
Unexpected Offer

Tap! Tap! Tap!

The crew follow Fire Priest Gliibious closely from behind.

The atmosphere was engulfed in eerie silence. No conversation was initiated. 

Mon is unfamiliar with the fire priest in front of him and Fire Priest Gliibious himself doesn't show any intention to spark a conversation either.

For him, the silence was acceptable.

He hadn't come to Mindsza to make friends.

He only has a singular purpose— to secure the money for the merchandise he had delivered. 

Moreover, there's not much benefit to be gained in befriending a fire priest.

To his knowledge, 'fire priest' held only the second lowest rank in the hierarchy of these magic practitioners, just above fire acolytes.

Judging by the age reflected in Fire Priest Gliibious's physical appearance, Mon doubted the priest in front of him had the talent or potential to advance further in rank.
