesn't matter, Makai; I want to know what happened from you."

"Please, Alpha," I begged instead, my gaze fixed on him.

"They also confirmed Kane's story."

I gave a nod. "There was an adult present. He arrived later. Did he say anything?"


"Please, Alpha."

He exhaled a sigh. "Ray also confirmed Kane's account."

I nodded numbly, my gaze returning to the dartboard.

"Makai? What happened?" Alpha Kane asked gently. It didn't really matter though, did it? I was beginning to learn a few things.

"If they all said it happened, it must be true," I answered dully, my gaze still on the dartboard.

"Please can you tell them sorry for me? I would apologize in person, but I don't think they would want to see me. I won't ever go near them again."

"If they all said it happened, it must be true," I replied, my gaze fixed on the dartboard.

"Could you please apologize to them on my behalf? I'd apologize in person, but I doubt they'd want to see me. I will not go near them again."

"You can tell me the truth, Makai," Alpha Ben attempted once more, but what was the point? At the end of the day, it was their word against mine. Who would choose the words of a wild boy over the words of four well-bred boys and an adult? It was better if I just accepted the blame. Maybe if Kitai hadn't scared them, they wouldn't have reported it that way.

I felt my hand gripping something tightly and looked down, recalling the drawings and cards I'd made. I carefully tore off the bottom sheets of all the cards, leaving only the top sheets with their sketches and "I'm Sorry" written at the bottom with their names.

On the other sheet, I'd written: "Can we still be friends? My wolf will like you and will never hurt you if you don't try to hit me."

I don't think they'd want to be friends now, which is why I cut that part out. I gave the sheets to Alpha Ben.

"Could you please give this to them on my behalf? I don't know the last boy's name."

Alpha Ben had looked at the drawings and then back at me in surprise. "Chris. His name is Chris. You're a talented artist, Makai."

"Thank you, Alpha."

A/N: The image above is Kai's card

A/N: The image above is Kai's card.

"Are you going to punish me? I'll do anything, but please don't kick me out of the Pack. I enjoy being in here" I added quickly, fearful of having to leave the pack.

My mother had been quiet the entire time, but when I said that, she burst into tears and started fiercely,

"You're not going anywhere." We both looked at the Alpha, who nodded his affirmation.

"You're not going to be sent away, Makai," he confirmed, making me exhale in relief.

"I'm very sorry, Alpha," I apologized when he rose to leave. I kept sitting there, and my gaze was drawn back to the dartboard as Mom rose with him and led him to the door.

I turned back to watch him leave, and when he was about to walk through the door, Mom pointed at the dartboard with a shaky finger and said with her voice full of emotion, "Alpha Ben, Makai has been throwing darts for over a year. He's the only one who plays them in this house, and he never misses. Never."

Alpha Ben nodded solemnly.

"I'm sorry, Dera."

After he had left, Mom had come over to me and pulled me into her arms.

"I'm sorry Mom. It wasn't like- I didn't hurt him, but he-"

"It's okay, Darling. I believe you. You don't have to apologize, I believe you. You're the most gentle person I know, Kai. I know you would never hurt anyone."

"Not intentionally," I think, but I don't say it aloud.

I could hear her crying softly, and I was sad too, but I couldn't cry. I didn't know how to cry.

When she finally released me and wiped her tears, offering me a wobbly smile, and then grabbed my hand in both of hers. "I believe you, Kai. I know you wouldn't do that, but can you tell me exactly what happened? I just want to know."

So while she held my hand, I told her everything. When I had recounted the story, she hugged me again and told me she loved me.

"Why did Kane get so mad Mom?" I asked her.

It was the only thing that had confused me so much.

"I thought that if they see how well I could play, they would want to come here so that we can play more games together, and I played well. So why was he mad?"

My mother looked at me sadly, her eyes filling with more tears, and told me, "Those boys are no good, Kai. Especially that spoiled brat Kane.

He only keeps people as friends who he thinks he's better than. He only asked you to play because he was sure he was going to beat you. That's why he got so mad when you beat him badly at the game."

I thought about that a little. I didn't care about winning, I just enjoyed playing. So I asked again, "Should I have lost a few games then? Maybe if I had thrown some of the darts the wrong way, he wouldn't have been so mad and maybe we could still be friends."

Mom drew me into another hug. "Kai, you can't be friends with people like that. They will never be pleased for you if something good happens to you, and they can't stand it when others are better than them at anything. As long as you don't rub your strengths and victories in people's faces, you shouldn't have to hide them to boost anyone's ego.

Believe me when I say you'd be better off being alone than befriending people like Kane. You'll understand what I mean when you make a friend. They will enjoy spending time with you because they like you, and they will be delighted if you win."

Following that day, rumors began to circulate that I was wild and out of control, and had attacked Kane and his friends. There were so many different versions of the story, some of which implied that I had seriously injured Kane.

Mom had been forced to withdraw me from school and homeschool me because parents were concerned that I would harm their children.

The experience taught me two things:

1. I was better off alone.

2. I had to avoid touch to ensure that nothing triggers the beast. If Kitai had scared them like this, I didn't know what they'd do if they ever met the beast.

After that event, I kept to myself and avoided people, until Storm.

Storm's friendship had helped me understand what my mother had said. Storm didn't need anything from me, but he kept coming over with cupcakes until I gave in and spoke to him.

And Storm was overjoyed for me whenever something good happened to me. He was the one who told me my paintings were beautiful and found a gallery had purchased them. Storm was the one who encouraged me to get my online Master's degree, even though he didn't have one or want one.

Storm had been present at every significant event in my life. Storm was always there. And now I'm worried I won't have him in my life anymore.

"Our Storm is very stubborn, Kai. And one of the things he's most stubborn about is keeping this friendship. You'll be fine." Kitai comforts in one of his rare displays of support.

I nod solemnly and steel myself. I needed to focus on the fight. I will listen to Mom and Kitai and trust that Storm will not allow me to lose his friendship.

I give a solemn nod and brace myself. I needed to concentrate on the fight. I'll listen to Mom and Kitai and hope that Storm won't let me lose his friendship.

I turn to the door of the roof when I hear footsteps approaching. Before the door opened, I was ready.

"Makai, it's time." I simply nod and follow Beta Paul downstairs to the main arena. All of the food stalls and tents had been removed, and the grounds were now empty except for the tall wood blocks that had been used to fence off the Pit section.

The Pack arena resembled a stadium, and now that all of the eating and drinking had been completed, Hakan Pack members and guests from other Packs were seated in the raised seats to give them a better view of what is about to happen.

As Paul stood on the podium where the Alpha family was seated, I stay out of view and wait for my cue. Despite myself, I couldn't stop looking for Storm and wasn't sure whether to be relieved or disappointed when there was no sign of him in this family's stand.

Storm detested seeing me in the Pit, but after I had told him that it was nice to have someone other than my mother there for me, he always made it a point to be present.

And although what I had told him was true, the main reason I wanted him there was that his sweet scent always calmed the beast, so he was content to let Kitai lead the fight.

I tune my ears to listen to Paul so that I don't miss my cue.

"Now, Ladies and Gentlemen, the moment you've all been waiting for is here! Many of you are familiar with our champion, Makai the Wild, who has remained undefeated since beginning to fight in the Pit."

When cheers ring out, he pauses and smiles, continuing only when the applause died down.

"We here at Hakhan Pack upped the stakes when we added an unprecedented new twist by having our champion fight every champion from other Packs who win fights in our Pit.

We are curious to see if a single Wolf could defeat all other champions in a Pit tournament, and we got our answer. He has never been defeated! He battles every champion until he is the only one left standing!"

More cheers and whistles erupts from the Hakhan Pack members, and I felt the adrenaline rush at the sense of belonging that filled me.

"Today, we're going to throw in a new twist! A twist that will put our champion's skills to the test for the first time! An unexpected and unpredictable twist!"

He pauses for effect and looks around, building suspense and consuming the reactions.

"Would you like to know the twist?" He screamed, and the cheers were deafening. I could feel the excitement and suspense in the crowd; they were all curious as to what could possibly be a better twist than having me fight all twenty other champions alone.

The noise died down when Paul raised his hand.

"I am itching to tell you, but I believe this new twist is best seen in action."

He laughs at the loud disappointed growls and announces with a flourish,

"Ladies and Gentlemen! With a standing ovation, because he deserves one for the courage he's about to display, let's welcome our Champion, Wild Makai!"

As I stalked leisurely to the center of the Pit, they all rose to their feet in unison, clapping and whooping loudly.

When I stood in the center, in my worn jeans and bare chest, the applause grew louder. I could feel my long hair blowing in the wind, and I felt a sense of belonging.

At this moment, I was one of them. They weren't afraid of me; they were cheering for me.

The smell of butterscotch and candies wafts to my nose, and I look up to see Storm walking into the Alpha's Pavilion with a stunning petite black woman.

I wonder briefly if she is his mate but I brush the thought aside just as quickly. There was something about the woman that I couldn't put my finger on, which told me they weren't mates.

I lock gazes with his stormy blue eyes despite the distance, and when he breaks the stare, he leans down to speak to the woman, and they both look up to smile at me. The beast was so calm that I couldn't even feel it.

Shaking off the strange sensation that something is wrong, I return the smiles with a small smile of my own and shift my gaze to Paul.

"Let us begin!" he yells, and my first opponent rushes into the Pit with a loud howl.
