
The evil queen

A duo of colorful birds lands next to the closed window. Joyfully, they start singing their most beautiful song. While the warm sun slowly rises above the horizon, the town starts to wake up.

Yawning, an elderly man gathers the empty milk bottles and replaces them with new ones. The baker walks hastily through the streets, hoping to sell some bread. A young woman keeps a close eye on traders who work hard, so they can start selling their goods. It's a calm morning as always. It promised to be a good day once more.

"Moira, it's time to wake up" sounds through the corridor. Moira opens her sky-blue eyes, slowly. "Moira!" "Yeah I'm up" she answers, slightly annoyed. Yawning, she lifts her head and looks at the bright sky. "Ugh," she grumbles and drops herself again. Why? Why did she have to get up? So early? Yawning, she lifts her small body and sits up in bed. The cold air teases her naked body. Shivering, she walks toward the closet and grabs a tight red dress. The long dress was finished off with black lace and smelled like her mother's. Fresh and sweet. Gentle, she pushes her nose into the soft fabric. She inhales deeply and closes her eyes. "Moira" shouts her dad again. "Coming" she answers while the dress goes over her head. Damn father. No patience. Promises for today!

"What's so urgent," she asks and walks hastily down. "Ah, my beautiful girl", her father smiles. "Hey, good morning" she answers, not understanding, and smiles carefully. I need you to go to the market. And fast. But don't forget!" "Yeah yeah, come straight home after" Moira, sighs. "Moira, I did this to protect you. I know you don't believe me, but it is true. You are a beautiful girl, and that is the truth, not just because I am your father. There are lots of strange types out there. Special now with the vendors. I don't want anything to happen to you. God forbid I lose you too." "You won't lose me, father. I will be back before you know it." Gentle, he places a kiss on her forehead. "Off you go now. But be careful!" "I promise" she pleads and hangs a black cape over her shoulders. She gives her father one last smile before she lifts her basket and closes the door behind her.

The fresh air strokes her lungs. A smile curls on her pink lips as she looks at the passing people. Searching for a friendly face that she likes, she walks toward the market vendors. Where is Alexa?

"Moira" shouts a familiar voice loudly. Moira grins and turns around. "Hey stranger" she greets. Alexa laughs and places her arms around Moira's body. "You are in a good mood." Alexa nods. "Haven't you heard? Good won! Snowwhite and prince charming! They are having a baby!" "What? No?" Alexa nods fast. She smiles like a child in a toy store. "But how... last we heard was the queen.." "Evil queen can't break true love" interrupts Alexa. Moira smiled carefully. True love. It sounds so noble. So lovely. So great. She would love to find true love. To find happiness. But she knows that she cannot find it here. She would never be able to be happy with a man from this village. To live forever in this village... that would be the real curse.

"Moira" repeats Alexa. "Hm?" "You drifted away again?" "I am sorry Alexa" she mumbles. Alexa laughs. "So can I help you with the groceries?" "That would be lovely" answers Moira, honest, and continues her way to the market.

As time passes, Moira and Alexa continue their list of groceries, talking about the royal baby. The queen's promise and, of course... the bakers' son. Alexa was so in love with him. But she refused to admit it. While Alexa was meant to stay in the village, Moira saw no future here. But why? Deep in her heart, Moira feels that she doesn't belong here. Despite being born here ...She doesn't feel like this is her home. Like this is supposed to be her home...

Her mother and father inherited the inn from her grandfather; her father's father. He wanted so badly to continue the tradition. But Moira hadn't told him she didn't want the inn... The right moment hadn't come yet...Not even now that she was nearly eighteen, her father still didn't know that Moira did not long for her father's life." Moira" asks Alexa. "Hm?" Alexa breaks into a burst of laughter and hands Moira the bread. The last item on her shopping list. Sometimes I wish I could read your mind, laughs Alexa. Moira smiled cautiously. So, that's it? Moira nods and grabs Alexa's arm. "Come on, I have to show you something!" "Moira," asks Alexa incomprehensibly, and follows Moira hesitantly. "Come on" laughs Moira and leads Alexa up the green hill. "Moira where are we going" laughs Alexa. Moira smiles cautiously and pauses on top of the hill. "Look," she says, pointing to the horizon, colored gold by the warm sun. At the bottom of the hill, sailors ran back and forth across the rickety docks. Seagulls fly up, screeching, hoping for a piece of fish. Alexa smiles. "The dock?" "No" Moira whispers and lifts her chin a little higher. "That" she speaks softly when Alexa drops her gaze to the distant horizon. The clear blue water with a white stripe here and there from its choppy waves. In the distance, the shadow of an unknown island lurks. For the rest .. Water as far as the eye can see. "Moira" whispers Alexa. Moira takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. "Can't you see Alexa ... what a beauty. The beauty of the unknown? Freedom? Don't you want to know what's beyond that horizon? God knows how far I'll go if I ever get away here" "Is that really what you want, Moira? Your family is here, your friends, your home." "No" interrupts Moira and continues; "You're my only friend. And my dad is the only family I have. And no ... This has never been my home. At least it didn't feel like that. It never felt like that. I know it's different for you, Alexa, but I need more. I want more. I want adventure in the wide world. I need it more than words can describe it. " Alexa sighs. "Then I really hope you find this Moira. But I will miss you. You are like a sister to me." Moira gives Alexa a loving smile. "You too, Alexa" she whispers gently.

Alexa takes Moira in a big hug and closes her eyes for a moment. "For now you will have to do with me and your father" teases Alexa. Moira opens her eyes abruptly. "Father" she whispers. "Damn!" She quickly grabs the basket and runs down the hill again. "Moira" shouts Alexa and rushes after Moira. "Moira wait a minute now", Alexa shouts. Moira stops abruptly, causing Alexa to bump into Moira. "Thanks for listening, Moira, but you could also give a warning" Alexa grumbles and scrambles up. "Moira," asks Alexa carefully and steps next to Moira. Moira's eyes were frozen in the busy market square. Black knights are scattered on their dark horses. A black carriage adorns the center. "The queen" whispers Alexa and continues, "my mother is there." Moira shouts "No" and tries to grab Alexa, but it is too late. Alexa's legs ran towards the market square as fast as they can.

"Alexa" shouts Moira hopelessly and runs after Alexa." No," she roars and protests when two strong arms close around her body. "Let go of me! Alexa !!" ""You aren't going anywhere," laughs the soldier. Moira has no chance against the strong knight's arms." Alexa" she yells out again and scans the busy square, looking for her friend. But the knight places his hand on her lips. "Shut up" he orders, means. Suddenly she saw what she was afraid of. Alexa, like Moira, is held tightly by a black knight. Only this knight is right in front of the evil queen .. Regina. Alexa's chest rises and falls violently. Fear shines in her eyes, and at her feet lies her mother ... dead. Her heart had been ripped out. As with four other villagers. "Alexa," Moira whispers as the queen turns her woody brown eyes to Alexa's. "Some of you filthy villagers should know this, right?" the queen speaks sternly. "Come on! Trust me... The betrayal will not be with Snowwhite but with your own people!" Moira stared at the young woman. Her long black hair in a tight ponytail adorns her slender shoulders. A black silk dress and a silver crown. Just as she imagined her... Alexa closes her eyes in fear when a mean smile appears around the queen's lips. "Come on, then", Regina whispers, laughing, and grabs Alexa by her heart. Alexa does not know how or when Moira appeared, but suddenly she is there ... in front of Alexa. She has thrown herself before Alexa. With her heart in the queen's hand ...Moira takes a deep breath and stares at her pounding heart. Regina looks up at the girl in shock and finally smiles. "Stupid girl," she says, and stares at Moira. "Love is weakness" she viciously proclaims and gets ready to pinch her heart. "Moira no!" Alexa begs hopelessly, wrapping her hands around Moira's shoulders. Regina abruptly stops squeezing. A puzzled look appears in her eyes. "Moira?" She opens her mouth softly and stares at the girl in front of her. It feels almost as if time is frozen. The queen keeps looking at the girl with her heart in her hand.

"Your name .. is Moira?" Moira nods, panting. "Your Majesty," asks her loyal knight. Regina shakes her head and pushes Moira her heart back into Moira back into her chest. "Moira", Alexa whispers worriedly and supports her friend. "Moira" the queen whispers while staring at her. "Your Majesty, one of the peasants has spoken. Rumplestilskin is locked up in Snowwhite's castle," the knight whispers. Regina nods and gets into her carriage without a reply. "Moira," asks Alexa, concerned when the queen and her entourage disappear. "Why did you do that?" "You are my sister, remember" Moira gasps."Oh, Moira!" Alexa whispers and hugs Moira deeply. "Alexa .. Your mother", Alexa nods. Tears streamed down her eyes. "I know but I was so scared I would lose you too", Alexa cries. "Moira, you saved her" whispers the baker and places his hand on Moira's shoulder. "You are a hero" confirms one woman. Moira shakes her head. "You saved us all" adds the spinster. "No" begins Moira, but the joy of the crowd breaks through her. Alexa smiles. "You see ... sometimes home isn't quite as far as you think." Moira takes a deep breath and slowly straightens up. "I'll take you home," says Alexa. Moira nods. "Home" she sighs and places her hand on her chest. "Are you okay Moira?" Moira nods. Why had the queen stopped? Why hadn't she destroyed Moira's heart? And why did she look at her so strangely? Why did she ask her name? When she heard it plainly? And more importantly; why did she just leave ... She wanted to know where Rumplestilskin was. She eventually knew, but still. It was not like the queen to just leave. Why can't Moira shake off the feeling that there is more to it?

"Moira" her father shouts angrily. Moira is abruptly sucked back into reality. "Father I" But her father will not let her finish. "I told you to come home right away! This is the last time you will ignore my authority, Moira!" "Father!" "Not a word!" "Sir, forgive me for interrupting you, but this time Moira couldn't help it" Alexa begins hurriedly and continues; "The queen was in the village, and Moira .. well... She saved me. Us. The queen pulled her heart out." The innkeeper immediately softened his gaze. Shows anxiety in his eyes. "Moira .. is that true?" Moira nods and lowers her eyes. "Father I'm sorry .." "Child " whispers the innkeeper and wraps his arms around Moira. "I'm so sorry. I didn't want to be angry. I'm sorry, my child" he whispered. Alexa smiles gently. "Sorry daddy," Moira whispers. The innkeeper shakes his head. "Go upstairs, rest. We'll talk later." "I'll help you with the groceries," Alexa says. Moira nods to Alexa and continues upstairs. The innkeeper looks at her with concern. "I can't protect her anymore," he whispers.

Moira sighs and folds her arms on the windowsill. Still, thinking of the queen's actions, she places her chin on her forearms. Staring at the distant horizon and the harbor, she thought again of the queen's gaze. "Your name is Moira?" Why did she ask that? What was so important about her name? Moira closed her eyes with a sigh.

Do not forget, the truth will always set you free dearie...

Kaia_Nova_Doylecreators' thoughts