
"Relative's House"

Oldman Dunn glanced around to ensure that the young scholar was indeed gone. Satisfied that he was no longer being followed, he briskly moved towards his intended destination.

The streets of Klover were bustling with activity, merchants setting up their stalls, and locals going about their daily routines.

But he maintained a vigilant eye, making sure nobody followed him. He had learned to be cautious, especially in a city he was unfamiliar with.

Carefully unfolding the map he had been given, Oldman Dunn navigated the labyrinthine streets with a cautious step. It was a hand-drawn map, not the most detailed or accurate, but it provided enough guidance to lead him to the address of his "relative's house."

As he made his way through the city, he avoided attracting unnecessary attention, blending in with the crowd of people bustling around him.
