
Fairy 31: Vottes Brave

Vottes Brave, she never truly knows who her real parents are. Just that, when she was born, her real mother, or maybe father took her to some orphanage.

From an early age, Vottes was known in her town, and at her orphanage as a beautiful girl, with her water blue hair, and light pink eyes. No matter what she does, or goes, Vottes who is known to be as beautiful as a doll, and always be the centre of attention.

However, the girl herself, never truly cared if she were beautiful, if she was admired. She knew many wanted to adopt her. However, as the oldest in the orphanage. Vottes' held strong responsibility towards the other orphans like herself, and even looked after them, and not to mention Vottes is also smart for a child.

That is why, in order not to be adopted, and taken away from her home, the orphanage itself. Vottes always on purpose will put up an act of a foul brat, causing other adults, that wanted to take her in, be for good or vile reasons, to refuse to take in an uncontrollable child. Even if the adults of the orphanage only could show a wryly smile, knowing Vottes's just putting on an act.

That is who Vottes is, she is the kind of person that isn't shamed of herself, or her body or looks. She is the kind of free-spirited girl, that does whatever she likes, but also wary enough of her surroundings, not to be too selfish. Especially, when it comes to the younger children at the orphanage, who she sees as her little siblings.

In the end, Vottes Brave was happy with her life in the orphanage, she was happy with her life with her new family, the kids that also orphans like herself.

But that wasn't all, to only add more fuel to her happiness. One day out of the blue, Vottes Brave had awakened the ability to use Ethernano, meaning she has the potential to become a Wizard herself!

Vottes saw this newfound ability a way to protect her family in the orphanage. However, even if Vottes awaken the ability to use Magic, there no way she knows what kind of magic system will suit her. Or able to learn Magic without a proper master to guide her.

So, like most children that awaken their Ether, Vottes asked the adults what she must do. And unknowingly she has no clue this very action of hers. Will shatter the very happiness that she held dear, and her days of hell will begin.

That is because, she has no clue, while the adults of the orphanage become proud, and some cannot keep their mouths shut. And this resulted in the whole town knowing that Vottes Brave will one day become a wizard, how can they not be proud of this?

But no one, not even the guards that portal the town. Will have a clue, that this news of a child awakening their magical powers, will reach a certain old man. An old man, who is in fact a Dark Wizard, a Dark Wizard who happened to be looking for a child with the ability to use Ethernano, just happened to reach his ears.

The old Dark Wizard felt this news was a sign of God. A heaven-sent gift, which is why the old Wizard didn't waste any time, and used his Memory Magic, only to ease the memories of Vottes Brave from everyone in this town.

Which also means, not even those from the orphanage, her family wasn't spared of this old man's spell. Only person the old Dark Wizard didn't use this spell on, was the frighten Vottes herself, who was forcedly taken away from her home, and her torturous days has begun.

The main reason why the old Dark Wizard wanted a child who just awakened their Magic Power, was so he could experiment on them with something he gotten his hands on. And that thing he has gotten his hands on was a Dragon Lacrima, the very thing that can turned normal people into artificial Dragon Slayers, a type of Lost Magic itself.

When the old man heard of the rumours of the Dragon Slayers has been spotted. And not to mention, this old man also has an unhealthy obsession of Dragons and Dragon Slayers ever since he was a young innocent wizard himself.

He used his connections of the underworld, and finally got his hands on that Dragon Lacrima. Only thing he needed was a child who just awakened their magical powers, so he could experiment with this Dragon Lacrima on them. And that child happened to be Vottes herself.

The old wizard found many kinds of experiments on her. And like that, Vottes Brave became an Ice Dragon Slayer. But she wasn't like Natsu, a first-generation Dragon Slayer, but a Second Gen Dragon Slayer just like Laxus.

And like all Second Gen Dragon Slayers, they didn't have parental Dragons to guide them. No, they have figured out their Dragon Slayer Magic's abilities themselves.

However, one thing about Ice Dragon Slayer Magic, it could be used in a similar way as Ice Maker Magic. But, unlike Gray's magic, that needed hand symbols. Ice Slayer Magic doesn't, instead, when Vottes use her Ice Dragon abilities, a blue misty like icy flames comes out of her, and with that icy mist, she could create all kinds of blades and spikes with her own imagination.

(AN: Based on those ice dragons in Skyrim. When they use dragon breath, instead flames, they use a misty ice beam, don't they?)

Even her Ice Dragon Roar, seems like a blast of wind and ice, that freezes anything it touches.

With these newfound powers her abilities as an Ice Dragon Slayer. Vottes begun to plan her revenge on the old man who took everything away from her. And flee from this hell she been living for many years.

But Vottes never got her chance of revenge. That is because, shortly after she turned 17 years old. And still waiting for her moment to strike against this old wizard. One day out of the blue, that very same wizard, that took everything from her, never woke up again.

Seeing the old wizard died from old age. Vottes was a little sad, that she cannot finished him with her own hands. Nevertheless, she was also very happy that she could finally gained the freedom of her life back.

Or so Vottes thought she has. As she has no clue back then, that before the death of the old wizard. This Dark Wizard has already sold her! That's right by chance, the old Dark Wizard just happened to past away on the few days before the time hand Vottes over.

Of course, there is a reason why this vile Dark Wizard sold Vottes to a dark Guild no less. It wasn't because of money, or gaining favour of a Dark Guid, in fact the old man himself was a powerful Dark Wizard himself.

No, the reason why he agreed to sell Vottes to them. Was all because he wanted to know. He wanted to know if a Dragon Slayer has a child, will they also become a Dragon Slayer as well? After all, the main factor of a Dragon Slayer's power, is the genes of a Dragon that been infused with their bodies. It is also the reason why Dragon Slayers can use Dragon's magic itself.

And the person that the old man sold Vottes to, as part of his experiments to see if her child become a Dragon Slayer or not, happened to be man who is not only known to be a lustful man. But also at the same time, happens to be the guild leader of a Dark Guild, a guild called Black Rivers.

Black Rivers, they are a middle-level Dark Guild themselves, meaning they are not a powerful Dark Guild, but at the same time, they are not a weak guild either. Since they do have less than a handful of S-Class Wizards among their ranks.

Another thing to know about this guild, Black Rivers are in fact more like a trading company, than a normal Dark Guild. They have many connections in and outside of Ishgar, and not to mention, Black Rivers' main trade are either slavery, or magical drugs, that been banned in many countries.

Needlessly to say, this kind of guild are more than enough to handle someone like Vottes, who lacks a lot to be a wizard, be it her knowledge or her experience. It only by luck, why Vottes never been caught until now. And when she does face her pursuers, they wouldn't as strong as she was.

But moe she defeated more of them came after her. In the end, Black Rivers also put a bounty on her capture. And that bounty wasn't a small amount, but 10,000,000 Jewels.

This only shows how much the head of Black Rivers wanted Vottes. Even if he is a lustful man, but he is also a prideful man as well. Even if he hasn't touched Vottes, or even met her face to face yet. Doesn't change the sole fact, the head of Black Rivers already made Vottes his own property.

And like that, after 2 years of running, and hiding from her pursers. And doing whatever it took to survive or flee from their hands. Vottes was once more ambushed by her pursuers. But in the progress of getting free from her bounty hunters, Vottes ended up heavily wounded.

If it wasn't for Zack's arrival in this world. And, by chance, he was nearby. That will be the end of Vottes Brave, the end of this pitiful Dragon Slayer of Ice.

That is the life of Vottes Brave. A young woman, who happened to be 2 years older than Zack himself.
