



Rebekah's pov :

"I'm so tired," I wearily say with my hands on my hips and deep breaths.

"Just a little further," Jordan says

"How much further?" I stop walking to take some breaths while resting my arm on the thin, tall tree. He waits.

"We will be about 1.75 meters away once we get to a direction sign," he turns to walk.

"Wait, let me drink some water first," I exhaustedly take my bag off


"Are you sure we are not lost?" I clarify

"I'm sure," he reassures, "we followed the signs correctly," he says as we approach another sign.

" Lake: 1.75 m," it reads with its arrows pointing forward.

"Almost there, come on," he stretches his hand to me, I walk forward and put my hand in his. This is worse than going to gym.




Zelda's pov:

One of our girls overheard the seven guardians speaking at the station about something we have been looking forward to. The headmistress must know about this. Father will be so excited.

"Good afternoon Zelda," our school cleaner greets me as she wipes the windows. She has dark, black skin, car like eyes and ears, dressed in a long sleeves, long v-neck black top tucked in a dark purple jean shorts. I nod my head at her and run up the stairs.

"Afternoon Zelda," says a group of three students going down stairs in some sexy pair of clothes. My type of clothing.

I walk to the left and Horns opens the door for me. When I enter, I finding her facing the window that has the view to—Elphia school for all.

"Zelda," she says while still looking out the window

"Headmistress, I have some news,"

"Go ahead," she permits

"They found her, headmistress," I inform, and she turns to me

"The lost princess?"

"Yes headmistress, two of our girls overhead them at an area near the teleport station. They were escorting prince Liam,"

She turns her head back to the window.

"Hmm, So Ramona has found her?" she asks herself, "good job, Zelda," she evilly smile.

I smirk proudly.




Rebekah's pov:

"Wow…" I admire the still, clear water of the lake in front of me as I let go of Jordan's hand. I walk along the lake.

"You want to go for a swim?" he asks and I look at him with a disgusted smile.

"What!? It's cold," I comment, "and besides, I would never swimming with you,"

"Why?" he moves closer

"You are dangerous,"

He laughs looking to the left and his expression changes as he focuses his eyes on the guy further down the lake.

"Who's that?" I walk to the left along the lake. Jordan stares at the person with rage.

"Don't go there," Jordan cautions with his right hand holding back my left shoulder, "you can't just walk to strangers," he reasons. The unknown then guy turns and looks our way.

My lips curve into a smile once I finally get a clear look at him. He has his hair tied at the back, wearing black hiking leggings with black nylon short and a hooded grey jacket.

What a coincidence.
