
Chapter 011

The ride in the Quinjet to the Avengers Mansion was extremely awkward for Jason, as he was given little information regarding the circumstances of his new body. Thankfully, Yelena Belova and Kate Bishop remained predominantly silent throughout the trip.

It was a little disconcerting to think that he was a genetically synthesized human that was meant to be occupied by the Green Goblin of all people. A mix between Peter Parker and Rogue Anna-Marie. In hindsight, because of his headache hadn't been able to notice the difference in strength he had wrapped tightly in his body. Despite being a lot younger than he had previously been, he felt exponentially more powerful physically.

He had been relieved when he found out that neither Peter nor his new Half-sister expected him to be literal family to them, but would still be looking out for him, and supporting him however he believed was good for him. He supposed that was to be expected, the both of them were the pinnacle of Superheroes, selfless till the very end. They were the last people he would have expected to place undue pressure on him, on top of his already confused state.

He had made it clear to them that he did not remember anything from before his awakening in the lab, apart from his name. And while he had lied, he did not want to reveal his transmigration to anyone if he could help it.

"I will need to run some blood tests on him. I need to make sure that he is perfectly stable, considering that he has full consciousness, thoughts, and emotions, I want to make sure he doesn't have any risks of destabilization and genetic disintegration. I also want to run a telepathic and neural scan, so that we can make certain that the Green Goblin didn't insert any triggers in him that would activate should he have failed as he did." The woman, May Parker said as they arrived at the Avengers HQ. Peter and she had been quietly talking among themselves, sneaking glances at Jason who had been taking in the view of the city as it flew by underneath them, the morning sun giving it a very serene and majestic golden hew.

He had no problems with the blood test, but the telepathic checkup had his nerves on edge. He did not know whether that would expose him as a transmigrate, but he had no choice but to comply.

On stepping out of the jet, he followed May and Peter out, and he was greeted with his first sight of the Avengers Mansion and its surrounding area.

The granite landing pad of the Quinjet, led into a stone paved path surrounded by well-groomed bushes dotted with bright flowers. The path twisted its way by the large flowing river that eventually fell into a beautiful misty waterfall, on the other side of the river were large coniferous trees, of pine and white spruce trees. Behind him, as he noticed Hawkeye and the Black Widow get into step with him, he could see another much larger vessel parked, with strange inscriptions on it. By the size, Jason assumed it was a passenger ship, that carried at least a capacity of ten thousand souls.

Noticing the look that Yelena was giving him, as he observed his surroundings, he continued following his two guardian Spiders to the compound.

The compound itself was a massive structure of glass and marble. It was sleek and modern in design, facing the mists of the waterfall, but Jason could see the tree cover on the other side of the building, hiding it away from the view of the public eye. It was a rather secluded location, though the skyline of Manhattan was visible through the mist of the roaring waterfall.

As the company made their way inside the compound, Jason and the spiders were separated from May's rescue parties, as the two women departed for a debrief and to their rooms.

"Dad, why don't you wait in the lounge for a while, I will complete the standard tests for Jason here, and we will join you there," May said to her father indicating the room on one of the upper floors from the courtyard they were in.

Peter nodded at her "Okay, but could you hurry it up a little? I want to talk to you, about your mother, in private." He said and made his exit as he walked up the stairs to the right of the compound, going the same way the two black widows had just headed towards.

"Follow me, please. This won't take much time." She said to Jason finally, who had been silent for the entire walk from the Quinjet till now.

Jason followed her as she led him to a lab using the elevator on their left. Jason could feel as they descended deeper into the compound, having mistaken the lab to be on the upper floors as well. His nerves were steadily increasing, and by the time they were in the large white room with various medical equipment, he was sweating a little.

May led him to a leather chair and asked him to remove the coat he had taken from the Oscorp lab, as she attached a few sticky electronic pads to his torso.

"These are to monitor your vitals," and then she turned and went to the intercom at what he assumed was her workstation based on the name plaque on the white ceramic table.

"Riri, I need you in the lab in five please." She called and turned to him "As I stated before, this will be a very simple blood and tissue sample test. And then I will need you to head into the room to your left. That's a psionic station, as well as a full-body MRI. We want to be as thorough as possible; I don't trust Norman's work at all."

"I understand, and thank you, for looking out for me," Jason replied as he tried to show a little gratitude to the brunette.

It was then the doors to the lab slid open, and a tall black woman wearing a white t-shirt underneath a blue zipper jacket, black pajamas, and slippers walked in.

"How did you know I was up?" She questioned the brunette, and Jason could see dark circles underneath her eyes. "I could have been asleep. And you! I just saw the distress signal, what the hell! Why are you in the lab?"

"Riri, I know 'you'" May replied, rolling her eyes "You never sleep. Well, not for more than three hours at least. And please, like you have any grounds to judge, I have had to pull you out of this lab by force after several missions, heck I remember you started working on that AI of yours with a knife stuck in your thigh!"

Riri snorted, not giving any reply to her accusation, and then smiled as she approached the woman and pulled her in for a kiss.

Jason felt a little uncomfortable watching the two women kissing in front of him, and it seemed that May's mind caught up to his presence as well, and she reluctantly pushed Riri away.

"And now all the sleep's gone away! Thanks, Luv!" Riri said cheerily.

"Really? Did you not see the dude strapped into the chair right there?" May asked sarcastically, her embarrassment getting the better of her for the moment.

"Oh, psshh! Two girls making out, that's basically heaven for a kid like him." Riri rolled her eyes, as she turned to face Jason. "Isn't that right?"

Reluctantly, Jason nodded.

"That's my brother!" May exclaimed.

"Brother?" Riri turned to her incredulously "What the hell are you talking about?"

May filled her in on what happened quickly, as she gathered her syringes and other equipment, to begin testing.

"I see, I told you that the emergency beacons would be handy. Anyway, let's see if your half-brother is going to melt on us or not" Riri commented as she entered a more professional mode, and started managing the computers while May extracted Jason's blood, and placed the vial into a chamber by the wall.

"Please don't say that. That is a horrible possibility to think about. I am still young." Jason shuddered.

"Well, don't worry. May and I will have it all checked out in no time." Riri tried to reassure him. "Natalie, what do you have for me?"

"The blood test has been rendered, Riri. The synthesis of this body is perfectly stable. There are no signs of genetic disintegration. Based on the codon sequence, the process used to synthesize Mr. Jason is the perfected genetic cloning technique developed by Miles Warren, the Jackall. The subject contains a heavily purified form of Spider-Serum, on par if not more than both Peter Parker and Miles Morales. And there is a potential mutant gene, though it hasn't been activated. Based on the reports by Ms. Parker, his DNA is a perfect XY genetic combination from Peter Parker and Rogue Anna-Marie." A disembodied voice sounded from the speakers in the lab.

"Thank you, Natalie. Jason, move to the psionic chamber please." May requested once she parsed through the data, and was certain of the findings. "And Natalie, would you be a dear and destroy the blood sample? We don't need it anymore."

"Of course, Ma'am." The voice, which Jason presumed was an AI replied.

Steeling his nerves, Jason did as he was asked.



There's going to be several changes in the update schedule and in related to this fic after the 14th chapter.

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