
Who is the boss now?

Morning comes too fast, as if it is eager to witness a historical moment for what will be happening. The time shown 6am in the morning, since her room located at the back of the garden, she cannot hear or see anything going on in the villa.

She checked Nanny Quincy that slightly waking up, she helped her out by letting her lean to the metal headboard and pour her a cul of water. Nanny Quincy seems awful quiet and keep staring Remi straight unmoved. It was not a fierce stare but rather empty, her eyes are covered with cataracts so her vision is blurry.

"Nanny, i will be asking the cook to prepare a breakfast and we can eat together" Remi wanted to break the awkward silence. Her words startled the old nanny that nodded agreeing.

Walking out and passing through the series of thorn, it jas agitated her even more..

In the kitchen she saw the cook prepping a breakfast and occasionally smiling at her.

'At least one other person is not awful around here' she thouht to herself only to be crushed when the cook handed ber the apron.

"Why are you late?? Enough rest. It is not like you are dying! Less food for you today! Madam and Young Miss waiting for their beakfast, the Limo will be picking them up in an hour!! Chopp chopp!! Why are you still standing there??"

The cook sweet face turned sour.

Remi placed the apron back on the kitchen island and scooping few foods onto the plate enougb for Nanny Quincy and walk away leaving the cook even more angry.

Knowing she was late prepping the mother daughter breakfast and smoothies, she continued her work and will reported it to Mona so both of them can come hand in hand to teach her a lesson.

Remi made sure Nanny Quincy finished her meal and took her medicine to tuck her back to rest. She wanted to make sure Nanny is comfortable and done with ber freshen up also able to lay and sleep.

25 Minutes more...

Remi goes to her bathroom and showered washing her hair and making sure she is fresh and clean. Wrapping a towel on her she walked to the wardrobe only to see Clarissa has mostly flower dress that looks to be a 'hand me down' from Arianna.

At least there is a mirror in this room.

25 Minutes over, she turned to make sure Nanny Quincy is asleep and resting before she make her way to the villa.

Apparently, all the Henson had left, Remi went straight to the living room of the villa and sat on the sofa while flipping through the magazines on the glass table in front of her.

There is no television in this living room, so magazines are no problem either. Mona who knows Remi is having a good time sitting with her legs crossed rushes towards the living room. After what the cook told her earlier, she couldn't wait to teach Remi a lesson especially if she was supported by Arianna who specifically mention it this morning.

"Hey!!!! Who do you think you are?????" Mona grabbed the magazines off Remi and throw it away on the floor. Since Condrad was also leaving the country for business, Mona felt like she is the madam of the house.

As a housekeeper, Mona truly dares to raise her voice, seeing how they treated her, she knows Clarissa is a pushover and used to the harsh treatment. However she is a new player, who had fought tooth and nail growing up, teaching someone a lesson is not a big matter for her. This time she will make sure everyone knows not to order her around anymore.

Standing up infront of Mona, Remi smiled sinister that made Mona a little taken a back. Her formidable aura and confidence are the things that made Mona trembles yet she brave herself to glare.

"Who do you think you are?" simple questions yet sent shivers to Mona's spine.

Mona that only knows to retort in violence, raise her hand to give Remi a slapped but unfortunately was blocked by Remi. She grabbed Mona's wrist and turned it making it folded behind the body. She then jerked the hand and Mona's body closed in on her who was much taller and stronger.

Remi's grasped a clump of Mona's curly hair and fist it tight exactly like how it was done to her in the hospital. Releasing her hand from twisting Mona's wrist she then dragged Mona by the hair to the kitchen while being watched by every worker in the villa.

Pushing ber forcefully to the floor, Remi then stood there watching everyone that was shocked for what just happen. Those that used to bully Clarissa slowly step away and hid behind appliances or table.

"What are you guys doing standing there!! hit her! Young Miss already allow it!"

Mona needs an immediate support from others, but those that secretly despise Mona just stood there unmoved wanting Mona to be hit.They had been waiting to settle the score in years.

Remi knew from each of the body language, most of them dislike her for always being bossy towards them. She took this opportunity to make sure Mona knows not to mess around her anymore.

"This is an example of someone that try to mess with me! i do not care whatever you all need to do. What i want is to leave me alone and do not make me do the house chores that you all are paid to do"

She is making the ground rules regarding what she will not be doing be it Felicia is around or not.

"If you are all messing with me, i will make sure each one of you pay the price even worse than i had shown today! Am i making mysekf clear?"

"Yes young miss"

A young boy gardener answered folled by the rest of the staffs.

"Good! and Mona, if i know you tattle on today incident to Felicia or anyone, i will kill you and feed your body to the shark" Leaving Mona gasping in horror, Remi took an apple, took a bite of it and feel a small joy. Afterall a little change is good. It is time to go to the hospital and dread more tests.

"Oh one more thing, can someone let the driver know i need to go to the hospital?"
