
Chapter 299 - He Who Rise In Blood

Upon having sent his servant, Ryuu and Kie were left alone waiting at the entrance for a response. He could easily bypass the barrier and teleport inside but this is a form of formality showing that Ryuu is not the one who needs them but they are the one who needs them. He's status as leader was not just for show and often takes it seriously. Ryuu may not be a fan of politics and conspiracy but does know the in and out of the systematic hierarchy.  

You would think something as systematic as monarchy but in truth is still under Yaldabaoth considering it is an illogical irrationality since most are based on belief and tradition. Regardless, Ryuu shows his someone backed by a well organized faction who is willing to give a helping hand. 

'You know what? Screw the canon timeline. I'm going to decimate the Tepes faction and reformed it from the inside out.'

Though, his action would likely be seen as an act of aggression making it more difficult to form a treaty with other factions. However, he is using the Carmilla action to lessen their impression of his intention. 

Ryuu is not a fool who simply by talking can change their mind. He might be able to, considering he's able to use Hypnosis and enslavement but dislike the idea and only enslave a few individuals. Not to mention, Sophia would be mad at him if he returned to his arrogant self. Thus whatever happens, happens. Few moments later, his servant arrived kneeling and said.

"My lord, they've agreed to meet you. However, they wish for you to wait as they would send an envoy to greet you." His tone was sharp with a hint of anger having felt that his lord had been disrespected by making him wait. However, Ryuu remained indifference and said.

"Let them be, they need time to decide but do not worry my tolerance has its limits." He may have lost his arrogance does not mean his pride was gone. Ryuu needs to show them their place if they don't act appropriately. They are his descendants and creation through his blood. 

"Understood, my lord. If that is all then I shall take my leave." 

The servant gave his farewell and disappeared into his shadow back to his personal world leaving his Master and Mistress behind waiting for the arriving envoy. Ryuu places his hand at the back of his hands, changing his appearance into a person similar to Solace from Elsword with his mask hiding his identity. 

They would think his acting like weeb but frankly this is all formality and display of authority considering how Sirzech can easily wear normal clothes yet had an attire displaying his image as Maou. Only Serafall who hardly cared about her image as Maou. Ryuu used his power to fast-forward until the barrier began to act up as the barrier opened to reveal a carriage where the female coachman remained arrogant looking at them and went down to open the door of the carriage where a person stepped out. 

It was a petite young girl who had a doll-like appearance with long wavy light blonde hair, deep red eyes, and a beautiful face similar to that of a Western doll. She also has a pale skin tone similar to that of a corpse. She wears a red dress worn by princesses back in the Middle Ages, with an ornamented head-dress. 

"A human?"

She muttered in shock as she didn't understand why such a powerful being is following a human like him. Unlike when she met the servant who had shown their killing intent by using a string ready to kill them for mocking their lord showing a bit of their power, her demeanor changed to that of arrogance as she stood before them, looking down on them. 

Ryuu was inwardly laughing at how they were numerous creatures that had been reminding of his past self. A creature who thinks they are above all and absolute. 

"I was expecting more when that envoy arrived and expected someone stronger but to think it is a human no less. Well, let me introduce myself, my name is Elmenhilde Karnstein." 

He nodded, having mostly removed his charisma and other factors that could affect her to see the true nature of the young girl before him. Truth to be told, he expected this but still actually experienced it was different. 

"Thank you for your time, Lady Karnstein, I think you have already heard what I wanted to discuss with you"

"Yes, but I didn't expect that a human like you will be the one that we will make an alliance with, what a waste, we wanted to make an alliance with them, not you, so please don't waste my time"

Elmenhilde arrogantly stated as she tried to leave  but froze when she felt extreme bloodlust coming from Ryuu whole release a small wisp of his authority making her feel weak and submissive including every vampire as she couldn't move a single inch when Ryuu smiled and said.

"I am not that desperate to make an alliance with your faction Lady Karnstein, we wanted to help you with your current power struggle since we also bear hostility towards the Tepes Faction. If you don't want to ally yourself with us, then you may leave. We can destroy them ourselves, but don't even think that I'll let you benefit from this."

Ryuu started with a cold voice while looking at the frozen Elmenhilde as he let out a portion of his bloodlust towards her. Since she was a bit weaker than him, she felt immense pressure pressing him down on the ground as she found it hard to breathe from the intense bloodlust directed towards her.

"Now then, Lady Karnstein, would you like to discuss the alliance with us or not?"

Ryuu asked as he removed her bloodlust on her causing the pressure to be lifted from her shoulders. She started to gasp for breath as she tried to fix her composure. 

"W-What are you? This feeling…this shouldn't belong to a human. Who are you?" Elmenhilde was still anxious while Ryuu softly smiled changing the air, making her feel the presence of her parents wishing to please them.  

"Indeed, I am not human anymore. My name is endless as the boundless stars but you may call me Adam Kadmon." He was using an alias to at least hide his identity and this was still his name. Ryuu already told Maou about his alias when they were discussing future plans and how to approach the treaty. He continued to speak changing his tone into a more dominating and sadistic tone showing the same arrogance as she did and this one had backing in them.

"And do not mistake our offer as we do not need you but you need us, therefore do not blind yourself with senseless pride and judge for yourself if we are worth your time or not!" He shouted, making her shake in fear and shame as Ryuu pretended to leave and said.

"Now that you've wasted our time then we will offer the same thing to the Tepes faction and see how things goes." 

That statement alone made her feel as if she had stepped on a dragon tail making a fatal mistake of assuming that he was just human. Though, she thought why hide this fact but didn't try to question it afraid that she would make things worse. 

If this person was truly powerful enough to overthrow their faction and combined with the Tepes who had a powerful sacred gear then it would be the end of their faction. Elmenhilde saw them about to leave, immediately called out to them and bowed down before showing her sincerity. 

"Wait! I apologize for my arrogance and behavior. It was my fault for looking down upon you, Sir Adam." Elmenhilde felt shame at her action but it was worse if they made him into their enemies. It was her intuition telling her that this man was not a person isn't worth antagonizing. 

"Please reconsider!" Ryuu turned and gave a smile while Kie shook her head watching how her lover was basically bullying the young girl but she knows him and his action has reason in them. 

"Fine, now that you are willing to listen I'll be brief. I offer my custody over your Carmilla faction and become under my command. You still have your authority and freedom but will be under the name of my banner. I promise you the benefits outweigh everything. My goal is peace throughout all factions or something close to it." 

Elmenhilde insured what would happen to their faction but knew that they had no choice beside giving up and becoming under his rule. She was taken aback when the man before him cut their wrist and instantly the aroma of his blood made her feel intoxicated and thought.

'W-What is this!? The aroma is unlike any blood I've smelled before!?' 

Ryuu saw her reaction and nodded wanting to turn them into a stronger type of vampire into True Ancestor vampire, a type that surpass all pure blooded vampires and all have the base strength of at least Ultimate class devil and the strongest would be Transcendent True Vampire like Dracula and Carmilla. Yaldabaoth is essentially doing the same thing as Yesh did to Vlad and going to restore their glory and said.

"My blood is your salvation and shall be your path to greatness. Accept it then you shall know the truth of who I am." Ryuu understood his action would likely cause many Carmilla women to become part of his harem and wouldn't mind it since this meant to be. 

He continuously change his perspective when it comes to his approach with woman often times he takes time while something he rush things but do not mistake because he'll treat them well and spoil to no end. They'll be his concubine and mistress where Elmenhilde and perhaps Queen Carmilla would organize the woman who sought after him. 

"Dear, don't you think you're rushing things? From what I understand you are essentially going to take everyone in their faction part of your harem?" Kie knows her lover and what his lust is like, especially how Khaos wishes for him to have more women.

She wasn't worried if he could spend time with them but still it felt unusual while Elmenhilde felt blushing since the blood felt like aphrodisiac and looking at Ryuu made her consider the thought of being with him. Elmenhilde was surprised when the man who had suffocating air and Dominating tone changed into a relax and a complete contrast of his previous demeanor. 

"Wait, well I can't lie and that's somewhat my intention but I'm not chasing their skirts! It's their choice if they want to join or not but I just need them to drink my blood and awaken their ancestry." Kie shook her head and said.

"I know, you're an adult and take responsibility, However, make sure it is their choice and not accept them without reason." Ryuu nodded, turning back his attention to Elmenhilde who was confused when she heard awakening her ancestry but remained silent and heard him speak and said.

"Ahem…as I was saying, my blood will certainly make you stronger and closer to your true potential. However, it is up to you if my words are to be trusted and I'll offer the same to the Tepes if you decline." Elmenhilde was unsure and afraid that she would be enslaved by drinking the blood but she couldn't help crave the blood and said.

"...I accept." She decided to risk it all and take the chance while Ryuu smiled and gave Elmenhilde the blood where the moment the petite vampire tasted the blood causing her to jolt in pleasure from the exquisite taste of his blood, unlike any blood that she had ever tasted before.

"How... delicious..."

She muttered under her ragged breathing as she continue to drink the blood and felt immense power began to pour into her body releasing a massive energy changing her physiology turning Elmenhilde into a True Vampire removing all their weakness such as needing to have invitation to entire a home any place that does belong to them along with the crave of blood to survive becoming more a hobby now. 

The female coachman watched as her mistress had grown significantly more powerful than before while witnessing a completely different demeanor of her mistress seemingly craving more of the blood. She felt the same way as her mistress when she smelled the scent of his blood. 

Elmenhilde began to open up her ancestry and saw Ryuu realizing what he truly was. She kneeled down at most with respect, shocking coachmen and began to speak containing a tone at utmost respect and said.

"It is my utmost pleasure to meet lord Maaccah, Patriarch of the Nocturnals and God of Vampires." 

One of Yaldabaoth's titles, the patron god of vampires that oversee the development of their society where it was akin to one of his avatars. Ryuu nodded while the coachmen were dumbfounded but immediately bowed down afraid to disrespect their gods. 

"Forgive me of my imprudence, my lord." He merely shook his head and said.

"It is fine, I'm merely testing you. My memories are not absolute but the moment I recall my connection to all of you, I immediately decided to return." 

Ryuu's memories about everything about Yaldabaoth was minuscule as his age is far too vast to even remember and much hard to understand. Elmenhilde was ecstatic that their god returned to them instead of the Tepes and almost lost their chance. The petite vampire decided to question him.

"My lord, what do you intend to do now?" Ryuu rubbed his chin and said. 

"For now, speak to your queen as I want an audience with her and do not tell who I am or what I am. Only tell her my worth." Elmenhilde and the coachman nodded while Ryuu turned and said.

"We'll be gone for a moment as I wish to take my lover on a date. I'll give all of you time to think. You can communicate with me by praying." She nodded watching Ryuu and Kie vanished while Elmenhilde was overjoyed to gain his blessing and thought to herself.

'I need to show my worth and take my chance in becoming his concubine. But it is embarrassing how I acted…I need to repent and improve my behavior until the lord acknowledges me!' 

She thought to herself feeling a bit disappointed that her body stayed petite but the way her god looked at her showed that he had interest in her and would do everything to prove her worth. Her coachmen spoke, taking the petite girl from her thoughts.

"Young Mistress, what do you intend to do now?" Elmenhilde turned towards the carriage and said.

"We will do what our lord tasks for us. Once our faction submits to him then we will do our best to please him." The coachman nodded as her mistress headed inside and returned back to the palve to inform their queen about the offer while Ryuu without even knowing would attain more women than he intended.
