
The Secret

Chapter 2

The Secret.

Without thinking, Bianca shot towards the splash came from. The woman's movement is even more agile if compared to the impression she looks everyday. The feeling fear of her grandcild's salvation of Bianca's mind.

"What's actually happening here?" Bianca tried to dismiss the anxiety that was increasingly fulfilling her mind.

As far, her hunch was rarely wrong and since this morning, she felt there was something bad as lurking, waiting for time to surprise her.

Bianca hasn't entered too far into the forest, when her eyes hit the scene she thought would never see in the Larangan Forest. The forest that was safe was securely peaceful, at that time it looked chaotic with the arrival of several foreigners, who might still be alive before. It seems that there has been a big attack or battle in that place.

Bianca's eyes are trained, in an instant have recorded the situation around it. Seeing abandoned damage, Bianca was sure, it was not an ordinary battle. Widened, Bianca looked at the chaos in front of her. Some men wear black clothes, or at least now black because they burn, spread irregularly in all directions with pathetic conditions.

Yet an area of big circle with a diameter of approximately fifteen feet in front of Bianca now stands, seems to have burned. In the midst of all these chaos, she saw Kiera, lying like a cloth without color. However, it was not that what made her almost fall because of being surprised.

Bianca squealed softly, before her eyes saw the whole body of Kiera as if it was transparent. A thin layer of golden light dignity light bluish looked enveloping the Kiera's body. Bianca had seen such similar protection strength, many years ago. She never thought at all if Kiera also had that power.

"Kiera!" By keep some of her strength into her voice, Bianca called her grandaughter's name.

Bianca was carefuly, so as not to shocking Kiera. Seeing the condition of Kiera, she did not know what would happen if the girl was shocked when she was unconscious like now. Bianca could have been accidentally affected by Kiera.

For a moment, Bianca waited to see Kiera's eyelid moves, before finally she approached and grabbed the grandaughter's body into her arms. It looks like, Kiera began to realize. However, Kiera immediately fell asleep. Under her eyes, Bianca witnessed the Kiera's skin color slowly returned to normal.

Without many words, Bianca brought Kiera back to their home. Bringing the Kiera far from that place as well as the first thing most important in Bianca's mind. She did not care about the chaos around her. There were much more things that disturbed her mind at that time.

Bianca realized, there was a power from within Kiera's inside where tried to get out of the girl's body. However, from what she saw just now, that power was not from her ancestral line. Far in the corner of Bianca, a sudden anxiety was present.

Moreover, when she thought of the bodies of strangers scattered around Kiera, in the forest. Bianca is sure, this is just the beginning. Not long again, surely it will come in other unknown people who will disturb the peace of Kiera's life. As this far, Bianca had tried her best so that Kiera was furthest from all the dangers.

She even only teach the most basic self defense to Kiera because Bianca did not want Kiera following the footsteps of her parents. However, the destiny has chosen a way of life for Kiera. Inevitably, Bianca must accept the reality and prepare the girl as well as possible so that when someone annoys it, Kiera was ready.

While waiting for Kiera regularly rest, Bianca as soon returned back to the place she found her grandchild a moment ago. Then, after throw away of the bodies lying, she disguised the damage that occurred in the area.

Upon returning to a home, Bianca rushed to pack several items she needed. Bianca has made a decision. It's time for Bianca to part with her dearest grandaughter.

"Kiera? Get up, honey?" Slowly, Bianca patted the cheek of Kiera. She felt it had been long enough to let Kiera rest.

"What happened, Grandma?" When opening her eyes, Kiera as soon asked her grandmother.

Bianca discouraged a question that had hung on the tip of the tongue. With affection, without much abandoning Bianca put an amulet to Kiera's right arm. Slowly, Bianca rubbed the amulet for a moment. Then, she helped Kiera to get up from a lying position.

"You don't remember what happened in the forest?"

"I remember, Granny. Suddenly people appear. They called on words, Eos? Or Heliós? They insisted on taking me away, before they start to attack. But, I even don't know why they attacked me. They said I had a thief or witch. Grandma knows why?" Kiera answering while looking at her grandmother full of question marks.

"Grandma knows who they are? What do they want? And what is this?" Kiera asked again while watching the amulet with the carving of the moon and the sun decorated each end—which is now installed on her right arm—as if it several the skin of the arm. The girl asked in a row, even before her grandmother had'n yet answered the first question.

"Grandma doesn't know who they are. However, i know some one who can help you find the answer of all your questions. Granny also felt, now it's time for you to meet him," Bianca answered while again—stroking the amulet in the Kiera's arm. She hugged the girl tightly. The only one grandchildren that she have. To be honest, Bianca felt very hard to part with Kiera.

"Regarding this amulet, this belongs to your parents. Your mother left this to me to be given you when you will start your journey." Bianca explained while she rubbed Kiera's head slowly.

"My journey?"

"Yes, now we will meet my friends, the one who know your father and mother, you will stay with him until you are ready."

"Stay with him? What about Grandma? "

Kiera looked at Bianca with a worried face. There are many questions that are raging in Kiera's mind. However, the girl held back as much as possible. During this time her grandmother never once talked about her parents. Kiera's feeling told the time to knew it all had coming. Maybe Grandma's best friend is the key's answer.

"Don't worry, when you miss me, you can go home. If not, granny will visit you."

Even though Kiera was sad because she would part with her grandmother who had raised her since childhood, however, this trip secretly very much awaited by her too. Kiera really wanted to know everything related to her father and mother.

Then, when Bianca felt that Kiera's strength was fully recovered, she call out Kiera to get ready and starting the journey to meet Aaegon, her best friend.
