
Ch.15 Family


'Everything that Sylas said yesterday is a possibility, I also can see that the new king will be a waste, if we wait while strengthening ourselves, we will be able to avenge my sister and maintain a position of power. To strengthen Dorne, we need more money, people, and more importantly someone capable, Sylas seems to be a man that can bring those three, and he was even blessed by two gods… but he is still too young, I don't think Doran would accept if he doesn't know about his secret…' Thought Oberyn while walking slowly towards his brother's solar. There, he explained what he talked about with his squire and how he thought that his ideas were great and feasible if provided backing.

"Although I understand everything and every reason, I have no reason to trust him, nor to entrust him with such a task. I have heard about the fast development in the lands of House Fowler and you have told me that it's thanks to his ideas, but in the end, he only has ideas, we don't have any reason to trust that he is able to do something so… ambitious." Doran said while looking into his brother's eyes.

"We have a reason, you know it, plus he is smarter than most Maesters that I have met, he is quick-witted, he has his way with words and his face is even better. He is brave, strong, and honorable, seven hells, he convinced The Sword of the Morning to join him. I asked him if I was to get you to arrange a betrothal proposal between Arianne and him, what would he say… He refused me immediately, saying that he loved Ashara and he wouldn't go against his word, you ought to know what that means, right? Arianne looks at him with bright eyes every day, yet he barely speaks with her, even though he has implied to me multiple times that he would steal Nymeria, meaning that he is interested in woman, if we don't give him the space to grow, he might resent it, whether you like it or not, he won't resent me nor my daughters, he will resent you, and if he can rally the Stone Dornishmen and a few Sand Dornishmen, he will be able to match our military numbers" Oberyn said slowly and calmly.

"Oberyn, look me in the eyes and tell me that you trust him even more than me," Doran said slowly, squinting his eyes slightly.

"I trust him more than you… You are too cautious, it makes you look cowardly. If someone with charisma, bravery, and charm is to be born in Dorne, he would have an easy way to rise against you, my reputation is the only thing that repels people trying to abuse the weakness that they see in you, don't think everyone in Dorne is complacent and loyal. I love you, brother, you know it, but I want revenge, and, most importantly, I trust him and his future, I'm willing to take this gamble and if, for the first time, you take it, you will not regret it, if I smell treacherousness within his ranks, you will be the first to know it, I will follow him, my loyalty is with House Martell and it stays that way" Oberyn said while standing up. "You must make a decision quickly, the faster you do it, the better, it's either him or take the worst gamble with the exiled dragon spawn," And he left the room.

'I hope Doran can see what I'm proposing and stop being so cowardly, every path that he can or will thread will be a difficult and dangerous one, we either offend the new king, slowly kill Lannisters or lower our heads and act as nothing happened, I won't see another Targaryen in the throne, they've cause too much damage to House Martell!


"I never thought that this place would look so beautiful, although your letters were really accurate!" I said while holding Sylas' hand and feeling four little girls staring at me intently, I just smiled at the two blondes and two black-haired girls.

I started looking everywhere and loved the pools and the pink marble. The greenery was beautiful as well and I looked fondly at everything.

"Just like you said in your letters" I hugged Sylas's arm.

"I hope you like to be here, we are going to celebrate my knighting ceremony in a few weeks or so, then we might go and travel across the Seven Kingdoms". Sylas said while grabbing my waist.

"Don't get all touchy in front of the kids, they might end up like Ser Oberyn," Arthur said while looking at Sylas.

I pouted playfully and started looking around. "Jeyne, Jennelyn, Nymeria, Arianne, come here, let me show you, my future wife!" Sylas yelled at his sisters and their friends.

Promptly, two wispy blonde girls shorter than me were looking at me intently and the other two girls, one pale with exotic eyes, and the other with caramel skin were whispering to the blonde girls.

"Welcome to the Water Gardens, my name is Jeyne, and she is Jennelyn, our youngest sister. It's really nice to meet you, big brother's words weren't enough to describe your beauty, lady Ashara." Jeyne said with a pleasant smile and graceful tone.

"Please, just call me Ashara or sister, after I marry Sylas we'll be family, so It wouldn't be wrong," I said with a warm smile.

Nymeria and Arianne recoiled at the mention of marriage, and I smiled when I noticed it, but I just ignored them since they were small children.

"Alright, Ashara, would you like to see the garden with us?" Jeyne asked with a big smile while grabbing my arm.

Following the girls, I saw in the corner of her eye, Sylas hugging his youngest sister with a soft smile on his face, but he looked in front and when he noticed me looking at him, he gave me a wink.

"Big sister! Where did you meet big brother?" Asked Arianne curiously.

Nymeria was looking intently at me while Jeyne took them to the edge of the main pool so that they could sit down.

"I first saw him at King's Landing, I saw him briefly smile while talking with Ser Oberyn, then on the way to Harrenhal, I saw him training every day he could, he always just wore a chainmail shirt and pants with some plates hanging, swinging his sword, hunting for the knights. Then when we got to Harrenhal, he helped me get out of the carriage and we talked for the first time, then we didn't meet at all, but when the feast to start the tourney started he asked me to dance the first time he had the opportunity. After that, we spent nearly all day together since Lady Ellia allowed me to spend time getting to know him." I said while looking at the water ripple slowly as the wind blew and leaves landed on the water.

"I heard big brother won the archery contest in that tourney! He didn't want to talk about it though." Said Nymeria while playing in the water with her feet.

I giggled softly and said. "He doesn't like to show people that he has done something great, I can still remember how he got the first arrow in the dead center of the target, and then the next two arrows went into the first, then the second. He looked dashing and was wearing the purple silk scarf that I gave him." I smiled as the fond memories came to me.

"You seem really in love… Sister." Jeyne said, maintaining her calm smile.

"He is all that Mother has said to look for to be happy, I can't ask for anything more. He is the smartest person I know, you can ask him anything and he'll have an answer for it, he is brave and hard-working, training every day, and despite being tired, he spends time with me. He is considerate and beautiful…" I said with a wide smile on my face and I felt a warm sensation on my cheeks, a small blush, just remembering his beautiful face and body…

"If big sister Ashara marries him does that mean that we won't be able to marry big brother?" Arianne said innocently while holding a leaf.

I just smiled at her comment but was surprised when Jeyne spoke. "What would you do if my brother got more women? The only thing I have heard Ser Oberyn teach him is how to talk to women and how to bed them" She said with a small giggle at the end.

"He has promised me his love, as long as his words maintain their truthfulness, I don't care about anyone else," I said gracefully, but with a hint of seriousness. 'To be honest, he is great, now I can't wait to see what kind of woman he can get…' I thought as the blush intensified.

"So we can't be friends with big sister and marry big brother?" Nymeria asked while meekly looking at me.

"I haven't thought about something like that…" I said while looking at Sylas between the bushes and trees that blocked her sight slightly. 'It would make him happy if I were to be welcoming? I can't be jealous, at least not too much' I thought absent mindlessly. "All I know is that I want to be with him" I affirmed with confidence.

'My mother told me that Princess Arianne would be here, following Sylas' descriptions, the thin black-haired little girl should be her. The little girl of exotic eye shape should be Ser Oberyn's bastard, Sylas told me that she is like a mischievous little sister. Jeyne, tall and blonde, her eyes like her brother's… Why does she dislike me? Does she want her own brother? No, I don't think she lusts for her own brethren, she is too young, but it's difficult to ignore the looks that his youngest sister gives him… His beauty is enough to charm me at first sight, these little girls have lived with him for a long time…' Ashara thought while biting her lower lip slightly.

"Father says that a man can have as many wives as he is capable of maintaining!" Nymeria yelled, incurring in Jeyne's and my laughter.

"Come with us, big sister! Let's play!" Yelled little Arianne. "There are other friends that we have to show you!" She said energetically.


Remember, if you want to support me for some reason, p@treon.com/VoidCL :)

This isn't a serious attempt to recreate the good writing of the books, I'm a newbie, lower your expectations, please c:

I got a little silly for a few days, mb

EmptyVoidchcreators' thoughts