
War of Change Part 1: Eldritch Invasion

(General POV)

Location the Warp-The Neutral Zone of Chaos, the Base of Mount Olympus

The three daemonic legions of the Chaos Gods were prepared and ready for the incoming enemies.

Among them were their Elder Daemons, from the Carnage God, Ba'al Allseer was placed in command of all his siblings Mordred Deathharbinger, Beelzabub, Nidhog, the Triarch of Clo'thoa, Hather, and Monica, Varimathras and Alcina Dimitrescu with the Legion of Carnage and Darkness were utterly excited to cause Mayhem, Carnage and Devastation to the forces of the Architech.

From the Blood God, Kratos was placed in command of his fellow Elder Daemons, Skarbrand, Zsach, Karanak, and Wrath, as the Legion of Blood and Rage were eager to shed blood, and collect skulls for their Blood Gods, Khorne and Valkia.

Lastly from the Plague God, the Glottkin of Otto, Ethrac, and Ghurk were placed in command of their fellow Elder Daemons, Ku'gath, Tsathogga, and the recent addition to their ranks Skorpius that was waiting to send out onto it prey, along them were the pestilent daemons of the Grandfather, that were overjoyed to crush and infect the servents of the Architech.

New were the Chaos Pantheon of Lesser Gods that were ready for battle as well.

The Wives of the Dark One, Kiira Blakenroze that was surrounded by her daughters the succubi and lujuria dancers, Scalpel Bleedinhart that has summoned her Flesh Horrors to join the Carnage Legion, Cassandra Crimsontear that was in command of large number of knightmares, mortifinis, slaughter calvary, and abyssalnites, Ruu was obviously surrounded by her slimes and surprisely the stalkers, infernals, and observers.

Ragna Kaalika has taken the Abyssal Defilers under her control as she cracked her neck and knuckles with a bloody smirk, splattered of her face, Crystallyl Shik'Adammine had her frost eldars/shi'lanorai gathered and ready for battle, Camilla Hexx was commanding the void and abyssal wraiths, Jinx Europhonnja which stood next to the lesser Goddess, Oizys as a second, were surrounded by shadowweavers and oscurias and finally Scylla Cantrelle Atattes was on the waterfall lake ready to unleash her water sorcery and songs onto the enemies, actually she was quite eager to sing especially with her new microphone like scepter that has a eight point star that held a femine figure bound by spiked chains. said figure resembles a mermaid holding onto a skull-ecrusted mic, a gift from her beloved it was called the "Seiren's Recrium", the perfect foci/weapon for a songtress.

Next were the Blood Pantheon, Valkia was in direct command of all the blood daemons with Bellona at her side as her second-in-command, while Ioke and Invidia were the lieutenants of the Gorequeen.

The Blood Daemons, were all bloodthirsty as Kratos kept them under control as the Bloof Spartans have come to fight for their Elder Daemon Lord, and their true God's.

Lastly the Plague Legion was under the command of the Plaguemother, Aiikila as she tightened the grip on her Black Death, and all the rambunctious little nurglings were playing and scurrying around their mother.

The final force that has come to join the battle, and serve directly under the various Daemon Queens/Chaos Goddesses were the Amazons of Chaos, from the Undivided and largest branch, the Dread Maidens of the Ladies baring brass and black armors with some more neutral mutations, such as horns, claws, extra-limbs, and more but strangely they've remain quite beautiful. (Imagine the female AOS Chaos Figures but add some Themiscyrain astetics to them.)

In the forces of Carnage the Amazonian branch of the Order of the Dark Warrior Maidens, were ready for battle just like their khornate sisters of the Bloodshields, that screamed and call out for blood, while chanting "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GODS!!! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONES!!!!".

Lastly the decaying Amazonian brach of the Sisterhood of the Putrid Bloosoms were standing next to the Plaguebearers and Nurglings, surrounding protectively their Mother, Aiikila ready to kill, defile, and feast on the rotting remains of the Changer's minions...if they remained after being slain.

All in all, the three combined forces of Chaos, was a daemonic tide, that can shallow whole any world or army that comes in contact or against them, and their Dark Gods Laharl, Khorne, and Nurgle, were overlooking everything from the balcony of the Olympian Palace above.

They agreed that this Chaos War, was clearly the largest to date to have occurred in the Immaterium, and speaking of their enemy...

From the blue, and gradient purples and pink horizon came the most "eldritch" daemons, in the world of 40k.

Leading the charge were countless of Pink Horrors, screeching and laughing as they were followed by hordes, of their lesser offsprings/kin Blue Horrors which double the numbers of their superior progenitors, and even more than the last the living, daemonic, firesprites of the Brimstone Horrors.

The various horrors were either waving around their limbs, or armed with daemonic, tzeentchian daggers, as they were eager to cause mayhem and utter chaos, in Tzeentch's name.

Of course those in command of this save of lesser daemons, were the heralds/high tzeentchian daemons Fluxmasters were surrounded by squads of Pink and Blue Horrors while they rushed forward, and also among the horrors were the cresent, moon-headed Changecasters laughing maniacally and wickedly, as they made their way to the enemy.

Meanwhile from the sky, and leading the force were the Fateskimers on their Disks the various humanoid/avian, high-daemons were already channeling sorcery as multi-blue shaded lightning surged through their scepters or blades, and hands.

Then the manta-ray daemons, known as the Screamers also came out the eldritch realm of Change, soaring/swimming across the skies of the daemonic realms of Chaos, hungry to rip and tear into the prey down below, some screamers have even taken to chaperone the Fateskimers, on their flight.

Not only them but the Fluxing Eyes which Laharl saw and mentally commented that they resemble, a cross between the peeping eyes of Castlevania with tzeentchian corruption, were also floating alongside the fateskimers and screamers.

Back on the ground, the Flamers were soaring in a blazing trail forward, with the fire daemonic elemental known as Firewisps, these bipedal figures of blue fire with crystalline core/eye in their center marched alongside the flamers, as the most compatible and deadliest source of a flame-unit in the daemon-kin.

Lastly the most powerful and largest daemons within the army of Change.

The Greater Daemons of Tzeentch, the eldritch avian & reptilian creatures of Fate, called the Lords of Change, were mixed in the squads and forces of the Change Legion.

All wearing various golden accessories, with precious crystal jewelry either encrusted or hanging from these golden equipment of these Greater Daemons, wielding giant staff, scepters, or kriss blades, as they either walked or flew into battle.

The Lord of Change chosen by Tzeentch himself, to act as Grand Commander of this army is Sarthorael the Everwatcher, a Lord of Change with a large amount of white colored robes and even a veil like gold headpiece and while having less golden accessories than the other Greater Daemons, with a smooth and sharp black beak but the most unique about Sarthorael, is his wings which have white feathers mixed with the usual blues, dark blues, purples, and pinks. (Wanted to give Sarthorael some unique characteristics, since he basically resembles Aetaos'rau'keres' model, and since Aetaos'rau'keres is among the Lords of Change fighting here I decided to give them some differences.)

Smacking his giant gold staff, with bluish tentacles coiled around the foci up to the laying tzeentchian cresent moon like a bluish tzeentchian blade, with a headpiece being a small blackish blue eight point star, (doesn't have a name, but in concept art anyone, can see it) Sarthorael streaked like a bird, as he harness the sorcery of Tzeentch to manifest his psychic and magical powers from it staff, tightening his black claws around his staff.

Sarthorael brought back his staff, and as it was overflowing with tzeentchian magic/psychic energy and swiping his weapon he unleashed a swarm of a blue fireballs aka [Blue Fire of Tzeentch] and with Sarthorael's preemptive attack, (I know in game Sarthorael has the Lore of Metal, but since Tzeentch hasn't bestowed the lores yet, consider all tzeentchian, daemon sorcerors using the Lore of Tzeentch only for now.) and seeing this, all the Blue and Pink Horrors started pelting blue or pink fireballs at the enemy, as flames of Change soared across the skies, signaling the start of this Chaos War.

Seeing this incoming barrage of daemonic, changing fire soaring straight at the Grandfather and Dark One's forces, Nurgle was about to intervene, when Laharl stopped him and told him, "Don't worry, brother. Let Scylla demonstrate her new spell for you." this intrigued Nurgle, while Khorne found it annoying and useless magic.

Scylla still within her element of the waterfall and lake around the mountain, she smiled as she brought her Seiren's Recrium to her lips and started humming, and chanting her newest water spell.

She'd name it, the [Sea Wall] as a massive

magically reinforced wall of water formed and protected all the forces of Blood, Carnage, and Decay completely snuffing out the daemonic flames of change, which shocked Sarthorael and all his fellow Change Daemons, because regardless of it form or "function" Change-Flames aren't actual fire, but raw Change itself.

To be able to snuff all their fire, and not affect the water wall was both impressive and shocking to all the tzeentchian daemons.

This made the Lords of Change furious at the fact, that an enemy has a psyker/sorcerous power that should theirs to wield.

The Lords of Change roared in fury, causing a full-out march against the Allied Chaos forces, meanwhile Scylla's wasn't only casting [Sea Wall] which is a purely defensive, and terrain changing spell but also started casting [Flowing Stream] on all the daemons...even with reluctancy, the khornate ones...granting them full advantage, of the water now covering the battlefield.

Camilla, was clapping her hands and tapping her foot, enjoying her sister's singing and magic.

But at last she knew, that there was work to be done, soo humming to the beat and walking onto the battlefield with the void and abyssal wraiths following, closely behind.

As her scarlet, pink, and black long coat-blazer, that seems to be straight from the mobster era, especially with her blackish-maroon dress pants, she has a maroon colored fur-scarf draped over her, she started to channel her magic through her maroon and black fingerless gloves. (Picture a Helltaker-Beelzebub style of clothing, but with a gothic mobster twist to it.)

The green fel-flames that coated her gloved, clawed hands manifested a short scepter-flail of maroon, red, and pink colored pattern, with a blackish maroon colored shaft that has a gothic design to it with the neck of the scepter having sharp-bat wings, and above them were several eight point star-rings side by side at the tip of the scepter, each spike was long, thick and sharp.

Within the center of the scepter-head was a floating scarlet skull, spewing, crying and dripping with pure liquid shadow, and also ingulped with fel-flames, but what makes this weapon that her Darling created for her specifically, special was the long chain, attached to the top that has a pink glowing crystal, incased in a tight studded and spiked cage making it a chain-flail weapon as well as a magical, focus weapon and it's name "Zahgam'dra" which means in black tongue, "Castor of Ruin".

Camilla walked over to Cassandra taking the Disksaw Mortifinis from her command, along with some Observers from Ruu and some Crystal Wraiths-Archers from Crystallyl.

While Scylla was stopping all range fire from hitting their troops, and forcing the tzeentchian daemons to come closer to them, she was preparing to unleash Hell upon them, but she was far from finished yet, she actually went to her sisters-in-law-to-be, Aiikila and Valkia and requested temporary command over their Repulsive Khaos, and Brass Talos, for when Scylla stops her water based casting, Camilla plans to unleash her counterstrike on the enemy.

Under some protest from Valkia, as she dislikes Camilla quite a bit for being the textbook definition of vile, dark sorceress, the Gorequeen and Swarm Queen allowed, their sister-in-law-to-be to have temporary, command over their daemons.

Under some reluctancy the Plague daemonic spirits (Repulsive Khaos) and the Blood daemonic elementals (Brass Talos) followed the Daemon Sorceress Queen, as Camilla Hexx placed them some distance from the water wall that Scylla was still keeping up, and order the daemons to prepare to counterattack soon.

As the War of Change, has just barely begun to cause mayhem...
