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"This isn't exactly hidden, you know," Aion said.

"Only people with some level when it comes to magic can see the pillar… or so we were told," Seris explained. "Anyway, we were never attacked until now."

Aion finally recalled why Arlana was silent. She was finally going to see the city of her people… she never had the chance to see it and only heard a few things about it since her parents probably didn't see it either. Still, usually, she would look excited instead.

The city above the clouds was completely hidden since the area was always cloudy. It wasn't the size of the capital of the Zaera kingdom, but it was pretty massive. Instead of a huge chunk of earth floating, it was more like one of the earth platforms that Aion could make it fly. The city resembled a bit as well the fallen capital after being repaired. It had a lot of towers, and the buildings were mostly blue and gray.
