
Thousand Sunny docks

They sailed closer to the island. "Shouldn't the marine ships have fired by now?" Robin questioned. Chopper looked confused, "We are a yonko crew so shouldn't we have attacked by now?"

"Since they haven't fired at shouldn't we dock get food and leave?" Nami asked. "Yeah, we should," Luffy confirmed.

When they finally arrived at the island of towers marines were running around seeming not to care about the yonko ship.

"Rocks is coming." A marine told a Rear Admiral, "Rocks? He might be here to attack the celestial dragons."

The Rear Admiral told the marine, "Call an immediate evacuate the celestial dragons." The thousand sunny would dock.

Luffy jumped off the thousand sunny before Zoro could stop him. He would land on his feet. Marine would run right past him.

"You kid, it's not safe here. Rocks is coming." Luffy would tilt his head and ask, "Who's Rocks." A marine appeared. "Vice Admiral Garp is already on his way!"

"Vice Admiral Garp?" Zoro would run off the thousand sunny and would pick up Luffy. "I'm sorry for my captain."
