
67. Forget The Apple

Javin stared at the two red apples in his hands with a smile. The apples were so pretty and smooth. The deep red color and the fragrant aroma of its ripeness tempt the appetite to take a bite.

"Phi, give me that one apple. I'm tempted to see the red color, it must be delicious," said Azka, who suddenly stood beside Javin.

His hand stretched out to take the apple in Javin's hand, but Javin swiftly dodged and pushed away the two apples in his hand.

"Hey, no," Javin said firmly.

Azka was stunned. "Since when did you become so cheapskate, Phi?" he asked annoyed.

"That's because I have ordered these apples from a long time ago. I even marked them while they were still on the tree in uncle Anon's garden," Javin replied as he put the apples into his jacket pocket.

"Gosh! I just saw another astonishing side of you, Phi Javin," said Azka.
