
Ego and Sex Drives

The next morning was incredibly awkward at the Haydes mansion.

The occupants of the house had avoided each other for the entirety of the morning, each with their own reason for doing so. On the one hand, was a terrified human girl who didn't want to interact with a potential killer, and on the other, a confused vampire who was battling emotional and sexual frustration.

It was as uncomfortable as one would imagine.

Even when the rest of the team showed up later that afternoon to discuss their plan to stop the Blood Moon, the tension between Luka and Keisha was still obvious.

"Why are you both acting so weird?" Mr. Samuel asked, looking between them. "Is there something I should know about?"

Lydia and Elijah watched the interaction keenly, also interested in the uncomfortable looking pair. Luka had invited them over to join in the fight against the killer, briefing them on all the important details that had happened so far.
