
Eve Meets Fate

(General POV)

Location the Warhammer 40k World-The Immaterium: Nethervoid-Top of a Lone Mountain of Creation, Inside the Sphere of Baetylus

After sometime Laharl, after suffering a new update from Absolute Chaos, he learned of the newest games, media, and various reveals for GW from the Skaven getting an a official army in AOS, Sigmar's soo not fantasy Space Marines, the Stormcast Eternals are seeing Sigmar for a bad God, since the Stormcasts aren't as eternal as they originally thought.

More with Gloomspite Gitz getting goblin wolf riders, and the biggest shock in 40k at last the Eldars get new models and Ascepts, seems that finally the anticipated war between the Black Legion and Vashtorr against the Eldars in the Webway is finally coming...regardless the Dark One was now up.

Aillia was frantically asking Laharl if he was fine, he reassured her that he was fine, as he rubbed in temple.

The migraine of having a large amount of new information dumped into his brain, in a few moments, the Dark One, he was completely healed...sighing from the surprise update he'd just suffered.

Laharl was going to go back to work, and maybe at last make the damn special clock for his Nethervoid, when he received a psychic call from Tzeentch.

Realizing that the Architech must have sensed the Gridarvölr, trying to reach out to it true master, Laharl answered his younger brother.

The Changer asked him about his God Artifact, shaking his head, Laharl honestly answered that he has finished his new staff, and also revealed the name of the staff, the Gridarvölr.

Explaining all the possible abilities to not only harness the magical force of his brother, but also be able to fluxiate with Tzeentch's divinities of Hope, Fate, and Evolution at his will, plus he mentioned to the Scheming God, that his new Gridarvölr is a living God Artifact of his sole use and command.

This news greatly pleased Tzeentch, that he did what he originally was going to not do, and that is...praise and complement his brother, the Dark One.

Laharl only rolled his eyes, since this is typical prideful and arrogant Tzeentch, sometimes Laharl is surprised that Tzeentch's sin is Envy, and not Pride like Khorne.

That's when he heard his brother, Tzeentch, clear his throats, and ask him, "Sooo ummm...can you get our brothers, to help me claim Eves' hand and interest?" Laharl smirked, and told Tzeentch that he'll talk to Khorne and Nurgle, and that he should prepare for when he calls him again.

With that Tzeentch cut-off the psychic call, while the Dark One, deciding to this next step quickly, he sent out a massive psychic shockwave specifically towards the Blood Lands and the Plague Gardens, so both Khorne and Nurgle would answer his call and he can get this done.

In a few moments, both his brothers answered the "call" that Laharl sent out, both were a bit peeved at Laharl's method of calling them this time, and both asked "what he wanted?"

Taking a small pause, and then taking a deep breathe, he started telling his brothers the Blood & Plague Gods, what's occurred.

From Jade getting her appetite, and cravings, but aside all was good, which pleased his brothers hearing this, and Khorne mentioned the same with Valkia, he even admitted he assembled a large legion of blood valkyries and bleeding banshees, with brass talos to stand by Valkia side, should she need to leave the Gore Fortress...both Laharl and Nurgle thought that Khorne is a overprotective husband, and loving one as well, despite him never daring to be open about it...at that moment, the Blood God asked, "Brother me and Nurgle, know your stalling for some reason. So I'll ask again. WHAT DOES TZEENTCH NEED FROM US!?"

Khorne was completely right, on Laharl stalling but it wasn't because they'll deny helping...it just that they'll laugh and tease Tzeentch, and he wanted to be the first to do so...but it seem that Tzeentch must have manipulated fate, a bit so the brotherly bantering and teasing wasn't immediate.

So the Dark One, just said it, "Tzeentch is inlove, and wants our help to seduce his crush." after saying that in a matter of fact and unimportant sounding tone, both Nurgle and Khorne went silent...

Both his brothers have stayed quiet for a while, that Laharl actually had to call out to them a couple of times, before they finally replied to him, "Ummm...can...you repeat...that?/WHAT THE WARP DID YOU SAY!!!?" Laharl couldn't hold a straight appearance anymore, and busted out laughing!!!

Nurgle and Khorne, kept on demanding answers and explanations, which only made Laharl laugh more and harder, his couldn't hold his stance, as his legs gave out and he was on his knees on the futuristic floor, laughing and banging his left claw onto the floor, as he was busting his guts out.

After the Dark One manage to catch his breathe and calmed down, he simply sat on the floor and finally replied back to his two psychically yelling, siblings.

He began to tell them everything...that Tzeentch has been looming for a worthy candidate to be his queen and bride, and he'd hasn't had any sort of luck, so he came to the Dark One aka the Chaos God of Love, for some help.

And so Laharl told them that had to think long...long...and hard, to find someone that was not only a match for the Changer, but was able to handle him...that last comment, made both Khorne and Nurgle openly agree with their brother...so after a shared laugh boute, between the three of them, the Blood God asked, "So who was the one you've, chose in the end to deal with the Architech?" Laharl with a smirk still splattered on his face, went on to describe their future sister-in-law, Mitochondria Eve.

Sometime Later...

Location the Neutral Space: Infinity Fountain Resting Place

The four brothers once again are back in the Neutral Space, where the Infinity Fountain & Void Gate are securely placed.

Laharl, Nurgle, and Khorne were silent, as they watched Tzeentch, who was beaming with joy and excitement, if not for them having a shadowy silhouette over them, Tzeentch would have seen their smirk...even from the helm Khorne.

The Architech of Fate, showed a rare expression of gratitude to his older brothers, and was very eager to "seduce"...or whatever counts, as seduction for a manipulative troller...the Infinity Fountain like countless times before, shun brightly and started showing events of the Third Eve, Melissa Pearce, in the middle of her performance, as the lead role in an opera at Carnegie Hall, before Eve liquidfied everyone with her powers, leaving only Aya Brea, unaffected and the Parasite Eve Game/World began...if one discount the original Japanese Horror/Sci-fi Movie...

Location the Parasite Eve World-Earth: The Sewers underneath Chinatown

Underneath the dank sewers of Chinatown, infested with NMCs (Neo-Mitochondrial Creatures) mutated by the meer close proximity to the pale twisted and mutated beauty, as her red torn dress flaps in the air over the blackish blue, purple, and red tail-like appendage that replaced her legs, her long arms with torn but still attached sleeves, with fingers and nails lengthen to form red claws, her hair reshapes and recolors itself, this was Melissa Pearce, and now only Mitochondria Eve or simply Eve remains.

Eve was finally pregnant and close to her achieve what her sisters, failed to do before.

All that was left was to achieve the final stage of evolution and conception, which will finally end the inferior, primitive human race, as these thoughts of joy were interrupted.

Cause she felt the young mitochondria, namr Aya, was still chasing after her...she thought it was shame that she hasn't matured and evolved yet, and still claims to be a human.

She was nearly ready to give life to the Ultimate Being, but the young mitochondria was persistent, and if she still refuses to see the truth and evolve, then with a huge shame she'll dispose of the young mitochondria.

As the two women, they traverse the Chinatown sewers, she was about to enter the final area of the sewers, and Mitochondria Eve had a stronger Neo-Mitochondrial Creature aka NMCs alligator ready to deal with her pursuer.

Just when Eve was about to reach the final sewer chamber, she felt something extreme heat, surging from her womb...and then she started to feel dizzy?

The only thought coursing through her brain, that it was impossible for her...a cellular, evolved, super-being to start to be sick.

As she heard splashing sounds, closing on behind her, she knows that Aya was soon to be right on her, so Eve fought through the uncomfortable feelings she's suffering, and floated over to the entrance to the final room of this waste sewers.

Immediately after crossing over inside the room, she felt all her symptoms worsen and fainted...sometime later...

Location Unknown Laboratory...

Melissa-Eve gasped for air, as she rised her head and saw she was no longer in the sewers.

But instead in some high-tech lab, with bright white lights, all shining and illuminating the massive white room, with a huge two way glass panel on the right wall, throught said glass, Eve saw many unidentifiable machines and equipment.

Hence she assumed to be in some kind of lab, after getting rid of her shock, and realizing all her "unnatural" symptoms were gone, Melissa-Eve wanted freedom.

So she stretched out her long left arm, and pointed her opened clawed-hand at the glass, focusing her psychic powers onto the glass to break it and escape, whatever kind of facility is holding her.

But she quickly realized that her telekinetic power, it wasn't working.

Checking herself over, Melissa-Eve realized that she was completely fine...then she noticed that there was no large amount of hormones, her body's chorionic gonadotropin,placental lactogen, progesterone, estrogen along with others were below what they should be!!

She was no longer pregnant!!!

This caused utter panic to Melissa-Eve, and scream in outrage, smashing onto the stell, white walls of the empty room.

Then she was chucking fireballs allover the room, after her adrenaline lower, Melissa-Eve, she dropped to the floor as her tail was spread behind her dress, and she'd cried from this vile occurrence.

Then she felt something caress her body, which startled her, as she floated back into the air and look around the empty room.

As a blue light shun from the two-way mirror, and showed her events that have yet to transpire, from her facing off with the young mitochondria, Aya, a couple of times, before finally dying against Aya, at the top of the Statue of Liberty.

Her son was born...and it was failure, despite evolving three times on his battle against Aya, it failed...he wasn't a Ultimate Being, that he was supposed to be.

This increased her despair, when the vision, changed showing a world, not Earth but filled with creatures unlike anything she'd seen before, then a blue vortex, opened in the sky.

A gigantic, long blue skinned, almost skeletal arm, with nine clawed, long fingers, this entity open it's hand, revealing a eye on the palm area, as tears were shed.

As eldritch rain of tears, as those tears touch anything living from these strange creatures and plants, they immediately started to mutate and evolve into amazing creatures, that might surpass all that she'd created before, as Melissa-Eve was mesmerized by the sight, happening before her eyes.

She'd noticed that the hand of the unknown entity, started to move and flip upside down, creating a blue and pink with vibrant red tiped petals of a eldritch flower, with wiggling indigo colored tentacles, for a stigma, stamens, and also the roots.

It was beautiful to Melissa-Eve, when suddenly those fingers, they gently wrapped around the eldritch flower and almost as the hand, started to close in onto the mirror from it's side and come through, presenting the flower to her, as shrunk to more her fitting to her size.

As she reached out to the flower, its tentacles reached out and wrapped around her right wrist, pulling back her arm, as the hand banished back into the mirror and left her.

Melissa-Eve, inspected and admire the eldritch flower, as it caressed her hand, like a loving pet, it was beautiful and a perfect, evolved specimen that can survive her mitochondrial essence, that's when the mirror transformed into a door, a exit for her, as she floated towards the door and it opened for her.

Melissa-Eve crossover to the next room, at first it she thought it was empty, when she realized there was someone else, she could feel it in her mitochondria, then she saw her...her sister...Nagashima Kiyomi...the first Eve, alive and clearly as confused as she was.

Kiyomi is a beautiful Japanese woman, with short almost black, brown hair, on her flawless light skin, golden wings spread on her back, with some spikes on the sides of arms and thighs, she was more evolved and beautiful than Melissa-Eve's as they were surprised that could meet, let alone see each other.

At first they believed that they have died, and this place is somekind of Purgatory, but their mitochondria were telling them otherwise.

After the sisters realized that their both were alive, and well, they spoke to one another, directly for the first time in existence, Kiyomi-Eve noticed the flower on Melissa-Eve, and she complimented and admired it's beauty.

Then a sound echoed on the room, sounding like a single drip of water, catching both Eves' attention, Kiyomi-Eve then notice a different eldritch flower in various shades of deep blue with the petal and core being a maw, with black teeth...she could feel it calling to her, with Melissa-Eve encouragement Kiyomi-Eve went to the flower on a white pool of water of somekind.

When she'd reached out like her "younger sister" before it reached out it's tentacles and wrapped around her wrist, as the pool shun and showed her and Melissa-Eve a new vision.

It showed them a world fully transformed into a blue eldritch planet, with nothing spared from the surge of mutation and evolution, as azure, burning eyes tore and watched everything from the sky.

They were enchanted by the beauty, this is everything that they desired and craved, it was utterly amazing, as the eyes all turn and look at them with desire over them, which actually made the two Eves, blush and become flustered, something that never could happen to them.

It's almost like their very mitochondria cells, were telling them that this entity is a alpha, a apex of all evolution, as the vision faded away, they sensed other powerful mitochondria approaching them.

That's when a door appeared on the barren white room, and two more sisters have come into the room, as well.

A young woman, with short blonde colored short hair, and blue eyes, with a aqua tint on her white skin, with some dark tone marking on her face and collarbone that was expose on her light blue dress, but on the back of her shoulders were long fin/wing appendages, (Truebred Eve physique) this is the Second Eve, Maya Brea.

Maya-Eve has been aged becoming more womanly and beautiful, she is a exact copy of her twin with short hair, and child-like face.

Beside Maya-Eve, was the last and youngest Eve that was transformed from a simple clone of Aya into a new mitochondria super-being, on her left ankle having a pink, red, and blue gradient eldritch flower, with red tentacles and a feminine face on the flower with nine closed eyes on her foot.

This is Eve Brea, at her final form, the same form she'd possessed during the PEve: 3rd Birthday timeline.

She's a beautiful, adorable girl with the same hairstyle as Aya with a mixture of blonde and light brown hair, a long whitish long-sleeved zip-up dress, with a greyish-green color, along with same color sash tied around her waist.

Wine-red colored shorts and legging, brown shoes, she has several mutations from NMCs from the 3rd Birthday, those evolution are some "Queen" white, grey, and burgundy colored limbs attached on her back, and a dark colored and spiked "Reaper" tail, on her right ankle was a aqua colored eldritch flower with a purple tint on it, and a azure eyeball on the center.

When the four approached each other they noticed that they all have a eldritch flower on one of their main extremities, with Kiyomi and Melissa-Eves on their wrists, and Maya-Eve and Eve Brea had their own flower on their legs.

Eve Brea, the mitochondrial cells took complete control over the former host, but her presence was strong so some residual parts of her personality remained, such as her passion, sweetness, and brightness.

She was excited to meet her sisters, as they spoke to one another of their desire to evolve the world, and all that dwell on it, humanity is a primitive, and inferior insects that need a queen to lead the new age of evolution, and mother the true Ultimate Being.

Better than the failure, that Melissa-Eve was now glad was eradicated, as they bond and that's when they realized that they weren't alone.

As a titanic ragged entity, with multiple electrical light blue eyes, glowing and shining with power from the shadows that the rags cloaked.

They were all in the presence of the ultimate, the apex male-mitrochondrial DNA, but not only their cells but their very souls and beings, they approach this entity, as a extra limb appeared over it right shoulder, a long, giant blue skinned arm with a huge hand with nine long clawed fingers, as a mouth was on the palm, this being spoke to them, "Beautiful. You all are beautiful. My Queens of Cells...incomplete. Let me show, you'll about the next step of evolution." as he was still presenting his hand.

All four Eves, got closer to the unknown entity, all of them placed their respected hand onto his hand, when they caress the entity's hand, they experience a surge of knowledge of multiple multiverse, along with the secrets of the Warp, and who this entity is...the Chaos God of Change, Mutation, Evolution, and much more, and his name is Tzeentch.

After a few moments they return to normal, and stared at the eyes of Tzeentch's manifestion, their faces were blushing heavily, as Tzeentch offered them a spot beside him, as eternal queens of evolution and more, along with his heart and more.

This made their hearts beat faster, and harder it was clear what their choice is...they said to Tzeentch, "Yes."
