
The Ingenious Siblings Part 1


The school bell rings, signalling the end of the day. The sound of the bell echoes throughout the classroom, causing some students to jolt out of their daydreams and break the concentrations of others who were focussing on the lesson.

The classroom instantly became noisy as students begin to converse with their friends about their after-school activities.

"Ahem," Their teacher, however, cleared her throat, indicating that she had something else to say. The students stop their chattering and turn their focus back to her. They're curious and a little bit apprehensive. What else does their teacher want to say?

With a serious tone, she reminds her students. "Class, the assignment I gave earlier is due by the end of this month. Although it may seem like a lot of time, I strongly advise against leaving it until the last minute. This assignment will contribute a significant portion to your final grade."
