
When Blood meets Carnage the Battle Commence

(General POV)

Location the Blood Lands, open semi-volcanic landscape

After Laharl destroyed part of the Bastion Stairs which angered Khorne greatly but nothing compares to his brother sending his legion to face his own which he already send out to battle against this intruder's forces.

But then the unimaginable his sibling actually entered his domain along with four other God like entities two of which were stronger than his own Bloodthirsters, while the other two were lesser Chaos Gods in their own rite, in physical contact with his brother who he felt was personally leading his forces against him, Khorne had to admit that he was impressed with his sibling's tenacity, strength, and like a true warrior and leader he lead the assault from the front, tightening the great of his titanic crimson and brass daemonic sword, with infernal fire bursting out his eyes and body his rage was now focused on himself as he was standing on his Brass Citadel awaiting for his army to bring blood and victory to him...while his new eldest brother enjoyed the thrill of combat personally!

Unleashing such a massive rage filled roar that made all the volcanos, magma geysers, and pools erupt Khorne sprouted his hellfire wings and soared to the scarlet and black smoke covered sky as he is no coward, and he shall join this battle personally along with claiming the skull of this Chaos God of Carnage for his throne.

Location the Blood Lands central region/Battlefield Laharl/Carnage Daemons vs. Khorne/Blood Daemons

Laharl with his wives mounted on his back was rushing ahead of million plus daemons and Chaos-touched mortals that made up his legion across the domain of Khorne the red hellscape was trembling at the marching of the legion of carnage.

That when Laharl and his legion finally caught glimpse of Khorne's daemons the blood red colored daemons armed with various daemonic weapons, roaring and eyes blazing crimson as countless lesser daemons the Bloodletters, the beasts of Khorne Flesh Hounds & Juggernauts, the calvary force of the Bloodcrushers, the Infernal daemon engines of the Blood Thrones and leading the army of Khorne were the Greater Daemons known as Bloodthirsters and possibly among them was pristine version of Skarbrand before he was blinded by his ego and manipulated by Tzeentch as one of the newly spawned Bloodthirsters was wielding a pair of daemonic axes and had a long braided beard truth be told a little part inside of Laharl was fanboying seeing and soon facing the legion of Blood and witnessing a name character of the Daemons of Chaos living and breathing but it was not time for any of that as Laharl raised his sword, Ragnarok to the side charging straight at the enemy forces with his own loyal legion right behind him the two daemonic legions were getting closer and closer, just about to engage when from the crimson colored sky, covered in volcanic black smoke and ash came a titanic being that crashed down between the two armies, stopping both legions advance as the red dust cleared revealing the Blood God himself Khorne.

Khorne stood proud and menacing looking at his sibling in front of him, he could tell that his brother was greatly powerful and his blade could be a easy match to his own, as his daemons started to approach and surround him the two Chaos Gods looked at one another no side daring to move unless commanded to.

Khorne thrust his Unmaker into the ground and spoke to his brother for the first time "I am Khorne the Lord of Skulls! Who are you to come and stand before me!?" Khorne saw as his sibling reached his left clawed gauntlet equipped hand reached up to his right pauldron allowing two lesser daemonic deities one of light grey skin and a saurian skull helmet which was held on by four pairs of horns, while the other was light skinned, dark pink haired daemon was surprised Khorne the most was they we're both clearly women and once they walked onto the open claw of his sibling they rubbed and kissed his cheek as he gently placed them on the ground and finally spoke to him "Well little brother. I am the the Dark One, Laharl the Lord of Carnage! And by the end of this you'll be begging for mercy." all that Laharl said to him made the recently spawned Blood God more annoyed and angry.

Khorne refusing to speak more with his brother, believing him a arrogant, lustful fool he commanded his legion to attack as he charged directly at his older brother, with his Unmaker held tightly with both hand keeping the titanic sword close to his armored chest as he approached his opponent seeing this Laharl too ordered his wives and Elder Daemons to lead to attack as he faced and showed his little brother manners as he also charged stomping away towards Khorne with his Claw of Hades like his Ragnarok eager to taste God-blood right behind them were their armies rushing in their top speed in the name of their respective Dark God, the difference was while Khorne did not care if he crushed or smack away his daemons, Laharl avoided them as the distance between these two forces and their respected God leader lessen.

Once Khorne was in range he stomped hard against the crimson ground started to turn his body using the momentum to enhance the power behind his forward swing of his Unmaker only for Laharl to counter block his sword swing by grabbing the daemonic scarlet blade with his Claw of Hades as dark violet colored darkness seeped out his razor-sharp titanic claws gripping onto the Unmaker that was releasing hellfire and smoke as Khorne struggled against his brother he noticed that Laharl's sword, the Ragnarok was coming to cut him in half in a vertical slash only for him to block using his left side elbow as the blade managed to slightly penetrate through his armor as literally lava seeped from the wound onto the daemonic sword and earth.

Khorne grunted from the slight pain he was feeling from the blade and worse as Laharl added more force to cut deeper so in response Khorne deliver a brutal spartan kick into the chest of Laharl forcing the Dark One to gasp as air left his body, and the strength behind Khorne's blow knocked Laharl back causing him to let go of his Unmaker and forcibly remove Ragnarok from his arm, the ganking caused Khorne some pain which stunned him for a moment as the two brothers stared one another for a second before returning to swing their respective sword against the other as the blade clashed and warp-energies burst from the impact and grinding almost like godly sparks flying as the two Chaos Gods battle was only commencing.

All the while as brother clashed against brother as titans their daemonic minions were waging war and carnage all around them.

As Stalkers charged against the reptilian dog-like daemons of Khorne as raptor and hound tore into one another tearing off daemonic flesh and limbs of with claws, fangs, talons, teeth, and stinger.

Some of the Darkstalkers that were some distance away from the Flesh Hound herds were being set a blaze by their warp-fireball that the raptor daemons were spitting at as the whine and cried like dogs while the Warp powered flames burned them to death and the stench of burning daemonic dog flesh started perfuming the air around the battlefield.

But the Blood God beasts weren't weak despite just being spawned as many charged, pounce and tore into their prey together one Apex was fighting against five Hounds getting slashed, and bit all around one of the Hounds managed to grab and rip of the greater beast's stingers, the Apexstalker refuse to submit charging into one of the Hounds sinking its fangs into the neck of the Flesh Hound tearing it apart but in the end the other four still living Hounds jumped it and tore it apart many Stalkers died by the overwhelming strength and cornering few Stalkers away from the larger groups like true hunting hounds, befitting for the Beasts of the Blood God.

The Knightmares were in the middle of engaging the Bloodletters in brutal melee as daemonic steel clashed against raging hellfire of hellblades as both lesser daemons were hacking, stabbing and slicing each other apart while the calvary forces of the Slaughter Calvary and the Bloodcrushers were ramming against each other as raptor swiped, stabbed, sting, and burned against the brutal raging beasts that are the Juggernauts which responded viciously in return.

Since mounts barely kill the other it came to the ridding Knightmare or Bloodletter to strike down their opponent or the mount of all the forces fighting at the feet of the Dark One and the Blood God the Slaughter Calvary and Bloodcrushers were the most matched and possibly the ones with highest kill counts of all the units for those riders not engaged with the opposing calvary were riding across the crimson battlefield aiding the other forces in battle.

Returning to Laharl and Khorne which were trading blows with their respective sword striking, blocking and countering the other attack.

While Khorne held the divine advantage/knowledge in combat he was still a newly ascended Chaos God and while his sword skills were God Tier, Laharl's was to plus had more than his sword in this battle.

When Khorne finally managed to deliver a wound across Laharl back causing the Dark One to scream as pure black ooze representing darkness poured out the cut that the Blood God did on his back beside being painful it irritated the Laharl responding with a strong smack with his titanic tail not only dealing a brutal blow at the head of Khorne but some of the spikes trailing down his tail managed to slightly penetrate the Lord of Skulls' skull as magma dripped from his horned helm looking at his older brother Khorne praised his power, and combat prowess commenting that his skull shall be his prized collection mounted right on top his throne as he got into his fighting stance his Unmaker pointing straight at Laharl that slowly turned to face him with his weapons ready his brother hunched slightly back then unleashed a devastating roar as he charged straight to him and Khorne responded in kind with the sword pulled back he charged in with a powerful shoulder rush as they continue to fight.

Kiira the Succubus Queen was at abmist of fighting Bloodletters alongside her daughters the Succubi while her daughters were using speed, agility and their claws against the lesser daemons of Blood she was in one word descriptor dancing through the battlefield swinging, twirling, spinning and hacking the Bloodletters to pieces as limbs, horns, and head were send flying by the edge of her daemonic ring blade as she spun her weapon around her neck before placing her gloved hand between her ring blade and neck to move it and with the speed of rotation deliver a powerful horizontal slash that cleave a Bloodletter clean in half as daemonic blood soak her and her daughters as they enjoyed the slaughter but missed the expression of pain shown by their victims, oh well she was a Daemon Queen, a proud wife of the Dark One she'll show these inferior daemons which is more superior and beautiful.

While Kiira was butchering Bloodletters left and right, close or from a far she unleashed her daemonic power firing vibrant violet pink colored sharp arrow shapes projectiles from her wings to the air, as she fought those projectiles rain down blasting away the lesser daemons of Khorne before they can try and surround her, and even if they manage to do so they only end up receiving either a quick or slow death by her lust laced ring blade "Ring of the Final Embrace" that's when she spotted a Greater Daemon, a Bloodthirster wielding a giant claymore hellblade with a snarling, bloodthirsty face which was the cross between a hound and bull with great curled horns he roared breathing out fire as he challenged her only making the Succubus Queen smile as she stopped spinning her ring blade and retracted her wings as she stretched out her right arm making the hand gesture for the Bloodthirster to come, seeing this the Greater Daemons of Khorne raged and roared commanding all daemons to leave her to him, and Kiira responded in...similar...fashion telling her succubi to play with the Bloodletters while she deal with the Bloodthirster alone.

As a Bloodthirster he was more stronger and savage in battle but he didn't possess one of the greatest abilities of the khornate daemons possess until Nurgle and Tzeentch's birth that Khorne added to his army one of the advantages to face range forces (Magic Resistance) which Kiira and most of the Carnage Legion have skill using along with fighting in melee like what Kiira was about to as she walked towards her opponent without an ounce of care or fear, with a diabolical grin filled with sadistic anticipation for what was about to happen the Bloodthirster seeing this made the Greater Daemon more furious spreading his wing, letting out a mighty roar as he rushed towards Kiira with claymore raised but before he could swing his giant hellblade Kiira channeled her grand daemonic power coating her ring blade completely in violet pink colored aura spinning it in place in the middle of her outstretched right arm once it was spinning at max speed, and fully charged bursting with such warp-energy that could outmatch the charging Bloodthirster her grin turned into a full on teeth showing smile as she tossed her ring blade at the Greater Daemon spinning like a glowing vibrant violet-pink colored buzzsaw, seeing this the Bloodthirster knew he couldn't dodge the incoming attack, so he blocked using his weapon only for when the energy coated ring blade hit it broke the claymore and caused some damage to the Greater Daemon's arms and cracked the armored brace in his left arm.

As her attack bounced off the Bloodthirster she spread her wings and flew straight at the Greater Daemon with violet pink aura starting to spread and coat her body, growing in force, intensity and color until she became a literal violet-pink meteorite crashing against the Bloodthirster causing a huge burst of lust and daemonic energy that shook the hellish, volcanic, red landscape knocking the Bloodthirster to the red ground, scarping against it as he was thrown with great force even crushing some unlucky Bloodletters in the process the deep red skinned greater daemon chest was completely exposed and greatly injured, his armor completely destroyed and gasping for air as the blow was so strong that the Bloodthirster was stunned by the pain not able to react as Kiira as the Succubus Queen not only used her attack to cause mayor damage to her victim but also use him as a surface to bounce off of to blast herself toward her weapon the Ring of the Final Embrace which she quickly grabbed and started spinning in frontal horizontal direction picking up speed as she charges/rushed straight at the still agonizing Bloodthirster and in a Mileena style fatality she literally sawed through the Greater Daemon as it struggled to pull the Succubus Queen from his gushing chest cavity in a futile attempt to save itself but all he managed to do was cause more pain as his hands and arms were shredded along with his chest and inners, as gore and blood splashed and soared everywhere soaking the nearby lesser daemons both Bloodletters and Succubi enjoyed the sensation of blood in different ways but in the end the mighty servant/lieutenant of Khorne, a Bloodthirster has been brutally killed.

Kiira spotted spinning completely destroying the Greater Daemon of Khorne in the most gore filled fashion hanging her ring blade on her right shoulder and crawling out the Bloodthirster corpse soaked entirely in crimson warm daemonic blood she smiled her pink magenta eyes filled with so much malice she spoke "Whoes next to entertain me and my lovely daughters?" looking at the countless daemons of Khorne all soaked in blood and gripping their hellblades clearly eager to fight and kill making her and her daughters more excited for the upcoming slaughter and she continued "Perfect! More toys to make scream and break. Well..." swinging her ring blade around with such skill and elegance she finished speaking "...let's slaughter some more shall we?" as soon as she spoke those those last words she, her succubi and the bloodletters charged each other again.

Much more was happening all around as this the first battle in the Great Game of Chaos was just beginning...
