
Anna and Her Memories (2)

Anna cried and smiled as she recalled that moment, "This is very hard for me, Fateh. Tell me how I have to go through it, so far you are the only place I share in everything hiks ... hiks ... hiks ...," she said while sobbing.

Anna sat limply with her head down, crying her heart out accompanied by roars and sobs. She spilled everything, alone.

Anna remembered something and immediately got up and ran upstairs to her husband's study.

She opened the study in a hurry without paying attention to the dust that had stuck to her body, once she entered, she could see Fateh's three high-quality computers lined up neatly on the table.

Fateh works as head of IT at a large company so he needs these computers for his purposes in completing his office tasks at home.

On the table there is also a photo of their wedding which is located on the right side of the table, there are also several neatly arranged files. Anna returned to focus on her purpose in this room.

She put the chair down and placed it on the wall, climbed on top of the chair to take the wedding photo frame that hung behind her husband's desk, and carefully placed the photo frame on the other side of the table.

Behind the photo is a small safe that Fateh uses to store his important documents, and Anna hopes that what she is looking for is in that safe.

Anna pressed the password while reciting a prayer in her heart that the number she had pressed was correct.

Fateh had mentioned the password once, but Anna didn't really listen because she thought it wasn't important to her, but now she regretted not hearing it well then.

"Huff ..., come on, I beg you to open it," he muttered as he continued to press the number he remembered as the password.

Anna tapped her head on the study wall with her eyes closed as she kept trying to remember the safe password.

He has tried to enter his birth date and also Fateh's date of birth and even his wedding date but it all failed.

Anna stopped moving her head and opened her eyes as she remembered something then she immediately pressed the numbers.


The sound that came from the safe, Anna breathed a sigh of relief that it was a combination of all important dates for them that Fateh used for this safe.

Anna opened the safe and took out all the documents that were in there, she quickly read the documents one by one and she just found out that all the assets owned by Fateh had been changed in her name.

Anna's heart skipped a beat when she found an envelope that said 'ZCG Hospital', with trembling hands Anna opened the envelope and read it.

"Oh my God! Fateh!" he shouted softly as he covered his mouth.

Anna did not understand the many numbers written but, she understood the contents of the paper explaining that her husband was positive for meningitis and the date listed was March 1, 2019, which meant it was a year and a half ago and stupidly she had not seen any signs of pain in her husband all this time.

"How hard you cover this from me!" She roared while sobbing until he stammered. Anna pounded her chest, her heart ached so much.

When Anna received news of Fateh's accident at the same time she received news that her husband had been suffering from this deadly disease for a long time, at first, she didn't believe it. She had to accept the fact because the doctor who had been treating her husband had explained.

Instantly Anna's world shattered, her world stopped spinning along with her breath. She didn't have much time to cry over everything at that time, all she had to do was fight for Fateh to wake up from his coma. But God willed otherwise and took Fateh forever.

Anna was crying loudly, screaming as loud as she could in the room, she didn't care if anyone heard her because this time she was really mad at herself. She let out tightness in her chest.

She was angry with herself because she didn't know that her husband had been in pain all this time, she didn't know that her husband had been taking painkillers which she had just found in the safe.

"Am I not the dumbest woman, Fateh? I'm a bad wife, aren't I? If I had known earlier could we still be together today? If I knew, I didn't want to go through the pregnancy program, because of that program you had an accident on your way to the hospital," she whispered with a sob, Anna sat limply hugging her legs.

Anna wept for everything, her deep regret and ignorance all this time. She remembers when Fateh felt dizzy and nauseous, she remembers several times her husband vomited and suddenly fainted but, stupidly she believed when Fateh said he was like this only because he was tired. In his entire life, that was the first and last lie that Fateh did.

With a limp Anna got up and stood, folding and neatly arranging all the documents she had opened and read. She put everything back as it was and closed the safe as before.

She slowly picked up the photo frame again, snapping it back into place. She looked at the photo and caressed her husband's happy smiling face. Anna was crying again.

'How strong must you be to look fine all this time for my sake, hmm? You covered it all up. You didn't want to see me cry because you were sad, so what now? I cried, Fateh. And it was more than sad. Now let me look fine for you, I was determined to live this with a strong heart so we break even, isn't that how we've always loved? give and take each other most beautifully' Anna's inner monologue while stroking her wedding photo affectionately.

"I love you forever with all my breath," she said softly after which he kissed the photo for a long, long time.

As she got out of the chair, Anna wiped her tears and tied her hair up and she started to clean the place quietly though occasionally sobs could be heard from her tiny lips.

After cleaning the study, she closed the door and locked it then, she walked towards her bedroom, Anna took a deep breath after that she opened the door.

There is a king-size bed with plain light blue sheets that are already dusty as well as a dressing table.

After staring at her bedroom for a moment, Anna started to clean it. Anna opened Fateh's wardrobe and put almost all of Fateh's clothes into a big box. Anna wants to donate some of Fateh's clothes to one of the foundations.

It was not easy for her to be in this room, but she had to be strong even though her tears continued to flow.

"It's okay Anna, cry as much as you want today, let out all your sadness and despair then leave everything in this house because once you step out everything will be fine," said the inner goddess.

Anna left the sofa and cupboard where they were. Anna arranged all the objects on display as well as kitchen utensils into a large box and stored them in the warehouse. She did everything herself without the help of others.

For the first time, the tiny body felt tired of cleaning the whole house. Anna also cut up the roses in the yard until they were clean. After she finished doing it all, Anna cleaned up before returning to her parent's house.

'Ting ... Tong ....'

Anna rushed to open the door as soon as she heard the doorbell ring, she was sure if it was the officer, so she asked to come to pick up the items she wanted to donate.

"Good evening, right with Miss Annaya Nur Kamila Al-Ghifary?" asked one of the officers when Anna opened the door.

The officer's voice seemed to be holding back fear, it was clear from the look on his face but, Anna didn't pay attention to it.

"Yes," answered Anna, shifting her body to make room for the two officers to enter to retrieve the box which was still on the second floor.

"Miss, please sign here," said one of the officers.

He handed Anna a receipt and a pen as soon as she finished transporting 4 large boxes of clothes and the like into the car.

"Thank you," said the officer after Anna finished signing. They look very rushed.

"Wait!" Anna shouted softly as she ran to the box car. She wanted to see the boxes one last time.

"What's wrong miss? did we take the wrong thing?" asked the officer who was impatient as he was about to close the door.

'Oh my God, what else do you want this lady! Does this lady not realize that the person in the black car at the end of the fence has been watching their movements!' Mind the officer.

Anna saw that the officer was a little annoyed with her, then she quickly stepped aside and let the officer go.

After the officer thanked him, he quickly caught up with his friend who was already in the car, and immediately drove the car at full speed, they didn't care if they were in the housing complex.

They wanted to get out of the eagle's eye immediately.

Anna remained standing quietly watching the goods car leave without her knowing if someone had been watching her since she was at home.

"Anna, are you done?" asked Alya when she arrived in front of Anna's house and got out of the car. Alya immediately came as soon as Anna sent her a message.

"Hmm ..." Anna replied as soon as she finished locking the door and the fence.

Anna got into the car, followed by Alya. Alya knew Anna must have been crying again. Without saying anything else, Alya drove the car casually.

"Go," said the man in the car.

"Yes boss," Smith replied politely.

'I thought the boss wanted to pick up the future mistress, but it's just been quiet all day!' Smith thought. He immediately left to go back to the hotel.

Sebastian who sat gracefully closed his eyes, he was tired. All day he stared at the two-story house to make sure the woman inside was okay.
