
Ch 13: Training and Test

In the mornings, Asako always runs around the house through the forest as her daily warm-up before training. She couldn't stay still in a place without doing nothing or else she feels that her body is losing condition.

However, today it was a little different from her daily routine. Zircon was running with her.

It has passed a month since Asako and Yuria became Zircon's 'girlfriends'. In the night of that same day, his mother hugged him tightly, while Blue and Red could only shake their heads, congratulated him.

The next what happened was that his mother tutored him along with his 'siblings' about 'how to treat a woman'. Even Claire was wearing a teacher uniform and glasses to have a 'teacher vibe' as she said.

He wanted to ask her how was possible that she changed her clothes inside his mind but she just only said that it was a 'mother's power'.


He decided to not ask more questions about the topic.

Then after that night, Asako woke him up early than usual. It was 5:00 of the morning at that moment. Yuria wasn't even awake and the sun hadn't raised yet.

Zircon asked to Asako what happened, but Asako quickly told him to change his clothes while throwing a set of black sports clothes at him.

The next what happened was that they started running around the house through the road in the forest.

The first day was felt almost like hell to Zircon who wasn't accustomed to doing exercise.

Asako said something about "Kids who can run fast are popular in primary school." or something like that. To be honest, he didn't understand her words, but yet he followed them because those were the words of someone who he trusts.

They ended up running almost 5 km and Asako didn't have any drop of sweat in her body. Meanwhile, Zircon felt that he was at the border of fainting, but fortunately, Asako made sure to let him to rest before continuing their running.

At 6:00 a.m., their running was already finished and he was panting heavily with some steam coming out from his mouth. However, they were far from finishing their training.

Zircon almost fell on his knees after he heard that after all what they did, it was just a warm-up.

He wanted to cry and renounce, but Asako hold him from his shoulders and stared at him directly to his eyes with a serious expression.

Mesmerized by her blue ocean eyes, he couldn't help but think that they were as beautiful as a jewel. A cheese compliment for some people, but those were his thoughts.

"Zircon, do you want to be stronger?" Asako asked, making him snap out from his thought, but he had still a confused expression. "Do you want to be stronger enough to protect your loved ones?"

As soon as she finished her question, Zircon started to remember that day. The day when his parents died, all because he was too weak to protect them.

He knew that he couldn't do anything because he was an infant and didn't know how to use his powers.

(But, what if in that moment I could have used them?)

That moment always tormented him.

Yes, maybe at least he can still seeing his mother in his dream world, but the price was her physical body. She could no longer live with him in the real world. Moreover, even if she tries to hide it with her cheerful attitude, he already noticed that she also wants to be with him, but not only in his mind, but in the real world.

"I don't want to lose anyone else."

"Then you must be strong. Strong enough to protect the ones you love. But most importantly, yourself."

Moist started to appear on Zircon's eyes, but he refused to cry. He knew that it wasn't the moment to cry.

"I want to be stronger. To protect you and Yuria-nee." The determination in his eyes were palpable.

Asako smiled at him and patted his shoulders while laughing.

"That's a good answer. Come one, we are going to still training even if you feel your bones breaking."

Zircon shivered due to Asako's words. Maybe it was due to Red's influence but he somehow can remember how it feels to have the bones of his body broken. Fortunately, it didn't discourage him.

He nodded his head and then followed her for the rest of the training.

From that day, Zircon's daily routine changed.

In the mornings, he would go out with Asako to do their run around the cabin and others to develop his muscles and cardio.

Once they finished with their exercise, they returned to the cabin and ate their breakfast prepared by Yuria. She was very good at cooking and Zircon wants to learn some things from her.

After that, when Yuria wasn't busy she would teach him some school knowledge like math, geography, etc.

Sometimes Zircon would fall asleep because he was bored, so she thought about a way to prevent this. She told him that at the end of the month, if gets at least 90 points in each test that she makes, and then she will grant him a wish. Only if she was capable to grant it.

That motivated him to pay attention during his classes. After all, who doesn't want a reward after achieving something?

Now, it was the end of the month finally arrived, and he was starting to feel a little nervous after thinking about the test.

Asako noticed that. "Concentrate in your breath; it will help you to relax." She said.

Zircon decided to follow her advice and surprisingly he managed to not thing too much about it while running.

Both continued with their exercise, and when finished, they had their breakfast.

When it finally was 10:00 a.m., and he was now sitting in front of the living room's table, waiting for Yuria to bring the exam sheets.

Then, she entered into the room and gave him an exam with multiple option questions.

"You have only two hours to finish." She said while checking her clock on her wrist.

The test began.

However, what they didn't know is that this moment would change their life's and relationship, forever.
