
Fairy 44: Almost falling to Lust

It has been a month since Zack and Vottes has met. And within that time, a lot of things has happened, besides the usual boring training that Zack goes under.

At the first few days, neither Vottes nor Zack spoke much to each other. Unless it was times when Zack heals and help with Vottes's healing her body and wounds. Or mealtimes, but besides those times. Vottes's either watch Zack's training, or stare into empty air, with deep thoughts.

While Zack just cooks, trains, sleeps, as well form Light Magic on Vottes to aid her healing recovery. Thanks to being a Dragon Slayer, that heals about 4~5 times faster than a normal wizard, without the aid of magic.

At the end of day three, Vottes was able to move and run without worsting her wounds. Of course, any kind of extreme actions and movements were still lethal for Vottes's wounds to reopen. However, she was completely recovered at the end of day 5.

But something unexpected happened at the 5th day, the day when Vottes fully healed. Instead of being in deep thoughts or only give small talk when they together at mealtimes. Vottes shocked Zack, as she gives him a small smile before she spoken what has been on her mind since the time Zack told her about his real feelings towards her.

'Honestly, I don't get it, why you want a harem, because someone told you so. However… when I imagined you not here with me… it hurts… really hurts. The heart is a strange thing, don't you as well? Or maybe I am just a hopeless case… but I don't want to stay away from you.'

'My point is, I want to try, I don't know if I be comfortable or not with sharing you. But those nobles or rich traders has multiple lovers or mistress along with their wife, no? If they can do it, why shouldn't I? Of course, I still need you to fall for me.'

'That why, in order to become stronger, and make the man that makes my heartbeat like mad, fall for me. I am going to stay around you, shall we see? If I can make you fall for me or not.'

At that time, when Vottes said that with her beautiful smile, that could melt anyone's heart, and words that made any man heartbeat like crazy. And her light pink eyes that also full of love, which made one wonder, if the one looking at them is homosexual or not, since no man, nor some women could not resist being drawn to them.

However, shame for her, only half the words got through to Zack, who cluelessly thought Vottes must be mad at him since she wanted him to fall over? But soon dismiss any kind of thoughts that Vottes wanted to hurt him, or mad at him, when he looked confused at her love filled eyes that been looking at his every movement he makes.

Since that day, the day Vottes honestly told her feelings, Vottes tagged along when Zack begins his training. And to be honest, she only seen him train with the sword, not train with his magical powers until now.

And upon seeing the power of his Gravity Magic and Quake Magic, that always ended up destroying the training grounds under Zack's feet. Shocked Vottes, as she never seen such powerful use of magic, nor the ingenus way how Zack uses his magic systems.

As for Vottes herself. She begins to use her Ice Dragon Slayer Magic, by summoning her icy like flames mist, and from the crystal-like mist that moves like flames, countless spikes and other kinds of object manifested and slashes and stabbed the ground where she begins her own training.

But that isn't all, Vottes did. As Zack begin to give Vottes advice on how to use her Dragon Slayer Magic, based on the facts, that Natsu himself is a Dragon Slayer as well, and Gray whose magic is somewhat like her Ice Dragon Slayer Magic.

Because of that, Vottes learnt things she never could imagine she could do. Besides creating things from her white icy mist like flames. She learns she could fight like Natsu, by coating her limbs with her misty flames, that can freeze anything it touches with her bare hands or legs, if they're also coated in her Ice Dragon Slayer Magic.

But that isn't all, thanks to the ancient, and yet perverted sword, Nightfall. Who personally has experience of dealing and slaying Ice Dragons before they all disappeared. Allowed Zack to give her further advice on how Ice Dragons normally fight.

And regarding to the sage plus perverted sword. Ice Dragons are not the strongest when it comes to physical strength like Metal or Earth Dragons are. Or have the most firepower like Fire Dragons or Thunder Dragons.

But out of many Dragons Nightfall fought in its heyday. Ice Dragons are one of the most cunning and troublesome dragons to deal with.

They often rain down ice attacks, like spikes to end weaklings, or trap and freeze stronger enemies of theirs. And because they are smart dragons, compared to Fire Dragons that are too hot-headed, or Thunder Dragons that are too arrogant and prideful.

Made them troublesome to deal with. Since there no telling, if the Ice Dragons will fight head on like Thunder and Fire Dragons, or cunningly like Poison Dragons will do. Or carefully like Water or Wind Dragons will do.

It is because of that, made Ice Dragons are a headache to deal with. Since there no telling, what kind of move they will make. After all, there are smart dragons, that often more logically thinkers, then most dragons out there.

Thanks to the sword-like Wikipedia, with its vast amounts of knowledge hidden behind it's dark as the night blue blade's body. Zack could easily guide Vottes to become stronger, like she wanted.

And in return for his personal training, Vottes didn't miss this probability, of them being close to each other, and personally thanked Zack, by kissing his cheek, and showing a cute childish smile.

This made Zack clueless and helpless, as he never has any kind of experience of dealing with someone who so bold and opened with their feelings towards him.

Like that, a month went pass just like this. With training, the two begin bonds were formed, and even grown each passing day, as they train, spar, or even chat between meals, breaks, or mornings, and before night. Along with Vottes's bold 'attacks', trying to make Zack fall for her.

In the beginning of her 'assaults' to make Zack fall in love with her. She recalled all the tips and tricks she always overheard when she was on the run.

She never used any of them before. Since her natural beauty and hot body alone, was enough to lure men in the back alley, before she hit them over the head, and robbed them.

So, from the knowledge she never used before until now. Vottes begin her plans to make this dense guy before her, to fall for her.

Most of the time, Vottes will run to Zack, and randomly hugged his thick muscly arms. When she does hug his arm, it will be a lie, that Vottes did feel safe when she hugged his arm.

Zack also notices that as well and let her do whatever that makes her feel safer. And Vottes felt even more safer, when Zack's old habits kicked in, when sometimes when Vottes hugged his arm, Zack will also stroke her ice blue hair as well. As this action of his, made Vottes's heart feel at ease, and warmer each time she felt his fingers and palm against her ice light blue smooth hair.

Of course, the original goal of hugging Zack's arm, was a bold move to increased Zack's affection over her, or even spark something else out of him.

After all, each time she does hugged his arm, her bountiful breasts will also press against his thick muscly arm. If Zack were your average joe, the spark known as lust, will already be lit up.

Shame enough, Zack isn't your average joe, as he felt no spark of lust dwelling inside him at first. And even thought it feels nice being hugged by her chests, that feels as soft as pillows when they pressed against his arm.

However, that didn't last long. No matter how dense Zack is, his body isn't. There is no way that his primal instincts hidden deep inside his body, as well his hormones will stay quiet over time.

Because of Vottes's hugging his arm, along with other such bold actions of hers, to make Zack fall for her. Begin to raise some kind of annoying desire deep inside Zack, as well another kind of annoyance, when Zack could feel some kind of rising heat around the lower region of his body.

Zack, who has no clue what hormones are, or primal instincts that existed deep inside all living beings. Felt confuse and mad, but didn't show it on his face, even if Nightfall did give some advice, that every male human goes through he did.

Zack just dismisses it as that. Something he must overcome overtime. And hopes one day, he will learn how to handle these strange feelings lurking inside him, the feeling that is known as lust.

In the first place, it not that shocking or surprising why Zack's primal instincts and hormones has awakened within him.

Vottes Brave, not only she is very beautiful, with her light jewel like pink eyes, or her light blue hair, that has the same shade of blue that ice has.

Not to mention, her body is also as attention as her face is. With a slightly taller height then other woman in her own age group. Thin perfect hourglass body, and leg flawless legs and thighs, not to mention, her bountiful breasts.

No matter how one looks at it, Vottes's body and appearance are both made to entrap men. However, the same also could be said about Zack.

Even if he isn't fully an adult yet, but soon to be 18 years old. Zack already has reached the height of 180cm tall. And not to mention, Zack's muscles are perfectly formed between lean and muscular. The perfect ideal that most women want in a man.

Not to mention, Zack is handsome looking. From the ways he clothes, and his natural look, gives off a bad boy vibe if one look at his looks alone. But if one gets closer to the wild looking Zack, they will discover a gentle personality, that will draw even more women to him. One can say the appearance and Zack's natural personality is a deadly weapon if others find out.

It also, no wonder why Vottes often finds herself taking peeks at Zack, when he trained topless, and look away shyly when their eyes met each time, when Zack does his sword training.

That is how Vottes and Zack spent their first month together.



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Author's Notice.

Many thanks for reading this, and by the way, this is actually part 1 of 3 parts of this chapter.

The original content of 'Almost falling to Lust', was nearly 2,000 words long. However… there were a lot, I mean I lot of errors in this chapter.

To the point, Vottes and Zack, our main character, and second heroine. Sound more like robots than humans. That is why, this chapter used to be nearly 2,000 words, is now 5,400+ long.

That is why, because it is that long. The 5,400 words has split into three chapters, instead of a single 5,400 words long chapter, which I know many wouldn't mind that. But it too long for this fanfic of mine.

Another thing, I don't think I need to warn you readers… but the next two parts of this original chapter, or let's call it act. Is not teen (12~13) rated. But it is not R18 neither. But between, you understand when you read them.

Since I don't want to spoil anything with spoilers. Just a heads up, since I have no clue, if I should or not point that out or not.

Anyway, like always, thanks for reading. And sorry for the grammar of this fanfic… it really not my strong suit. And hope to see you all again soon.
