
Chapter 53. A Normal Drama(2) & Lesson(1)

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"Kurt Von Ritzburg. Do you not remember what I've said once before?"

"P-Prince August…"

Kurt who was very confident, now was shaking in presence of August. He, who was showing off his status of course has to bow down to the one who has higher status than him.

"What you plan on doing is something unfit to be done by this country's nobles. If I tell my father about this and relay it to the financial affairs' director, he might take some preemptive measures."


"I don't want to hear your objections. Leave."

Kurt was boiling with anger, yet he gritted his teeth and left the place under the eyes of the rest.

"It seems to be done."

Arthur also came out from the door with August and came near to Shin.

"Thanks, Aug. I almost snapped there."

"Thank you very much, Your Highness…"

Both Shin and the root of this conflict – Cecily thanked for the timely save of August.

"Me and Arthur have been watching what action you will take. But I decided to intervene as the conversation seemed like it will take a strange direction. But I wanted to see how you snap at him though."

"Give me back my thanks, you asshole! If you were there you should have interfere sooner!"

"Don't be so angry. I believed in you, that you will not let harm come to Claude and her friend. Don't worry anything happens, I'll be here to protect you, right? You looked really cool saying that. Am I right, Claude?"

August put around his hand on angry Shin and then looked at Cecily, asking her opinion about Shin.

"Eh?! A-Ah… Y-Yes! He… Yes, he looked cool…"

Cecily said blushing beet red.

"And so, she said. Good for you, Shin!"

And August looked at Shin teasingly making his fun.

"It seems only Cecily and Shin both themselves are not aware of their feelings. Isn't it, Maria?"

Arthur who stood next to Maria told her. Maria smiled looking at her friend and then replied.

"Yes, you're right. So, what do you want to talk with me?"

And then she looked at Arthur with a guilty face. She kind of guessed what Arthur was going to talk with her.

"This isn't a proper place for a talk. Let's go somewhere more private."

And with no presence, both of them left the corridor and came out to a garden inside the academy. Many beautiful flowers bloomed all around giving an ethereal feeling to the surroundings.

If not for the guilty face on Maria's face, the environment was whole set for a proper confession. The mood level was at max, but unfortunately both of them were not in for declare of confession of love.

"So, let's talk. Shall we? I also don't want to worry the rest people being away for a long time?"

Arthur gestured Maria to sat on the bench, and then he sat beside her.

"I wasn't sure at first, but looking at your face, it seems I wasn't mistaken. So, it was you who suggested Cecily, isn't it?"


Maria was indeed a bit afraid and was feeling guilty, but there is no regret inside her.

"I admit I told her to use Shin to defend herself from that Kurt, and break off her marriage. But I don't regret it. Cecily is my best friend and I only told her to do it, because I noticed her feelings for Shin."

Maria stood up and then said with a loud voice.

Arthur looked at her for few seconds and then sighed.

'It seems she knew what she is doing? Unlike her wild figure, it seems she understands the world more than her pure friend.'

From the start, when the fight between Kurt and Shin started, Arthur knew the matter. The matter than Cecily, the pure innocent looking girl was actually using Shin because of his status to break off her marriage.

Shin being the grandson of the Sage and Guru has quite a power even though he doesn't really flex it. He is indeed naïve and doesn't think much. And when Cecily called her, out of his personal he probably helped the girl.

After all, from a glance he could see him loving that pure looking girl.

But Shin has yet to know his worth. He always acts like no big deal, but it is not normal.

To tell truth, even though Kurt was a bit rash, he wasn't wrong. His fiancée was talking and flirting with another guy and without a doubt it is wrong.

And Cecily, if she really wants to break this marriage, instead of going to through such a manipulative method, she could first discuss with her parents and should have gone through proper procedures.

She may be afraid to worry her parents, but she should have told them the truth from the get go. Or else, it is also not wrong to get married.

As a noble, who haven't heard of political marriages. It is a duty of a noble daughter to get married with someone she doesn't like for political issues or alliance.

'She must be one of those, the girls who have everything yet feel like they don't have anything and live in sadness. And they constantly look for knight with shining armor to save them. I really don't like these type girls.'

How many people still suffer in poverty, hunger, and what not. Arthur who wandered because of his missions, have seen many people begging him for just a bite of food.

And here is a girl who is a noble, hasn't seen the outside world and acts like the whole world is just against her. She hasn't even tried herself to break the marriage, waiting for someone to help her.

First her friend Maria, and then Shin.


Well Shin won't mind even if she uses her for her advantage. After all he has already fallen heads over heels over her.

"It seems I have to make them learn. Both Shin and Cecily."
